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Major Authors & Work
Question | Answer |
Classical Author - Aeschylus | Prometheus Bound |
Classical Author - Sophocles | Antigone |
Classical Author - Euripides | Medea |
Classical Author - Homer | Odyssey |
Classical Author - Virgil | The Aeneid |
Classical Author - Ovid | Metamorphoses |
Classical Author - Horace | The Odes |
Classical Author - Sappho | Hymn to Aphrodite |
Classical Author - Aristophanes | Lysistrata |
Medieval Author - Geoffrey Chaucer | The Canterbury Tales |
Medieval Author - Unknown | Beowulf |
Medieval Author - Anna Comnena | Alexiad |
Medieval Author - William Langland | Piers Plowman |
Medieval Author - Sir Thomas Mallory | Le Morte d’Arthur |
Medieval Author - Margery Kempe | The Book of Margery Kempe |
Medieval Author - John Gower | Vox Clemantis |
Medieval Author - Juan Ruiz | The Book of Good Love |
Renaissance Author - Lady Mary Wroth | The Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania |
Renaissance Author - Sir Phillip Sydney | Astrophel and Stella |
Renaissance Author - John Donne | A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning |
Renaissance Author - Michael Drayton | Since There’s no Help, Come Let Us Kiss and Part |
Renaissance Author - Ben Johnson | To Celia |
Renaissance Author - Edmund Spenser | The Faerie Queene |
Renaissance Author - John Milton | Paradise Lost |
Renaissance Author - William Shakespeare | Romeo and Juliet |
Renaissance Author - Christopher Marlowe | Doctor Faustus |
17th and 18th Century Author - John Gay | The Beggar’s Opera |
17th and 18th Century Author - Anne Bradstreet | The Author to Her Book |
17th and 18th Century Author - Jonathon Swift | Gulliver’s Travels |
17th and 18th Century Author - Thomas Gray | An Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard |
17th and 18th Century Author - Daniel Defoe | Robinson Crusoe |
17th and 18th Century Author - Robert Herrick | To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time |
17th and 18th Century Author - Henry Fielding | Tom Jones |
17th and 18th Century Author - Alexander Pope | The Rape of the Lock |
17th and 18th Century Author - John Dryden | Mack Flecknoe |
17th and 18th Century Author - William Congreve | The Way of the World |
19th Century Author - Herman Melville | Moby Dick |
19th Century Author - Mary Shelley | Frankenstein |
19th Century Author - Charlotte Bronte | Jane Eyre |
19th Century Author - Samuel Taylor Coleridge | The Rime of the Ancient Mariner |
19th Century Author - Thomas Hardy | Tess of the d'Urbervilles |
19th Century Author - Charles Dickens | Great Expectations |
19th Century Author - John Keats | To Autumn |
19th Century Author - George Eliot | Middlemarch |
19th Century Author - Mark Twain | The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn |
19th Century Author - Walt Whitman | Leaves of Grass |
19th Century Author - Emily Dickinson | Because I could not stop for death |
19th Century Author - Kate Chopin | The Awakening |
19th Century Author - Nathaniel Hawthorne | The Scarlet Letter |
19th Century Author - Jane Austen | Pride and Prejudice |
20th Century Author - Ezra Pound | The Cantos |
20th Century Author - Virginia Woolf | Mrs. Dalloway |
20th Century Author - Alice Walker | The Color Purple |
20th Century Author - J.D. Salinger | The Catcher in the Rye |
20th Century Author - James Joyce | Ulysses |
20th Century Author - William Faulkner | The Sound and the Fury |
20th Century Author - e.e. Cummings | anyone lived in a pretty how town |
20th Century Author - T.S.Eliot | The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock |
20th Century Author - Gwendolyn Brooks | We Real Cool |
20th Century Author - Anne Sexton | Cinderella |
20th Century Author - Sylvia Plath | The Bell Jar |
20th Century Author - William Butler Yeats | The Second Coming |
20th Century Author - Langston Hughes | Theme for English B |
20th Century Author - John Steinbeck | The Grapes of Wrath |
20th Century Author - Arthur Miller | The Crucible |
20th Century Author - F. Scott Fitzgerald | The Great Gatsby |
20th Century Author - Ernest Hemingway | A Farewell to Arms |
20th Century Author - Robert Frost | Fire and Ice |
20th Century Author - Wilfred Owen | Anthem for Doomed Youth |
20th Century Author - Kurt Vonnegut | Slaughterhouse-Five |
20th Century Author - Toni Morrison | Beloved |
20th Century Author - Norman Mailer | The Executioner’s Song |
20th Century Author - Terrance McNally | Angels In America |