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AP French Theme 3

faire la toilette to wash up and get ready (dressed)
l'entretien maintenance / self-care
l’épaisseur thickness / girth
le galbe curve / roundness
le traité treatise / thesis paper
habile skillful
souple flexible
améliorer to improve / to make better
la confiance confidence
soutenue supported
brimé(e) bullied
l'échec defeat / failure
la déception disappointment
s'en ressentir to be affected by
avenante pleasant
remettre en cause to challenge
s'en remettre (à quelqu’un) to rely on someone
suscité(e) caused
le primat primacy / being the most important
soigné(e) neatly dressed / well-kept
dans l'air du temps to be fashionable / trendy
être bien dans sa peau/ses baskets to feel good in one's own skin / to feel good in one's shoes / to feel good about one's self
la gamme range / choice
donner le / donner la to set the tone / to set the standard
un sens a sense
à l’unité by the unit / individually
se déployer to roll out
au détriment des to the detriment of
déboucher to lead to
hisser to raise
l’établissement establishment
l'abonnement subscription
le bien-être the well-being
le plateau set (in a TV studio)
acculturer to acculturate / to change by modifying one's culture
tendre la main to extend a hand / to lend a helping hand
l'affrontement confrontation
la lutte struggle
se défier lui-même to challenge oneself / to fight oneself
baigner to bathe / to surround oneself
imprégner to permeate / to penetrate
l'emprunt loan / borrowing
le lien tie / link
franchir le pas to take the leap
le laconisme terseness / using few words with much meaning
méfiant(e) suspicious
la bêtise stupid thing
l'argot slang
le verlan type of French slang in which syllables are inversed
la veuve widow
loger to house / to lodge
bourru(e) gruff
l’écuelle bowl used once by French peasants
affamé(e) starving
la maraude pilfering / stealing
ensanglanté(e) covered in blood
le braconnier poacher
le naufrage wreck / complete disaster
la galère galley (type of boat rowed by prisoners)
la rentrée littéraire start of the literary publishing season
avoir la trouille to be scared to death
le déroulement des faits the progression of events
englober to include
le repérage locating
la singularité the uniqueness / the singularity
veiller à to see to
le chapiteau the big top (circus)
le démarche step / approach
relever de to pertain to
le paysage landscape
feutré(e) soft
convoquer to convene / to summon
tisser to weave
le castelet puppet theater
l'allure look (appearance)
le mets dish
le goût taste
puiser to draw from
l'agencement layout / organization
le palais palate
la garniture garnish
un en-cas snack
aiguiser to whet / to stimulate
la papille taste bud
l'odorat smell
la narine nostril
dévoiler to unveil / to reveal
le courtier en bourse stockbroker
se prédestiner à to intend to do something
une boîte à images camera
le récit story
effectuer to make / to carry out
s’éloigner to get or move away from
la brousse the bush (undeveloped or relatively unpopulated countryside in Africa)
bercé(e) cradled
tenter to try / to attempt
s'envoler to fly away
le régisseur stage manager
s’évanouir to faint
jurer to swear
les personnages (principaux) (main) characters
l'intrigue plot
thème theme
la beauté qui disparaît the loss of beauty / fading beauty
le changement contre la tradition change vs. tradition
le déplacement ou l'exil transfer / exile
le passage à l'âge adulte coming of age
les rôles de la femme women's roles
la mort death
la crise d'identité identity crisis
le destin contre le libre arbitre destiny / fate vs. free will
l'amour impossile forbidden love
la lutte du bien contre le mal the fight between good and evil
Created by: mme_dalton
Popular French sets




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