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Chapter 13

European Middle Ages test

What was the most dominant institution in the middle ages? The Church
Why were they the most dominant institution in the middle ages? They were the only ones who were educated.
What happened to trade? Trade collapsed.
What happened to the population of Western Europe? It became more rural.
Who and who wasn't literate? The Germanic invaders were not literate and the Romans had a low level of learning. Only the priests and some church officials were literate.
What is Feudalism? It is a system of loyalties and protections based on obligations.
What is the manor? It is a lords estate and the economic system.
Who was at the top of the social class structure? The King/Pope
Who could become Knights? Only those of Noble birth could become Knights.
Who were the Knights Master? Their lord, their God and their chosen lady.
What did Peasant women do? They struggled to survive and lived difficult lives.
What did Noblewomen do? They were limited to activities in their home and in convents.
Did women have power They had very little power and were taught to be inferior from men by the church.
What is chivalry? It is a code of conduct for knights.
What values were Knights expected to have? Bravery, honesty,respect, loyalty and compassion. They were also asked to protect the weak and the poor.
Who controlled the strongest of the Kingdoms? The Franks
What was the role of woman? Woman held very little power and ere taught to be inferior to men by the church.
What is an Epic and what was it written about? An Epic was a long poem usually written about legendary Kings.
Who are Troubadours? They are poet-musicians who sang about the joys and sorrows of love in the castle and in court.
For who did a knight fight bravely for? A knight fought for their god, their lord and their chosen Lady.
What were th steps to knighthood? First you would be a page then a squire then a knight.
Who controlled most aspects of life? The church did.
How did knights gain expierience? To gain experience they had tournaments.
Who invaded from the east? the Magyars
Who came in from the north? The Vikings.
Why was Charlemagne Important? He united the Germanic kingdoms one last time.
What can you find at a manor? Villages,manor house,mill etc.
Created by: 21pjuarez
Popular History sets




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