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Javascript regex

Javascript with regex

"^" "Start of string"
"$" "End of string"
"." "Any single character"
"(a|b)" "a or b"
"(...)" "Group section"
"[abc]" "In range (a, b or c)"
"[^abc]" "Not in range"
"\s" "White space"
"a?" "Zero or one of a"
"a*" "Zero or more of a"
"a*?" "Zero or more of a
"a+" "One or more of a"
"a+?" "One or more of a"
"a{3}" "Exactly 3 of a"
"a{3}" "Exactly 3 of a"
"a{,6}" "Up to 6 of a"
"a{3, 6}" "3 to 6 of a"
"a{3,6}?" "3 to 6 of a, ungreedy"
"\" "Escape character"
"[:punct:]" "Any punctuation symbol"
"[:space:]" "Any space character"
"[:blank:]" "Space or tab"
"g" "Global Match"
"i" "Case–insensitive"
"m" "Multiple lines"
"exec()" "tests for a match in string
"test()" "tests for match in string
"toString()" "returns string value of regular expressions"
"global" "checks if "g" modifier is set for RegEx
"ignoreCase" "checks if "i" modifier is set for RegEx
"lastIndex" "specifies index at which to start next match
"multiline" "checks if "m" modifier is set for RegEx
"source" "returns the text of the RegEx pattern"
"A.constructor" "returns function that created the array object's prototype"
"A.length" "sets or returns the number of objects in an array"
"" "allows addition of new properties and methods to array"
"A.concat( B C
"A.join( null|separator )" "joins elements of array into string and returns string"
"A.pop()" "removes last element of array and returns shortened array"
"A.push( item1 item2
"A.reverse()" "reverse order of elements in array and returns reversed array"
"A.shift()" "removes first item in array and returns shortened array"
"A.slice(n m)"
"A.sort( null|sortfunction )" "sorts items of an array
"A.splice(n r
"A.unshift( item1 item2
"string.valueOf()" "returns primitive value of string object"
"Math.abs(x)" "returns absolute value of number x"
"Math.acos(x)" "returns arccosine of number x"
"Math.asin(x)" "returns arcsine of number x"
"Math.atan(x)" "returns arctangent of number x"
"Math.atan2(y x)"
"Math.ceil(x)" "returns number x rounded upwards to nearest integer"
"Math.cos(x)" "returns cosine of number x"
"Math.E" "returns Euler's number"
"Math.exp(x)" "returns Ruler's number to the x power"
"Math.floor(x)" "returns number x rounded downwards to nearest integer"
"Math.LN10" "returns natural logarithm of 10"
"Math.LN2" "returns natural logarithm of 2"
"Math.log(x)" "returns natural logarithm of x"
"Math.LOG10E" "returns base 10 logarithm of Euler's number"
"Math.LOG2E" "returns base 2 logarithm of Euler's number"
"Math.max(n1 n2
"Number.MAX_VALUE" "returns largest possible number in javascript"
"Number.MIN_Value" "returns smallest possible number in javascript"
"Number.NaN" "property that indicates value is not a legal number"
"isNaN(value)" "returns true if value is NaN and false if not"
"Math.min(x1 x2
"Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY" "property that represents –Infinity"
"Math.PI" "returns the ratio of circle's area to the square of its radius"
"Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY" "property that represents Infinity"
"Math.pow(x y)"
"Math.random()" "returns a rndom number from 0 up to but not including 1"
"Math.round(x)" "returns number x rounded to nearest integer"
"Math.sin(x)" "returns sine of number x"
"Math.sqrt(x)" "returns the squre root of number x"
"Math.SQRT1_2" "returns square root of 1/2"
"Math.SQRT2" "returns the square root of 2"
"Math.tan(x)" "returns the tangent of angle x in radians"
"X.toExponential(x)" "returns number X in exponential notation with 0 <= x <= 20 digits after decimal"
"X.toFixed(x)" "returns number X as string with x digits after the decimal"
"X.toPrecision(x)" "returns number X formatted to x digits in length"
"X.toString(radix)" "converts to string and returns result as base of specific radix"
"X.valueOf()" "returns primative value of number X object"
"str.charAt(index)" "returns character at specified index in string"
"str.charCodeAt(index)" "returns unicode character at specified index in string"
"str1.concat(str2...)" "returns new string containing concatenated strings","Strings"
"String.fromCharCode(n1,n2..) "returns unicode values nx as string","Strings"
"str.indexOf(searchvalue,start)" "returns position of first occurrence of search value in string, optionally starting at index start from begging of string","Strings"
"str.lastIndexOf(searchvalue, start)" "returns position of first occurrence of search value in string, optionally starting at index start from end of string","Strings"
"str.length" "returns length property of string"
"str.localeCompare(comparestring)" "returns –1|0|1 for: str sorted before comparestring|strings are equal|str sorted after compare string"
"str.match(regexp)" "returns array object of matches for regexp on string"
"str.replace(sreachvalue, newvalue)" "searches a string for searchvaule(s) and replaces with new value","Strings"
"" "searches a string for searchvalue and returns index of first match found"
"str.slice(start, end)" "returns new string from start to end indexes, end is optional"
"str.split(separator, limit)" "searches for separator and returns array of strings optionally limited in items returned"
"str.substr(start, length)" "returns new string from specified start index, length is optional and limits characters returned"
"str.substring(start, end)" "returns new string from start to end not including end index, end is optional"
"str.toLowerCase()" "returns new string with all lower case letters"
"str.toUpperCase()" "returns new string with all uppercase characters"
"str.toLocaleLowerCase()" "returns new string with all lower case letters
"str.toLocaleUpperCase()" "returns new string with all uppercase characters
"str.valueOf()" "returns primitive value of string"
"decodeURI(uri)" "decodes uri"
"decodeURIComponent(uri)" "decodes uri component"
"encodeURI(uri)" "endoces special characters except:
"encodeURIComponent(uri)" "encodes special characters"
"eval(string)" "evaluates or executes an argument; only use in very special circumstances!!!"
"isFinite(value)" "returns t|f if value is a legal finite number
"isNaN(value)" "returns t|f if value is an illegal number
"Number(object)" "converts object argument to a number that represents the objects value"
"parseFloat(string)" "parses a string and returns a floating point number
"parseInt(string, radix)" "parses string and returns integer, radix is optional and sets numeral system to be used"
"new String("string")" "instantiates a new string object"
Created by: chilledmuffin
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