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English 7 M3

Module 3 Lesson Vocabulary

alliteration the use of words with the same or similar beginning sounds
audience the intended readers to whom the author is writing
chronological order organizational pattern in which details are arranged in the order they occur
citation a note stating where the author found a specific piece of information
element a material composed of one kind of atom, with a fixed number of protons in its nucleus; elements combine to form many kinds of matter
epic a long narrative poem that celebrates the deeds of a heroic figure
fact a statement that can be proven true
figurative language language that uses figures of speech such as metaphor, simile, and personification for poetic effect rather than for precise, factual meaning.
historical fiction a type of story that contains facts about real people, places, and events, but also contains fictional elements that add dramatic interest to the story
hook a surprising or intriguing passage, idea, or image used to grab the reader’s attention, usually at the beginning of a work
irony the effect of language in which the intended meaning is the opposite of what is stated; or the effect of a situation in which the opposite of what one would have thought is actually what occurs
logical order organizational pattern in which details are grouped together such as in comparison and contrast, where the similarities or differences are grouped together
metaphor a figure of speech that suggests or states a comparison between two unlike things, without using such words as like or as; for example, "The cat´s eyes were emeralds shining in the night."
meter the arrangement of words in poetry based on rhythm, accents, and the number of syllables in a line
mood the emotions or feelings conveyed in a literary work
narrative poem a poem that tells a story
onomatopoeia the use of words that imitate sounds, such as buzz, clang, boom
order of importance organizational pattern in which details are presented from least important to most important or from most important to least important
pattern of organization the order in which details are arranged
personification giving human qualities to a thing or abstraction; for example, "The kettle sang on the hearth," or "After the victory, freedom held its head high in the nation."
plagiarism using another person´s words without crediting the source
purpose the reason for writing
research finding information through study rather than through personal experience
research report a type of essay based mainly on the author´s research
rhyme scheme the pattern of rhymes made by the final words or sounds in the lines of a poem, typically designated by a different letter of the alphabet to represent each rhyme
rhythm a regular pattern of sound and beats within a poem
setting where and when a literary work takes place
simile a figure of speech that compares two things, usually using the words like or as; for example, "like a thief in the night," "quiet as a mouse"
source a provider of information, such as a book, a historical document, online materials, or an interviewee
spatial order organizational pattern in which details are arranged according to location
stanza a subdivision or group of lines in a poem, like a paragraph in prose writing
style the words the writer chooses and the way the writer arranges the words into sentences
thesis statement the sentence that states the main idea of an essay
tone the writer's attitude toward the topic or subject
voice the way a piece of writing sounds
Created by: lfrost_id
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