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Bus. Sem. 1 Exam

Chapter 10 and Chapter 11

Intrinsic Rewards Personal satisfaction that you feel when you perform well and complete goals. Examples: feeling important and accomplishing tasks *helps boost motivation
Extrinsic Rewards Something given as a recognition of good work. Example: pay raises, promotions, and awards
Scientific Management Studying workers to find the most efficient way of doing things and teaching people those techniques.
Time-Motion Studies Studies of which TASKS must be performed to complete a JOB and the TIME needed to do each task.
Principle of Motion Economy Jobs that are broken down into a series of elementary motions.
How are some of Fredrick Taylor's ideas used? UPS- how they walk, how fast to walk, how to hold the keys, and how many packages to deliver
Hawthorne Studies A study that found that production increased when people were treated better. *was influential to management development
Maslow's Theory of Motivation Based on unmet human needs -If the needs are not meet, you are unable to move up the pyramid -Once the need is met, it is not a motivating factor
Hierarchy of Needs Self-Actualization Esteem Social Needs Safety Needs Physiological Needs
Theory X Belief that employee don't like working -Managers treat employees differently -No empowerment -Workers become less motivation to work because of strict rules and no freedom Motivation: FEAR and PUNISHMENT (Negative Reinforcement)
Theory Y Belief that workers like to work -Free-Rein management -Employees are empowered -Employees become motivated to work because of freedom and control Motivation: TIME OFF, MONEY, RECOGNITION (Positive Reinforcement)
Type J -Lifetime employment -Group decision making -Slow evaluation and performance -Concern for employees -Non-specialized career paths
Type A -Short-term employment -Individual decision making -Rapid evaluation and promotion -Specialized career path
Type Z -Long-term employment -Group decision-making -Slow evaluation and promotion -Concern for employees
Who discovered Type Z? William Ouchi
Management by Objectives (MBO) A system of goal setting and implementation, it involves discussion, review, and evaluation. *employees need to motivate themselves
Goal Setting Theory Setting ambitious but attainable goals can motivate and improve performance if the goals are accepted and used with feedback
Expectancy Theory The amount of effort employees exert on a project depends on the expectations of the outcome.
3 questions aked 1. Can I accomplish the task? 2. What is my reward? 3. Is the reward worth the effort
5 Step Employee Performance Plan 1. Determine what rewards employees value 2. Determine each employees desired performance standard 3. Ensure that the standards are attainable 4. Rewards are tied to performance 5. Be certain that employees value the reward
Reinforcement Theory Positive and negative reinforcers motivate person to behave in certain ways. Positive reinforcement (pay raises) vs. Negative reinforcement (demotion)
Equity Theory Employees try and maintain equity between inputs and outputs compared to others in similar positions
Job Enrichment A motivational strategy that emphasizes motivation through the job itself.
Job Enlargement A motivational strategy that involves combining a series of tasks into one challenging and interesting assignment
Job Rotation Employees being trained in multiple aspects of the job. (Employees are cross-trained) *can be costly
High Context Culture Building personal relationships with co-workers and establishing trust before working on group tasks.
Low context Culture Views building relationships as a waste of time that diverts energy away from the task at hand.
Human Resources Management Determining the human needs then recruiting, selecting, developing, motivating, evaluating, compensating, and scheduling employees to achieve goals. *Becoming a responsibility of all managers. *MANY challenges involved
Laws Affecting HRM Companies cannot discriminate base on race, religion, gender, age, physical or mental disabilities (MUST accommodate)
Recruitment Set of activities used to obtain a sufficient number of right employees (Internal vs. External)
Selection Process of gathering information and deciding who should be hired
Contingent (seasonal) workers Workers that are part time, seasonal, independent contractors, interns, etc.
Training and Development Improve productivity by increasing employee's ability to perform -Orientation -On the job training -Apprentice programs -Off the job training -Online training
Management Development Training and educating employees to become good managers
Performance Appraisal Evaluations! Communication of standards, evaluating performance, discuss results with employees, take corrective action, use results to make better decisions.
Compensating Employees Pay scales, salaries, bonuses, benefits, Benefits: Sick leave, vacation pay, pension, health insurance, company cars
Cafeteria style Fringe Benefits Picking and choosing specific benefits up to a certain amount
Scheduling Flextime, core time, compressed workweek, home-based, job sharing.
Flextime plan Coming and leaving work any time you choose.
Core Time Pick and choose your time, but you have a set time one day a week.
Compressed workweek You work all 40 hours in 4 day of 10 hours each. You are off work for 3 days.
Home-based workweek The majority of your work is done at home.
Job Sharing The responsibility of your job are shard among 2 people.
Motivating employees Promoting within or lateral movements, terminating, retiring, loosing valued employees
Exit Interview Survey that you have to take at the end of a job.
Created by: LHS_Alex
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