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Invitations 2
Question | Answer |
ikut | to follow |
ketiga | one third |
bertiga | three of us |
penyanyi | singer |
rentak | rhythm |
harga | price |
wain | wine |
persembahan | performance |
gula | sugar |
rentak lagu | music genre |
minuman | drink |
luar negeri | overseas |
muzik | music |
semut | ant |
teman berbual | friend to converse with (lit) someone to be intimate with; one night stand |
muda | young |
sifat | characteristics |
kemas | smartly/ neatly (dressed) |
risau | worry |
harus | should |
sambil | concurrently |
perlu | need |
menyelam | dive (selam) |
ajak | to invite (by 3rd party, not host) |
belanja | to treat someone |
berjenaka | to joke (not tease) |
bergurau | to tease/ joke with someone |
berpakaian | to get dressed |
berkumpul | to gather as a group |
bayar | to pay |
kemas | to keep tidy |
sambil menyelam minum air | lit: while diving, drink air fig: multitasking |
malam nanti | later tonight |
ada gula ada semut | lit: where there is sugar, there are ants fig: where there are attractive women, there will be men |
inilah sifat lelaki! | typical of men! |
berpakaian kemas | to dress smartly |
macam-macam | (informal) various |
berjenis-jenis | (formal) various |
ya kah? | really? |
benar | true |
memang. | really. |