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WGU-Lit Poetry

WGU-Poetry Module 5

Accentual-syllabic Extension of accentual verse which fixes both the number of stresses, or accents, & the number of syllables in each line of verse
Ballad Poem that recounts a story, single episode, intended to be sung; features simple language, dramatic action, sometimes tragic ending
Enjambment (Striding over) occurs when the sense & or grammatical structure of a sentence moves from one verse to the next without punctuated pause
Foot Unit of measurement in metrical poetry; each pair of stressed & unstressed syllables make up each
Monometer One foot
Dimeter Two feet
Trimeter Three feet
Tetrameter Four feet
Pentameter Five feet
Hexameter Six feet
Heptameter Seven feet
Octameter Eight feet
Nonameter Nine feet
Decameter Ten feet
Form Means by which a literary work conveys its meaning; includes totality of ways in which it unfolds & coheres as a structure of meaning & expression
Blank Verse Most common & well-known meter of unrhymed poetry; 5 Iambic feet per line & is never rhymed
Free Verse Describes poetry that organizes it's lines without meter; may be rhymed but usually is not
Haiku Japanese verse form that has three unrhymed lines of 5, 7, & 5 syllables; often serious & spiritual in tone & usually set in one of four seasons
Limerick Short & usually comic verse form of 5 anapestic lines usually rhyming aabba; 1st, 2nd, & 5th lines traditionally have 3 stressed syllables each, 3rd & 4th have 2 stresses each (3,3,2,2,3)
Sonnet One-stanza lyric poem of fourteen lines in iambic pentameter with a specific rhyme scheme; love is common theme
Epigram Very short poem, often comic, usually ending with some sharp turn of wit or meaning
Triolet Short lyric form of 8 rhymed lines borrowed from the French; the 2 opening lines are repeated according to set pattern
Villanelle Fixed form developed by French as imitation of Italian folk song; 6 rhymed stanzas, 1st & 3rd lines are repeated in a set pattern throughout the poem
Sestina Complex verse form in which 6 end words are repeated in a prescribed order through 6 stanzas, ends with an envoy of 3 lines in which all 6 words appear for a total of 39 lines
Internal Rhyme Occurs within a line of a verse
Meter Recurrent, regular, rhythmic pattern in a verse; basic organizational device of poetry
Iambic Metrical foot in which an unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed syllable (rising)
Trochiac Metrical foot in which a stressed syllable is followed by an unstressed syllable; associated with songs, chants, & magic spells
Anapestic Common metrical unit of poetry consisting of 2 unstressed syllables followed by a stressed syllable (rising)
Dactylic Common metrical unit of poetry consisting of a stressed syllable followed by 2 unstressed syllable (falling)
Ode Lyric poem with elaborate stanza structure & distinct tone of formality & stateliness; either addresses a person, abstract idea, or entity
Rhyme Scheme Any recurrent pattern of rhyme within an individual poem or fixed form; small letters to represent each end rhyme (a for 1st, b for 2nd rhyme)
Exact Rhyme Full rhyme in which the sounds following the initial letters of the words are identical in sound (follow, hollow)
End Rhyme Rhyme that occurs at the end of lines
Scansion Process of analyzing poetry for its rhyme scheme, number of lines per stanza, & its metrical patterns
Syllabic Verse Verse form in which the poet establishes a pattern of a certain number of syllables to a line; most common meter in most romance languages
Italian (Petrarchan) Sonnet 1st 8 lines:abba, abba; final 6 lines may follow any pattern as long as it does not end in a couplet, poem may shift in mood or tone (usually occurs on the 9th line)
English (Shakespearean) Sonnet Rhyme scheme organized into 3 quatrains with final couplet: abab cdcd efef gg; poet may pursue one idea throughout the 3 quatrains & then end the couplet with a surprise
Spenserian Sonnet Follows the English quatrain & couplet pattern but resembles the Italian in using a linked rhyme scheme: abab bcbc cdcd ee
Stanza Portion of a poem that's grouped together by common rhythm or rhyme (blank line can appear in-between); basic organizational principal of most formal poetry
Couplet 2-line stanza in poetry, usually rhymed, which tends to have lines of equal length
Tercet Grouping of 3 rhymed verse lines, usually ending in the same rhyme
Quatrain Stanza consisting of 4 lines; most common stanzas used
Seset Poem or stanza of 6 lines; term used when speaking of sonnets (final 6-line section)
Ocvtave Stanza of 8 lines; term used when speaking of sonnets (1st 8-line section)
Stress Emphasis or accent placed on a syllable in a speech
Symbol Something that stands for something else or that represents something larger, such as a concept or idea
Verse Term used to describe poetry in general, refer to a single poem, or refer to a stanza
Eye Rhyme Rhyme in which the spelling of the words appears alike, but pronunciations differ (laughter, daughter)
Slant Rhyme Rhyme in which the final consonant sounds are the same but the vowel sounds are different (letter, litter)
Created by: lpedro
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