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KSS SM VocabTest 2

SM VocabTest 2

Adeno - glands
Arthro - joints
Chondro - cartilage
Costo - rib
Cryo - cold
Derma - skin
Dys - disordered, bad
Endo- inside
Hemo - blood
Hydro - water
Hyper - above, beyond, or excessive
Hypo - lack of or deficiency; also a position below, under or beneath
Infra - below
Myo - muscle
Neuro - nerves
Osteo - bone
Phlebo - veins
Pyo - pus
Post - after
Pre - before
Supra – above
-algia pain
-ectomy removed
-itis inflammation (tenosynovitis)
-ology science (pathology)
-lysis loosening from adhesions (neurolysis)
-osis abnormal condition (tuberculosis)
-phobia fear (claustrophobia)
-ptosis falling or sagging (visceroptosis)
-rrhea discharging (diarrhea)
-stomy forming artificial opening (colostomy)
-tomy cutting open of an organ or cavity (tracheotomy)
- uria excreted in urine (albuminuria)
ABDOMEN Portion of the trunk located between the chest and the pelvisABDUCTION
ABRASION Superficial wound of the skin resulting from friction or scraping the skin against a hard surface
ACHILLES TENDON The common tendon of gastrocnemius and soleus (calf muscles) which inserts into the posterior of the calcaneus (heel bone)
ACTION The muscle movement
ACUTE Sharp, abrupt, sudden, such as acute pain, or a course of injury that is relatively severe and short
ADDUCTION Movement of a part toward the midline of the body; Opposite of abduction
AEROBIC Work or exercise requiring oxygen
AMNESIA Lack or loss of memory usually due to head injury, shock, fatigue, or illness
ANEROBIC Work or exercise not requiring oxygen
ANATOMY The study of structure of form
ANALGESIC An agent for producing insensibility to pain
ANESTHETIC An agent capable of producing partial or entire loss feeling or sensation
ANOMALY Deviation from the common rule; irregularity
ANTERIOR Situated in front of; refers to the front of the body or body part
ANTI-BIOTIC A drug used to inhibit or kill microorganisms
ANTI-SEPTIC An agent, which prevents the growth of bacteria
APATHY Lack of emotion or interest; indifference
APPENDICULAR The extremities
ARTHRITIS Inflammation in a joint
ARTHROLOGY The study of joint articulations
ARTHROSCOPY Viewing the inside of a joint through an arthroscope using a small video camera lens
ARTICULATION The site at which bones meet to form a joint
ATHLETE’S FOOT A superficial infection of the toes and feet caused by one of several fungi
ATROPHY A decrease in muscle or tissue size usually caused by disease, injury, or loss of innervation
AVASULAR Lack of blood circulation
AVULSION A tearing or pulling away of a part of a structure
AXIAL The body trunk
BASKETWEAVE A method of taping for protection usually applied to ankles
BICEP A muscle having two heads; Usually refers to the large flexor muscle of the front of the upper arm
BILATERAL On the other side (R or L)
BRADYCARDIA Slow heart rate
BRUISE The result of a blow (contusion) that injures the tissue under the skin and causes visible black and blue marks (ecchymosis)
BURSA A small closed sac, lined by specialized connective tissue, which contains a lubricating fluid; Bursa is usually located over bony prominences where muscles or tendons move over the bone end
BURSITIS Inflammation of the bursaCALCANEUS
CALCIFICATION Hardening by the deposition of salts of lime in the muscle tissue
CALLUS A thickening of or a hardthickened area on the skin
CARTILAGE A translucent, grizzle-like padding that lies or between most of the joints in the skeleton
CERVICAL Pertaining to the neck, especially the 7 vertebrae in the neck
CHRONIC Marked by long duration; continued; not acute; In athletics it usually refers to a recurrent injury, or one that has not responded to treatment
CIRCUMDUCTION Rotation in a full circleCLAVICLE
CONCUSSION The state of being shaken; a severe shaking or jarring of a part, as by an explosion, or a violent blow; shock
CONTRACTURE shortening or distorting of tissue; May be permanent due to scaring, or spasmodic and temporary
CONTRAINDICATE to advice against (aparticular treatment)
CONTRALATERAL On the opposite side
CONTRAST BATH Alternation of hot and cold water therapy for an injury
CONTUSION An injury to the skin or flesh without laceration; a bruise to bone or muscle from an outside force causing tissue damage and internal bleeding (hematoma)
CONVULSION A violent and involuntary contraction or series of contractions of the muscles; a spasm of seizure with or without unconsciousness, which may or may not be associated with various sensory or motor components described underepilepsy
CREPITUS A series of cracking sounds such as when ends of a broken bone rub together
CRYOKINETICS Treatment by use of cold with exercise movements
CRYOTHERAPY Treatment by use of cold
CYANOSIS A condition in which the skin becomes blue because of deficient aeration of theblood
DELTOID A large triangular muscle that covers the shoulder joint and serves to raise thearm laterally
DILATION A state of being enlarged
DIASTOLIC BP Force with which blood is pushing against the artery walls when ventricles are relaxed
DISLOCATION Complete displacement of a bone from its normal position in a joint
DISTAL Remote, farther away from the point of origin; farthest from the head; opposite of proximal
DORSAL Toward the back; the backside of the body
DORSIFLEXION To bring the foot or hand toward the body
ECCHYMOSIS The escape of blood into the tissues caused by a blow that ruptures the blood vessels; Black and blue appearance of the skin
EDEMA Swelling due to abnormal accumulation of fluid in tissues or cavities
EFFUSION Swelling of the joint due to bursitis or other chronic joint problems
ETIOLOGY The causes of an injury or disease
ERYTHEMA Abnormal redness of the skin; Caused by dilation and irritation of the superficial capillaries
EVERSION Turning the sole of the foot outward, away from the midline of the body
EXTENSION The straightening of a limb at a joint; increasing the angle between two bones
FIBRILLATION A quivering or tremor of muscle fibers
FIBROSIS A condition marked by an increase of interstitial fibrous tissue
FIBULA Small bone of the lower leg;Lateral side
FLEXIBILITY The range of motion in a given joint or combination of joints
FLEXION The bending of a limb at a joint, decreasing the angle between two bones
FRACTURE A break or crack in a bone
FRONTAL Divides anterior and posterior sectors
FUNGICIDE A chemical agent that destroys fungi
GERMICIDE A chemical agent that destroys pathogenic microorganisms
HAMSTRING MUSCLES, TENDONS The muscle in the back of the thigh that extend from the pelvis to the upper foreleg, and their tendons; Their main action is to flex the leg at the knee
HEEL LOCK A process of anchoring the heel on taping or wrapping an ankle
HEMATOMA A swelling composed of blood; internal bleeding, associated with contusions
HEMATURIA Presence of blood in the urine
HEMORRHAGE A discharging of blood from the blood vessels
HIP POINTER A contusion of the iliac crest, very painful and usually very tender to touch
HORIZONTAL EXTENSION Backward movement of the arm at the shoulder with the arm in an abducted position
HOT SPOT A hot or irritated feeling on the foot that occurs just before a friction blister forms
HUMERUS Upper arm bone
HYDROTHERAPY Treatment by use of water
HYPERTHERMIA Abnormally high body temperature
HYPOTHERMIA Abnormally low body temperature; core temperature below 95° F
HYPERTROPHY An increase in muscle or tissue size resulting from an increase in the cells that compose the tissue
INCISION A cut made surgically with a sharp knife
INDICATE To advise the use of (a particular treatment)
INFECTION The invasion of a host by organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, or insects with or without manifest disease
INFERIOR Toward the bottom or feet, Lower
INFLAMMATION A reaction of tissues to injury and infection, characterized by heat, swelling, red mass, pain, and sometimes loss of function
INNERVATE To supply with nerves;Through innervation the nerve stimulates the muscle to contract
INSERTION The end or part of a muscle by which it is attached to the part to be moved; the place where a muscle ends
INTERNAL ROTATION (IR) Rotating inward
INVERSION Turning the sole of the foot inward, toward the midline of the body
ISOTONIC Dynamic,;An isotonic contraction is a muscular contraction in which the muscle fibers change in length resulting in movement of the adjoining body parts; Muscle works with a change in muscle length; Concentric - shortening; Eccentric - lengthening
ISOMETRIC Static; Contraction of a muscle without movement; A muscular contraction in which the muscle fibers do not shorten in length resulting in no movement; Muscle works with no change in muscle length; Builds static strength,
ISOKINETIC Dynamic; A form of isotonic exercise in which maximum resistance is provided through the full range of movement; Muscle works with a change in muscle length and controlled speed; Requires an accommodating resistance device
JOCK ITCH An irritated area between the legs complicated by fungus infection
“JOINT MICE” Particles or loose bodies within a joint caused by fragmentation of joint surfaces or structures
KINESIOLOGY The study of human movement
LACERATION A cut or tear of skin or other body tissues usually accompanied by bleeding
LATERAL Away from the midline of the body, toward the side
LESION A wound or injury
LIGAMENT A band of non-elastic, tough connective tissue connecting the articular ends of the bones; frequently the stabilizing element of the joint and joint capsule
LUMBOSACRAL Referring to the area of the back where the lumbar and sacral areas are in contact; the “small” of the back
LUMBAR Referring to the lowest part of the spine
LUXATION Dislocation
MALLEOLUS Distal tibia or fibula
MALLEOLI Plural of malleolus
MEDIAL Situated or occurring in the middle; inside; toward the midline
MODALITY An agent used in physical therapy; also any apparatus used for applying such agent; or physical therapeutic agent such as whirlpool, massage, exercise, etc
MORTISE A cavity into which some other part fits
MUSCLE a tissue composed of contractile fibers or cells
MUSCLE CRAMP (SPASM) Painful involuntary contraction of skeletal muscle group
MYOLOGY Study of muscles
MYOSITIS Inflammation of muscle
MYOSITIS OSSIFICANS The formation of new bone following trauma, in tissues that normally do not undergo such a process; Most frequently seen in the quadriceps muscle following a severe blow to the thigh
NAIL AVULSION Dislodgment of the nail from its bed by trauma
NECROSIS Tissue death
NERVE A bundle of nerve fibers, usually outside the brain or spinal cord
NEUROLOGY Study of the nervous system
NEURITIS Inflammation or irritation due to infection of mechanical pressure on a nerve, causing pain, tenderness, and paresthesia along the course of the nerve
ORIGIN The more fixed, central or larger attachment of a muscle; (where a muscle begins)
PALMAR FLEXION Refers only to the wrists; Movement of the hand at the wrist toward the head from a starting position
PALPATION Examination by touch
PASSIVE not active; submissive
PATHOLOGY Study of the nature and causes of disease and injury, which cause change in structure, and function of body parts
PERIOSTEUM The membrane of connective tissue that closely invests all bones except at the articular surfaces
PHYSIOLOGY The study of function
PLANTAR Referring to the sole of the foot
PLANTAR WART An epidermal tumor of viral origin on the sole of the foot
PLANTAR FLEXION Ankle movement pointing toes toward the ground, or away from the body
POSTERIOR The back of the body or the body part
PROGNOSIS Prediction of the course and end of a disease or eventual outcome of injury
PRONATION Rotation of a limb toward the midline of the body, turning the palm downward, flattening the arch of the foot
Created by: SK Ath Med
Popular Sports Medicine sets




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