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Computer Repair Ch 3

On the Motherboard

Clock speed The speed of the processor's internal clock, measured in gigahertz.
bus speed The speed at which data is delivered when a particular bus on the motherboard is being used.
front side bus (FSB) The speed between the CPU and some of the motherboard components. (motherboard speed)
back side bus The speed between the CPU and the L2 cache located outside the main CPU but on the same chip.
PCI bus speed The speed at which data is delivered when the PCI bus is being used. (common speeds are 33 and 66 MHz, with bandwidths up to 533MB/s
PCIe bus speed The speed at which data is delivered when the PCIe bus is being used. Main bus on motherboard used for PCIe adapters.
AGP bus speed The speed at which data is delivered when the AGP bus is being used. The AGP bus is an older standard used for video cards.
CPU speed The speed at which the CPU operates; it can be changed on some motherboards.
CPU throttling Reducing the clock frequency to slow the CPU in order to reduce power consumption and heat. This is especially useful in mobile devices.
Registers Type of high-speed memory storage inside the processor. Used to temporarily hold calculations, data, or instructions.
Cache memory A very fast type of memory designed to increase the speed of processor operations.
L1 cache Cache memory integrated into the processor
L2 cache Cache in the processor packaging, but not part of the CPU; also called on-die cache.
L3 cache Usually found in the more powerful processors and can be located in the CPU housing (on-die) or on the motherboard
Thread A small piece of an application process that can be handled by an operating system.
HTT Hyper-threading technology. (HT Technology)
DIB Dual independent bus. Back side bus and Front side bus
Multil-core processor Multiple CPU's in a same processor housing. (dual-core; tri-core; quad-core; hexa-core; octa-core)
GPU Graphics Processing Unit
IGP Integrated graphics processor
APU Accelerated processing unit
Virtualization Having one or two virtual machines on the same computer. Virtualization software enables one computer to act as if it were two or more computers.
Heat sink A block of metal, metal bars, or metal fins that attach to the top of the processor or other motherboard components. Heat from the processor is transferred to the heat sink and then blown away by the air flow throughout the computer case.
thermal paste or pad Paste, compound, or grease is applied to the top of the processor before a heat sink is attached. Some heat sinks and fans come pre-applied. Thermal pad provides uniform heat dispersion and lies between the processor and heat sink.`
liquid cooling liquid is circ. through the sys., including the heat sink mounted on CPU. Heat from processor is xferred to liquid, transported to back of sys., converted to heat & released outside case. CPU temp. remains constant, no matter the usage.
passive cooling Passive cooling involves no fans, so a heat sink that does not have a fan attached is known as a passive heat sink.
Throttle management ability to control the CPU speed by slowing it down when it is not being used heavily or when it is hot.
Overclocking changing the front side bus speed and/or multiplier to boost CPU and system speed. Has some issues! see pgs 98-99
Created by: ChristyB
Popular Computers sets




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