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RYT 200 Vocabulary
Required Sanskrit Vocabulary for YCHL RYT 200 program
Term | Definition |
anga | limb |
garbha | womb |
hasta | hand |
janu | knee |
karna | ear |
mukha | face or mouth |
pada | foot or leg |
sirsa | head |
adho | downward |
parvirtta | revolved |
parsva | side |
pascima | back, behind, WEST |
prasarita | spread |
purva | front, EAST |
sthiti | stand |
upavista | seated |
urdhva | upward |
utthita | extended |
viparita | inverted |
Brahman | energy of creation |
Ganesha | elephant-headed son of Shiva, scribe of the Mahabharata, remover of obstacles |
Hanuman | monkey-deity servant of Rama, energy of service |
Patanjali | author of the yoga sutras |
Krishna | incarnation of Vishnu, main character of Gita |
Shiva | energy of destruction and transformation |
Vishnu | energy of preservation and maintenance |
Vyasa | author of the Mahabharata |
Anjali-mudra | prayer gesture, palms together, fingertips pointed upwards |
Chin-mudra | consciousness gesture, palms down, index fingertip and thumb tip touch |
eka | one |
dvi | two |
Kriyas | bodily cleansing techniques, meant to purify both the body and the mind. |
Dhauti | Stomach cleansing |
Basti | ayurvedic enema |
Neti | Nasal cleansing |
Trataka | concentrated gazing |
Tratak | concentrated gazing |
Nauli | abdominal churning |
Kapalabhati | Respiratory cleansing |
Bhagavad Gita | conversation between Krishna and Arjuna, "divine song" |
Mahabharata | epic story containing the Bhagavad Gita, "Great India" |
Upanishads | source of Vedanta philosophy |
abhyasa | practice |
agni | fire principle |
ananda | joyfulness |
ashtanga | eight limbs |
atman | soul, self |
ayurveda | science of longevity |
baddha | bound |
bandha | body lock |
bhakti | devotion |
bhavana | intention |
chakra | energy center |
chandra | moon |
chikitsa | treatment, therapy |
cakra | energy center |
candra | moon |
cikitsa | treatment, therapy |
danda | staff |
deva | male god |
devi | goddess |
dhanur | bow |
dharma | purpose or calling |
dristi | gaze point |
drsti | gaze point |
guru | teacher |
guna | attribute, quality |
hatha | sun and moon |
ida | left nadi |
jnana | knowledge |
ghana | knowledge |
karma | action, past as well |
karuna | compassion |
kona | angle |
kriya | cleansing |
kundalini | energy with moves up the body through sushumna |
mala | garland |
mandala | circle |
mantra | chant |
moksha | liberation |
mudra | gesture |
mula | root foundation |
nadi | energy channel |
namaskara | respectful greeting |
namaste | greeting, "I bow to the divine in you" |
nidra | deep dreamless sleep |
nirvana | liberation from existence, extinguishing |
ojas | strength of prana, subtle energy/immunals |
padma | lotus |
pingala | right nadi |
prakrti | one's genetic constitution |
prana | breath, energy |
pranayama | breath regulation |
ama | toxins |
raja | king |
rajas | guna of activity |
santi | peace, calm |
shanti | peace, calm |
sarva | all |
sattva | guna of light |
surya | sun |
tamas | guna of inertia |
veda | knowledge, scriptures |
vinyasa | flowing sequence |
yoga | union, yoke |
samasthiti | command to attention |
ekam | one |
dve | two |
jalandhara bandha | chin lock |
mula bandha | root lock |
uddiyana bandha | belly lock |
ahimsa | non-violence |
satya | truthfulness |
asteya | non-stealing |
brahmacharya | moderation |
aparigraha | non-hoarding |
sauca | purity |
santosha | contentment |
tapas | burning zeal |
svadhyaya | self-study |
isvara-pranidhana | devotion to a higher power |
yamas | moral restraints |
niyamas | moral observances |
asanas | postures |
pratyahara | turning inward |
dharana | concentration |
dhyana | meditation |
samadhi | bliss |
sushumna | main energy channel |
1st chakra | muladhara |
2nd chakra | svadhisthana |
3rd chakra | manipura |
4th chakra | anahata |
5th chakra | visuddha |
6th chakra | ajna |
7th chakra | sahasrara |
Sirsasana | headstand |
sarvangasana | shoulder stand |
halasana | plow pose |
matsyasana | fish pose |
bhujangasana | cobra pose |
dhanurasana | bow pose |
shalabhasana | locust pose |
paschimottanasana | seated forward fold |
ardha matsyendrasana | seated twist Half Lord of the Fishes pose |
trikonasana | triangle pose |
kakasana | crow pose |
pada hasthasana | standing forward fold |
agni sara | fire essence |
ananda pranayama | breath of joy |
anuloma viloma | alternate nostril breathing |
bhastrika | bellows breath |
bhramari | humming bee breath |
dirga | 3 part breath |
kapalabhati pranayama | breath of fire |
nadi shodhana | sun moon breath |
pulling prana | pulling energy |
sithali | cooling breath |
sitkari | facial countenance breath |
ujjayi | ocean breath |
sutra | a code of life, thread |
balasana | child's pose |
virasana | hero's pose |
janu sirsasana | seated head to knee pose |
adho mukha svanasana | downward facing dog |
virabhadrasana | warrior pose |
savasana | corpse pose |
gomukasana | cow's face pose |
sukhasana | easy seat pose |
viparita karani | legs up the wall pose |
uttanasana | forward fold |
utkatasana | chair pose |
ardha uttanasana | half forward fold |
hanumanasana | splits pose |
malasana | yoga squat or garland pose |
apanasana | wind releasing pose |
ananda balasana | happy baby pose |
dandasana | staff pose |
tadasana | mountain pose |
urdhva mukha svanasana | upward facing dog |
karnapidasana | Ear to knee pose |
mayurasana | peacock pose |
purvottanasana | upward facing plank pose |
vrschikasana | scorpion pose |
vrksasana | tree pose |
utthita trikonasana | extended triangle pose |
parsvakonasana | side-angle pose |
ardha chandrasana | half-moon pose |
prasarita padottanasana | wide-legged forward bend |
navasana | boat pose |
parsvottanasana | intense side stretch pose |
baddha konasana | bound cobbler's pose |
krounchasana | heron's pose |
bakasana | crane pose |
tittibhasana | firefly pose |
marichyasana | Pose of the Sage Marichi |
chaturanga dandasana | four-limbed staff pose |
ustrasana | camel pose |
chakrasana | wheel pose |
kapotasana | pigeon pose |
padangusthasana | big toe pose |
tolasana | scales pose |
kurmasana | tortoise pose |
Bhekasana | frog pose |
padmasana | lotus pose |
Agnistambhasana | fire log pose |
Buddha | the awakened one |