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LC002b) Adjectifs 2

Vocab on describing someone s personality

Gentil/le Kind
Égoïste Selfish
Bavard/e Chatty
Drôle Funny
Méchant/e Mean
Grincheux/se Grumpy
Égocentrique Self-centered
Joyeux/se Happy
Timide Shy
Angoissé Anxious
Autoritaire Authoritarian
Heureux/se Glad
Intimidant/e Intimidating
Désagréable Unpleasant
Agréable Pleasant
Ambicieux/se Ambitious
Comique Funny
Honnête Honest
Malhonnête Dishonest
Jaloux/se Jealous
Pensif/ve - Rêveur/euse Contemplative
Chaleureux/se Warm
Doux/ce Soft/sweet
Violent/e Violent
Poli/e Polite
Impoli/e Impolite
Vulgaire Vulgar
Travailleur/euse Hardworking
Sérieux/se Serious
Ordonné/e Organized
Désordonné/e Messy/disorganized
Faible Weak
Vulnérable Vulnerable
Invulnérable Invulnerable
Pessimiste Pessimistic
Optimiste Optimistic
Compétant/e Competent
Incompétant/e Incompetent
Intelligent/e Intelligent
Idiot/e Stupid
Fidèle Trustworthy
Infidèle Infidel
Adroit/e Skillful
Maladroit/e Clumsy
Colérique Angry
Dépendant/e Dependent
Indépendant/e Independent
Attentionné/e Caring
Malintentionné/e Uncaring
Malin/e Sly
Arrogant/e Arrogant
Émotif/ve Emotional
Fourbe Deceitful
Modeste Modest
Souriant/e Smiling
Créatif/ve Creative
Lâche Coward
Sensible Sensitive
Misterieux/se Mistery
Naïf Naive
Popular French sets



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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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