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WGU Lit. Fiction

WGU Literature Fiction terms

A narrative in which abstract concepts are represented as something concrete, typically major elements in the story, such as characters, objects, actions, or events. Allegory
. It possesses two parallel levels of meaning and understanding: a literal level, where a surface level story is recounted, and a symbolic level, which addresses abstract ideas. Allegory
These are often considered extended metaphors: the surface level story helps to convey moral, religious, political, or philosophical ideas. Allegories
What are two major kinds of allegory? historical and political allegories and allegories of ideas
An indirect reference in a literary text to a well-known person or place, or to an historical, political, or cultural event. The reference can also be to a literary, religious, or mythological text. Allusion
These are not usually identified, as it is assumed the reader will make the connection. Allusions
A figure of speech wherein a thing, place, abstract idea, dead or absent person is addressed directly as if present and capable of understanding and responding. Apostrophe
The associations called up by a word that goes beyond its dictionary meaning. ex. "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night" Connotation
The dictionary meaning of a word. Denotation
The author's choice of words or vocabulary in a literary work Diction
A performer's manner or style of speaking, including phrasing and punctuation. Diction
An author or literary movement's distinctive or characteristic use of diction, imagery, syntax, language, or literary devices. Style
This is the way an author uses the sum total of all literary elements in a work. Style
The author's attitude in a literary text toward the audience or reader (i.e., familiar, formal) or toward the subject itself (i.e., satiric, celebratory, ironic). Tone
It is a moment of insight, discovery, revelation, or understanding that alters a character's life in a meaningful way. Epiphany
Originally, this had only spiritual implications but now it is frequently used in secular situations. Epiphany
A scene used to show events that occur before the opening scene. Flashback
These are used to provide insight into or background about events, settings, characters, or context and can take the form of a character's dreams, remembrances, or reflections or a narrator's comments. Flashbacks
This is used to classify literature according to form, style, or content. Genre
A figure of speech which uses exaggeration for comic, ironic, or serious effect. Hyperbole
Its opposite is understatement or meiosis (minimize its importance). Hyperbole
Collective form of image Imagery
Depictions of objects or qualities perceived by the five senses. Imagery
The figurative language used to convey abstract ideas concretely Imagery
The depiction of visual objects or scenes. Imagery
This is what makes language and literature concrete and not abstract. Imagery
This refers to a literary and artistic technique where the narrative starts in the middle of the story instead of from its beginning (Latin for "into the midst of affairs (lit. into mid-affairs") In media res
A manner of speaking that implies a discrepancy between what is said and what is meant or between what happens and what is expected to happen in life and in literature. Irony
When characters say the opposite of what they mean. Verbal irony
When the opposite of what is expected occurs. Irony of circumstance or situation
When a character speaks in ignorance of a situation or event known to the audience or to the other characters. Dramatic irony
A figure of speech that replaces the name of one thing with the name of another closely related thing. For example, "the crown" is used to signify the monarchy. Metonymy
The telling of true or fictitious events by a narrator. These can be either verse or prose and focus on the depiction of events or happenings. Narrative
The voice or character who tells a story and offers information, interpretation, or insight to readers about events, context, or character. Narrator
These are personas who use "I" or "me" to tell a story. First-person narrators
These use "you" to tell a story; these are rarely used. Second-person narrators
These use "he" or "she." Third-person narrators
This can move freely between any number of characters. An omniscient narrator
This has access to one or more (but not all) character's thoughts and some of the story's events and contexts. A limited-omniscient narrator
This is one who offers comment, critique, interpretation, or additional information to readers about characters or events as he or she recounts events. An intrusive narrator
This relates events with a minimum of commentary, observation, or interpretation. An unintrusive narrator
These are those whose readers are given reasons to question or doubt the validity of their perspective. Readers can doubt a narrator's reliability or accuracy based on his or her age, intelligence, sanity, or relationship to the events. Unreliable or fallible narrators
is one who draws attention to the fact that he or she is narrating a work of fiction, as is often the case with metafiction. A self-conscious narrator
This refers to the first-person voice or character an author uses to convey the story in a narrative. Persona
Author and persona (should / should not) be considered as synonyms. Should not
The arrangement or design of events, actions, and situations in a narrative work. Plot
This is considered to be the "raw material" of story and should be considered as distinct from story. Plot
This is what happens or what the narrative is about. Story
This is the pattern or sequence of events the author creates in order to achieve a particular narrative, and a thematic, emotional, or artistic effect. Plot
"Its fleece was white as snow" is an example of... Figurative language
This refers to the location, historical moment, social context, or circumstances in which a literary work or scene is set. Setting
How does setting influence character development in fiction? Affects characters' behavior, inspires realizations in the characters,& creates a place in which characters exist
How can symbolism add meaning to fiction? By implying abstract ideas through concrete acts, by using acts of characters to dictate how readers should react to the story, & By packing emotional connotations into a particular act of a character
Which of the following are elements of style? Details or lack thereof, use of abstract or concrete language, use of figures of speech, & decisions about time and place.
- An extended piece of fictional prose that is distinguished from short stories and novellas by its length. Novel
This is a novel of maturation that traces a protagonist from childhood to adulthood and chronicles the development of his or her character, intellect, and often spirituality or morality. A Bildungsroman
This kind of novel specifically traces the artistic development of a writer or other kind of artist Küntstlerroman
This novel chronicles a character's education. Erziehungsroman
These novels illustrate the connections between a character and his or her social, political, historical, or cultural context(s). Social
These novels, made popular in the nineteenth century by Sir Walter Scott, uses historical events, situations, and characters for its premise. Historical
These novels depict characters, settings, and situations in specific detail, making the novel seem extremely realistic and plausible to its readers. Realistic
This novel has described novels that are not entirely realistic and that include fantastic or supernatural events. Romance
This is told through the characters’ writing and exchange of letters. Epistolary Novel
This is prose (prose is writing that resembles everyday speech. Or ordinary writing as distinguished from verse or matter of fact, commonplace, or dull expression) writing that is not fictional. Nonfiction Novel
This is an account or representation of a subject which is presented as fact. This presentation may be accurate or not; that is, it can give either a true or a false account of the subject in question. Nonfiction Novel
This is a biographical novel that concentrates on an individual’s youth and his social and moral initiation into adulthood. Apprenticeship Novel
This is a realistic and episodic novel that features the adventures of a likeable yet flawed roguish hero. Picaresque Novel
This is a prose (attempts to mirror the language of everyday speech) fiction work of about 50-100 pages. Shorter than a novel and longer than a short story. Novella
This possesses formal and stylistic elements of those two prose genres. Unlike a short story, this is long enough to be published as an individual volume. Novella
This is a long, narrate story of national importance based on the life and actions of a hero. Frequently the fate of the nation depends upon the hero and his actions. Epic Novel
What are three great epics from world literature? The Iliad, the Odyssey, and the Aeneid
What are two great epics in English? Beowulf and Paradise Lost
A brief story with an explicit moral provided by the author. These typically include animals as characters. Fable
A story intended to teach a moral lesson or answer an ethical question. Parable
A fictional prose narrative shorter and more focused than a novella. This usually deals with a single episode and often a single character. The "tone," the author's attitude toward his or her subject and audience, is uniform throughout. Short Story
A story told by a narrator with a simple plot and little character development. These are usually relatively short and often carry a simple message. Tale
A secondary story in a narrative. This may serve as a motivating or complicating force for the main plot of the work, or it may provide emphasis for, or relief from, the main plot. Subplot
These are examples of what? sunshine suggesting happiness, rain suggesting sorrow, and storm clouds suggesting despair. Symbols
A figure of speech where a part of something is used to represent the whole (for example, "hands" to refer to manual labor) or where the whole is used to represent the part (for example, "Montréal" is used to refer to the Montréal Canadiens). Synecdoche
A significant abstract idea emerging from a literary work or the statement the work appears to make about its subject. Usually theses are indirectly suggested and are generally conveyed through figurative language, imagery, symbols, or motifs. Theme
The author's attitude in a literary text toward the audience or reader (i.e., familiar, formal) or toward the subject itself (i.e., satiric, celebratory, ironic). Tone
This is describing something in terms less grand or important than it deserves or merits, typically to minimize its importance. Understatement- Greek term “meiosis”
Created by: ldepaepe
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