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Jewish Holidays

The ten days between Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah High Holy Days
Blow the shofar Rosh Hashanah
Tashlich, Jews throw bread crumbs into running water Rosh Hashanah
Celebrated on the first and second days of Tishrei Rosh Hashanah
Tenth day of Tishrei Yom Kippur
Jews must abstain from eating, drinking, washing, and sex Yom Kippur
Book of Jonah read Yom Kippur
Kapparot, swing a chick over someone's head Yom Kippur
Kol Nidre, an ancient prayer which forgives Jews who unwittingly made any promises Yom Kippur
15th of Tishrei Sukkot
Commemorates building booths after the Exodus Sukkot
Jews live in tents for 7 days Sukkot
Ushpizin: invite a biblical figure, normally the seven shepherds of Israel, to be a guest Sukkot
The palm, citrus, myrtle, and willow are waved in seven directions Sukkot
The Aravah resembles mouths, and the Hadas resemble eyes Sukkot
25th of Kislev (3rd month) Hanukkah
Lasts for 8 days called the zot Hanukkah
Celebrates the success of the Maccabean Revolt Hanukkah
Eat latkes Hanukkah
Eat cheese to celebrate the beheading of Holofernes' beheading by Judith Hanukkah
Married men wear a white robe called the kittel Yom Kippur
Ma'oz Tzur is often sang on this holiday Hanukkah
15th day of Nissan Passover
Commemorates the Exodus from Egypt Passover
Begins a period called Omer Passover
The youngest child asks the Four Questions Passover
Day of mourning for destruction of both First and Second Temples Ninth of Av
Book of Lamentations and Book of Job are read by candlelight Ninth of Av
Traditionally, the Messiah should be born on this dates Ninth of Av
14th Adar Purim
Commemorates the victory of Esther and Mordechai against Haman Purim
Eat triangle sandwiches called hamentaschen, named after Haman Purim
Traditional to tell stories and shout whenever Haman is mentioned Purim
Jewish prayer for the dead which requires a minyan (10 adults) Kaddish
The prayer said just before death, the first part is aloud and the second is quietly Shema Yisrael
"Hear, O, Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One” Shema Yisrael
The end of Omer Shavuot
Celebrates the giving of the Torah to Moses Shavuot
Created by: The A-Man
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