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MLT hematology set

What is the calculation for MCV (mean cell volume)? HCTx10/RBC count
What is the calculation for MCH (mean cell hemoglobin)? HGBx10/RBC count
What is the calculation for the MCHC (mean cell hemoglobin concentration)? HGBx100/HCT
What is the calculation for RDW (red cell distribution width)? SD (size of distribution)/MCV
A MCV of < 80 fl is considered microcytic
A MCV of >94 fl is considered macrocytic
A blood sample from a 40-year-old white female has a WBC count of 10.2 × 109/L and a lymphocyte percentage of 47%. What can be concluded from this? The patient has only a relative lymphocytosis.
A blood sample from a 5-month-old infant indicates a WBC count of 12.5 × 109/L with 65% lymphocytes. What can you conclude from this? The infant is normal.
A peripheral blood smear has an even distribution of both normocytic normochromic cells and microcytic hypochromic cells. What is this phenomenon called Dimorphic cell population
An increased red cell distribution width (RDW) usually indicates what abnormality? Variation in erythrocyte size
Fetal hemoglobin is composed of what two globin chains? Two alpha, two gamma
In the complete hemoglobin structure, iron is: In the protoporphyrin ring
Reactive lymphocytes differ from normal lymphocytes in that the reactive form: Is larger with an increase in basophilic cytoplasm, vacuoles, and scalloped cell shape
Routine hematological analysis was performed on a 21-year-old adult. The WBC was 8.3 × 109/L. This finding represents a(n): Normal leukocyte count
The cellular component of blood that is involved in hemostasis is: Thrombocyte
The predominant blood leukocyte found in children is the: Lymphocyte
The process by which neutrophils migrate through the capillary wall into the tissues is known as: Diapedesis.
The protein found in erythrocytes that is responsible for oxygen transport is: Hemoglobin
What RBC inclusions cannot be seen with Romanowsky stain but can be visualized with supravital stain? Heinz bodies
What characteristic that is present in promyelocytes morphologically differentiates a promyelocyte from a myeloblast? Primary granules
What element is central to all the structures of a hemoglobin molecule? iron
What percentage of the total blood volume is composed of formed elements? 45
What structure within hemoglobin identifies the type of hemoglobin? Globin chain
Which abnormal hemoglobin contains a molecule of carbon monoxide? Carboxyhemoglobin
Which cell line matures and differentiates upon exposure to antigen? Lymphocytic
Which component of blood passes through blood vessel walls into surrounding tissues to defend the body against invading foreign antigens? Leukocytes
A CBC is performed on a polycythemic patient. What must the laboratician do to ensure that this specimen has an optimal blood smear? of
A laboratory professional is reviewing differentials and notices that the last few smears appear blue. What can be done to correct this? Change the buffer solution, which might be too alkaline
An increased red cell distribution width (RDW) usually indicates what abnormality? Variation in erythrocyte size
An instrument printout indicates an MCV of 63 fl and an MCHC of 26 g/dl. How will the red cells appear under the microscope? Microcytic, hypochromic
An instrument printout reports a WBC count of 18 x 109/L. The technologist notes 44 nucleated red blood cells. What is the corrected WBC count? 12.5 x 10^9/L
Nucleated RBC correction calculation Uncorrected WBC count x 100/ 100 + number of NRBCs
An instrument printout reports a platelet count of 85 x 109/L. The technologist reviewing the peripheral blood smears notices aggregates of platelets around many of the neutrophils. What is the best way to correct this problem? Redraw the sample in sodium citrate and repeat the platelet count
Given an RBC count of 3.25 x 1012/L, a hemoglobin of 9.0 g/dL, and a hematocrit of 25%, how will the red cells appear under PB smear examination? Microcytic
The following erythrocyte indices were determined as part of a CBC: MCV 84 fL, MCH 24 pg, and MCHC 30 g/dL. What would you expect to observe on the Wright-stained peripheral blood smear? Hypochromic, normocytic erythrocytes
Which of the following assays is not part of a typical complete blood count? Plasma ferritin
Which of the following laboratory values would best correlate with moderate polychromasia on a peripheral blood smear? A retic count of 8%
Which of the following represents a potential pre-examination error? Performing the test on a sample from a recently transfused patient
A(n) __________ has purple-black granules that obscure the cytoplasm, whereas a(n) __________ contains granules that orange to red in color. (Objective 4) basophil; eosinophil
Absolute cell count calculation adjusts for what variation(s)? Total WBC and differential counts
Acid is used in the quantification of hemoglobin F laboratory test because: Fetal cells are resistant to acid, which facilitates quantification of hemoglobin F.
All of the following can cause a leukocytosis except: Exposure to radiation
An elevated hemoglobin A1C indicates that: The patient's RBCs have been exposed to an elevated blood glucose for a prolonged period of time.
An elevated potassium in a hemolyzed specimen is classified as: Preanalytical error
An instrument printout reports a platelet count of 85 x 109/L. The technologist reviewing the peripheral blood smears notices aggregates of platelets around many of the neutrophils. What is the best way to correct this problem? Redraw the sample in sodium citrate and repeat the platelet count
An instrument printout shows a normal WBC count with a neutrophil count of 30%. What can be concluded from this? The patient has a relative neutropenia
Brilliant green is used as the stain of choice for Heinz body preparation because of: Its specificity for differentiating Heinz bodies from other inclusions
Choose the hemoglobin that has the highest oxygen affinity. Hb F
How does the anticoagulant EDTA prevent coagulation from occurring? Chelates calcium ions
Hydrodynamic focusing is used in automated cell-counting instruments to: Prevent coincidence passage through the detection aperture
IL-5 is the cytokine that is required for which cell type to proliferate and terminally differentiate? Eosinophil
Increased levels of Heinz bodies are seen in which of the following? G6PD deficiency
Natural killer cells recognize and kill antigens with attached IgG. This mechanism is described as: Antibody-dependent cellular activity
Regarding the CELL-DYN Sapphire, which parameter is determined by the impedance principle? Platelet count
The 18-gauge needles used to collect donor blood for transfusion have a larger bore than do standard blood collection needles. What is the advantage of this needle? The collection process is faster, and less hemolysis occurs.
The ESR determination on the MINI-VES™ instrument is based on: Decrease in height of the erythrocyte column at a given time
The basophil is the least plentiful cell found in the peripheral blood. What can it indicate when it is increased in the blood? Malignancy
The following erythrocyte indices were determined as part of a CBC: MCV 84 fL, MCH 24 pg, and MCHC 30 g/dL. What would you expect to observe on the Wright-stained peripheral blood smear? Hypochromic, normocytic erythrocytes
The function of a microscope’s condenser is to: Direct light onto the slide
The majority of carbon dioxide is transported in the body: As carbonic acid
The measurement of glycosylated hemoglobin is used as an indicator of what disease process Diabetes
The microscopic examination of a Wright-stained blood smear revealed bright red erythrocytes and pale leukocyte nuclei. What is the best explanation for this appearance? The buffer is too acidic.
The principle that relies on detecting resistance as cells pass through a photo-detector and is used by most of the major hematology analyzers is: Impedance
The reference interval for hemoglobin varies with age. Which of the following age groups is associated with the highest hemoglobin level? Newborns
The resolution of a microscope is a function of: Numerical aperture
What cell has CD8 on its surface? Cytotoxic T cell
What cell lineage is characterized by the presence of CD14 on its surface? Monocytic
What cellular characteristic is evaluated by radio frequency? Density
What characteristic that is present in promyelocytes morphologically differentiates a promyelocyte from a myeloblast? Primary granules
What is the anticoagulant in the most commonly utilized tube in hematology, and how does it prevent coagulation from taking place? EDTA; chelates calcium
What structure within hemoglobin identifies the type of hemoglobin? Globin chain
Which analyzer does not use cyanide-free detection of hemoglobin? Advia 120
Which analyzer has the ability to quantify nucleated RBCs and calculate a corrected WBC count? Coulter LH 780
Which analyzer measures platelets in the same channel as reticulocytes? Sysmex XE-2100
Which cell line does not have a large reserve pool in the marrow? Monocytic
Which cell line is the first line of defense against helminth infections? Eosinophil
Which cell line matures and differentiates upon exposure to antigen? Lymphocytic
Which of the following abnormal hemoglobins is formed when iron is in the ferric state? Methemoglobin
Which of the following blood vessels have the highest pO2? Pulmonary veins
Which of the following describes the distribution of lymphocytes within the body? 95% are found in the lymph nodes and spleen, 5% in the peripheral blood
Which of the following is a characteristic of T lymphocytes? Cytokine secretion
Which of the following is a characteristic of NK cells? They phagocytize bacteria.
Which of the following is associated with an increased leukocyte concentration? Birth, pregnancy, infection
What term describes an absolute increase in the number of lymphocytes? Lymphocytosis
Which of the following terms is used to describe an absolute increase in the number of eosinophils? Eosinophilia
Which two CD markers are used to differentiate helper T cells and cytotoxic T cells? CD4 and CD8
A reticulocyte count is 6%. This result is: Increased.
Choose the correct order of normoblastic maturation from least mature to most mature. Pronormoblast, basophilic normoblast, polychromatophilic normoblast, orthochromatic normoblast, reticulocyte, erythrocyte
In a non anemic adult, what is the normal range for peripheral blood reticulocytes? 0.5−2.0%
Increased hemoglobin affinity for oxygen correlates to which of the following? A decreased 2,3-BPG
maturing erythrocyte Earliest morphologically recognizable erythrocytic cell Pronormoblast
maturing erythrocyte with first visible appearance of hemoglobin Basophilic normoblast
maturing erythrocyte Stage when the nucleus becomes pyknotic and is extruded Orthochromic normoblast
maturing erythrocyte with first stage without a nucleus Reticulocyte
maturing erythrocyte with first stage without ribosomes Erythrocyte
maturing erythrocyte last stage capable of mitosis Polychromatophilic normoblast
Polychromatophilic red blood cells are commonly called what cell type? reticulocyte
Predict the results of erythropoietin in a patient with hypoxia. It will be increased
Red blood cell production begins with what cell? Hematopoietic stem cell
The average RBC is what size? 7–8 mcM
The deformability of the RBC membrane is attributed to which of the following? Peripheral proteins
The life span of a normal erythrocyte is about: 120 days
What analyte can help to differentiate between intravascular and extravascular hemolysis? Haptoglobin
What effect would a deficiency in G6PD have on RBC survival? It would decrease the survival of the RBCs.
Where does normal extravascular hemolysis take place? Spleen and liver
Which of the following cells gives rise to the lymphoid and myeloid cells? Multipotential progenitor cell
Which of the following classes of hematopoietic cells is committed to becoming an erythrocyte? BFU-E
Which pathway produces the energy required for proper RBC function from ~90% of the consumed glucose: Glycolytic
Which term is used to describe all cells antecedent to mature cells of a particular lineage? Precursor cells
Which term is used to describe the point when two cells from the same precursor take a separate route of development? Differentiation
Acanthocytes or spur cells have membranes with irregular distribution of spikes. What other significant feature does this cell possess? Lack of central pallor
An increased red cell distribution width (RDW) usually indicates what abnormality? Variation in erythrocyte size
An instrument printout indicates an MCV of 63 fl and an MCHC of 26 g/dl. How will the red cells appear under the microscope? Microcytic, hypochromic
An instrument printout reveals an RDW of 33. Which of the following would best correlate with those results? The presence of a dimorphic cell population on the PB smear
How does the mean cell volume value classify cells? Normocytic, microcytic, macrocytic
How would you differentiate between an acanthocyte and an echinocyte? The variety in length and distribution of the spikes
Howell-Jolly bodies are red cell inclusions associated with what disease state? Megaloblastic anemia
Remnants of DNA inside an RBC produce which type of inclusion? Howell-Jolly bodies
What disease state is associated with helmet cells? Heart valve hemolysis
What is one of the disease states associated with the presence of target cells? Thalassemia
What staining method can be used to differentiate Pappenheimer bodies from reticulocytes? Perl's Prussian blue
Which RBC inclusion is characterized by diffusely staining RNA precipitate that can be seen when blood is stained with Wright′s stain? Basophilic stippling
Which of the following inherited condition is considered a low risk for a venous thromboembolic event? Sickle-cell anemia
Which of the following describes how platelet clumping artificially alters platelet parameters? Increases both the PDW and the MPV
Created by: Mwortman
Popular Laboratory Science sets




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