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LIC4 B Lit elements

plot, characterization,point of view, irony, fig lang,

exposition opening portion of a drama or novel. setting protagonist introduced
foreshadowing plot constructing arranging events and info for later
conflict central struggle between 2 or more forces
Man vs. man Conflict that pits one person against another.
man vs. nature A run-in with the forces of nature. On the one hand, it expresses the insignificance of a single human life in the cosmic scheme of things. On the other hand, it tests the limits of a person’s strength and will to live.
man vs. society The values and customs by which everyone else lives are being challenged. The character may come to an untimely end as a result of his or her own convictions.
man vs. self Internal conflict. Not all conflict involves other people. Sometimes people are their own worst enemies. An internal conflict is a good test of a character’s values.
recognition in tragic plottting; when ignorance gives way to knowledge
rising action A series of events that builds from the conflict. It begins with the inciting force and ends with the climax.
crisis The conflict reaches a turning point. At this point the opposing forces in the story meet and the conflict becomes most intense. The crisis occurs before or at the same time as the climax.
climax he climax is the result of the crisis. It is the high point of the story for the reader. Frequently, it is the moment of the highest interest and greatest emotion. The point at which the outcome of the conflict can be predicted.
falling action The events after the climax which close the story.
Denouement (resolution) Rounds out and concludes the action.
protagonist The main character in the story
antagonist The character or force that opposes the protagonist.
Hero Implies a positive moral assessment of the character. central character in a narrative. derived from the greek epic tradition.
antihero a protagonist of a drama or narrative who is notably lacking in heroic qualities. This type of character has appeared in literature since the time of the Greek dramatists and can be found in the literary works of all nations. characters Don Quixote
foil A character who provides a contrast to the protagonist.
stock character Common or stereotypical character that occurs frequently in literature. examples include mad scientist, battle-scared veteran.
flat character character with only one outstanding trait. these characters are rarely the central characters in a narrative and are often based on stock characters. (coined by EM Forster)
round character complex character who is presented in depth and detail in a narrative. Round characters are those who change significantly during the course of a narrative. central character.
first person The narrator is a character in the story who can reveal only personal thoughts and feelings and what he or she sees and is told by other characters. He can’t tell us thoughts of other characters.
third person objective The narrator is an outsider who can report only what he or she sees and hears. This narrator can tell us what is happening, but he can’t tell us the thoughts of the characters.
third person limited The narrator is an outsider who sees into the mind of one of the characters.
third person omniscient The narrator is an all-knowing outsider who can enter the minds of more than one of the characters.
verbal irony The contrast between what is said and what is actually meant.
irony of situation This refers to a happening that is the opposite of what is expected or intended.
dramatic irony This occurs when the audience or reader knows more than the characters know.
apostrophe character or narrator speaking to something that can't talk back. Can be a book, the ground, and animal etc.
conceit poetic device using elaborate comparisons, such as equating a loved on with the graces and beauties of the world.
hyperbole (overstatement) exaggeration used to emphasize a point
metaphor A metaphor is a comparison. A metaphor establishes a relationship at once; it leaves more to the imagination. It is a shortcut to the meaning; it sets two unlike things side by side and makes us see the likeness between them.
metonymy substituting a word for another word closely associated with it. (the white house decided..meaning president)
paradox statement that at first strikes one as self contradictory but that on reflection reveals some deeper sense. paradox is often achieved by a play on words.
personification giving human qualities to animals or objects. allows an author to dramatize the nonhuman world in tangibly human terms.
similie the comparison of two unlike things using like or as. shown to have a significant resemblance. cool as a cucumber.
synecdoche uses a part to represent the whole. lend me your ears (give me your attention).
transferred epithet figure of speech in which the poet attributes some characteristic of a thing to another thing closely associated with it. kind of metonymy. adj next to a noun connection is not stricltly logical "blind mouths"
understatement an ironic figure of speech that deliberatley describes something in a way that is less than the true case.
diction word choice or vocabulary. class of words an author decides is appropriate to use in a particular work.
tone/mood attitude a writer takes towards a subject or character: serious, humorous, sarcastic, ironic, satirical, tongue-in-cheek, solemn, objective.
symbolism using an object or action that means something more than its literal meaning. the bird of night (owl is a symbol of death)
theme general idea or insight about life that a writer wishes to express. All of the elements of literary terms contribute to theme. A simple theme can often be stated in a single sentence.
imagery language that evokes one or all of the five senses: seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, touching.
Created by: kidscreaming3
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