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WGU-Lit Terms 2

WGU-Literary Terms & Conventions Mod. 3 & Fiction Mod. 6

Figurative Language Uses figures of speech, metaphor, simile, & alliteration; is connotative & conveys the richness & complexity of language
Apostrophe A way of addressing someone or something invisible or not ordinarily spoken to
Conceit Poetic device using elaborate comparisons; comes from the Italian concetto, which means "concept" or "idea"
Hyperbole A figure of speech which uses exaggeration for comic, ironic, or serious effect
Metaphor A statement that one thing is something else which, in a literal sense, is not (Richard is a pig)
Metonymy Figure of speech that replaces the name of one thing with the name of another closely related thing (The crown = monarchy)
Paradox Statement that appears to be self-contradictory but upon analysis reveals an underlying truth, significance, or meaning
Personification Figure of speech in which a thing, an animal, or an abstract term is made human; allows an author to dramatize the nonhuman world in tangibly human terms
Simile Comparison of two things, indicated by some connective, usually like, as, than, or a verb such as resembles
Synecdoche A figure of speech where a part of something is used to represent the whole (saying wheels for car)
Transferred Epithet Device of emphasis in which the poet attributes some characteristic of a thing to another thing closely associated with it
Understatement Ironic figure of speech that deliberately describes something in a way that is less than the true case
Diction Word choice or vocabulary; refers to the class of words that an author decides is appropriate to use in a particular work
Tone Conveys an attitude toward the person addressed; tells reader how the speaker feels about him or herself
Symbolism An object or action that suggests some further meaning in addition to itself
Theme Can be stated variously, depending on what you believe matters most
Imagery The collective set of images in a poem or other literary language
Allegory Narrative where the literal events (persons, places & things) consistently point to a parallel sequence of symbolic ideas; has literal level & symbolic level
Allusion A brief (sometimes indirect) reference in a text of a person, place, or thing; fictitious or actual
Aside Few words, or short passage spoken in an undertone or to the audience; other characters are deaf to it
Convention Expected features such as themes, subjects, attitudes, or figures of speech
Dialogue The direct representation of the conversation between two or more characters
Dues Ex Machina (God from machine) refers to the Greek play writes frequent use of God to resolve human conflict with judgments & commands
Flashback A scene relived in a character's memory; can be relayed by the narrator in a summary or can be experienced by the characters themselves
In Media Res (In the midst of things) refers to a narrative device of beginning a story midway in the events it depicts
Satire Seeks to expose the failings of individuals, institutions, ideas, communities, or society; ranges from mildly humorous to a bitter indictment & has frequent elements of scorn, indignation, or contempt
Soliloquy Speech by a character alone onstage in which he or she utters his or her thoughts aloud
Point of View Perspective from which a story is told
First Person Narrator is a participant in the action, refers to him or herself as "I"; shapes readers perception
Third Person Objective Doesn't see into the mind of any particular character, narrator reports action impartially without telling what the characters think or feel (Uses, he, she, or they)
Third Person Limited See's events through the eyes of a single character
Third Person Omniscient See's into the mind of all (or some) of the characters
Verbal Irony Statement in which the speaker or writer says the opposite of what is really meant (you fall & your friend says "how graceful you are!")
Dramatic Irony Reader/audience understands the implication & meaning of a situation & foresees the oncoming disaster/triumph but the character does not; it forms between the contrasting levels of knowledge of the character & the audience
Irony of Situation Discrepancy exists when something is about to happen to a character or characters who expect the opposite outcome
Fable Brief, often humorous narrative told to illustrate a moral; characters are traditionally animals whose personality traits symbolize human traits
Parable Brief, allegorical narrative that teaches a moral; moral themes are explicit & can be interpreted in many ways
Tale Short narrative without a complex plot; ancient form of narrative found in folklore, & often contain supernatural elements
Short Story A prose narrative too brief to be published in a separate volume as novella & novels are
Created by: lpedro
Popular Literature sets




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