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What are the sections of a research article? Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion
Describe the Scientific Method Define the problem, form a hypothesis, collect and analyse data, draw conclusions, and communicate findings
Why do we observe behaviour to determine unobservable Psychological Attributes? To identify some type of observable behaviour that we think represents the unobservable psychological attribute.
What are the three assumptions underlying conclusions drawn in psychology studies? 1. Behaviour observed is really said psychological attribute 2. The behaviour is linked to the attribute 3. The attribute exists
Define a psychological test A systematic procedure for comparing the behaviour of two or more people
What must psychological tests be capable of? They must be able to: 1. compare the behaviour of two people and 2. compare the behaviour of the same individual at different points
What is psychometrics? The sciences concerned with evaluatiing the attributes of psychological tests e.g. validity, reliability
What are some challenges to measurement in psychology? Participant reactivity, biases and expectations from the people collecting the data, score sensitivity, lack of awareness of important psychometric information
What is participant reactivity? Individuals alter their performance or behavior due to the awareness that they are being observed.
What are demand characteristics? Reacting according to what the researcher wants
WHat is social desirability? Participants reacting in line of what is "good"
What is malingering? Participants attempting to sabotage the test by answering it badly
What is observer/scorer bias? A researcher's cognitive bias causes them to subconsciously influence the participants of an experiment
What is a composite score? Scoring each question and summing up or averaging the total of those scores
What is score sensitivty? How precise scales
What is the lack of awareness? Not knowing what a test is supposed to measure
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