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Tic-Tac-Toe Sort 3

Sort 3

Enjoyable derivatives: entertaining (of an activity or occasion) giving delight or pleasure. to have fun
Invincible derivatives: unbeatable too powerful to be defeated or overcome
Formidable derivatives: daunting inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable to appear powerful
Predictable derivatives: foreseeable able to be predicted to guess
Profitable derivatives: Successful (of a business or activity) yielding profit or financial gain to make money
Edible derivatives: wholesome fit to be eaten (often used to contrast with unpalatable or poisonous examples) to be safe to eat
Perishable derivatives: none (especially of food) likely to decay or go to die or decay quickly
Punishable derivatives: illegal (of an act) subject to a judicial punishment to do something to have a consequence
Edible derivatives: wholesome fit to be eaten (often used to contrast with unpalatable or poisonous examples safe to eat
Perishable derivatives: none (especially of food) likely to decay or go bad quickly to die or decay quickly
Punishable derivatives: illegal (of an act) subject to a judicial punishment to do something worth a consequence
Adaptable derivatives: flexible able to adjust to new condition to be able to change under new conditions
Eligible derivatives: entitled having the right to do or obtain something; satisfying the appropriate conditions to be qualified
Questionable derivatives: doubtful doubtful as regards truth or quality to be able to argue about a subject
Laughable derivatives: absurd so ludicrous as to be amusing to be amusing
Terrible derivatives: horrifying extremely or distressingly bad or serious to be really bad
Plausible derivatives: likely (of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable to seem reasonable
Attainable derivatives: achievable able to be attained; achievable within reach
Indelible derivatives: permanent (of ink or a pen) making marks that cannot be removed to not be able to be removed
Corruptible derivatives: corrupt capable of being corrupted to be able to be corrupted
Compatible derivatives: none (of two things) able to exist or occur together without conflict when 2 things work well together
Decipherable derivatives: decode to determine the meaning of to find the hidden meaning of something
Intangible derivatives: untouchable unable to be touched or grasped; not having physical presence not able to be touched
Sustainable derivatives: none able to be maintained at a certain rate or level to take care of easily
Combustible derivatives: flammable able to catch fire and burn easily to burn or catch fire easily
Reproducible derivatives: none able to be reproduced or copied to be copied or made again
Created by: marvelousquizer2
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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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