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KSS SM Vocab 6

SM Vocab 6

CLAVICLE Collar bone
CONCUSSION The state of being shaken; a severe shaking or jarring of a part, as by an explosion, or a violent blow; shock
CONTRACTURE shortening or distorting of tissue; May be permanentdue to scaring, or spasmodic and temporary
CONTRAINDICATE to advice against (a particular treatment)
CONTRALATERAL On the opposite side
CONTRAST BATH Alternation of hot and cold water therapy for an injury
CONTUSION An injury to the skin or flesh without laceration; a bruise to bone or muscle from an outside force causing tissue damage andinternal bleeding(hematoma)
CONVULSION A violent and involuntary contraction or series of contractions of the muscles; a spasm of seizure with or without unconsciousness, which may or may not be associated with various sensory or motor components described underepilepsy
CREPITUS A series of cracking soundssuch as when ends of a broken bone rub together
CRYOKINETICS Treatment by use of cold with exercise movements
CRYOTHERAPY Treatment by use of cold
CYANOSIS A condition in which the skin becomes blue because of deficient aeration of the blood
DELTOID A large triangular muscle that covers the shoulder joint and serves to raise the arm laterally
DILATION A state of being enlarged
Created by: SK Ath Med
Popular Sports Medicine sets




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