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pediatric dentistry
Question | Answer |
pedodontist | dentist who specializes in the practice of the care of teeth and oral tissues of children |
deciduous teeth | baby teeth |
caries | dental decay |
epulis | fibrous, sarcomatous tumor, also called gumboil |
abscess | local collection of pus |
cellulites | inflammation in cellular or connective tissue |
anodontia | absence of teeth, usually of genetic origin |
macrodontia | abnormally large teeth |
hyperdontia | excess number of supernumerary teeth |
hypodontia | congenital absence of teeth |
enamel hypoplasia | underdevelopment of enamel tissue |
dentinogenesis imperfecta | genetic defect resulting in incomplete or improper development of dentin tissue |
amelogenesis imperfecta | imcomplete or improper development of enamel tissue |
aplasia | failure of an organ or body part to develop |
dens in dente | tooth within a tooth |
germinate | (sprout) attempted division of a single tooth |
fusion of teeth | union of two, independently developing primary or secondary teeth |
early tooth exfoliation | (shedding or falling off) tooth loss resulting in the shifting of teeth and loss of tooth position |
ankylosis | stiff joint; retention of diciduous tooth |
intrinsic | (on the inside) internal discoloration of teeth resulting from diet, medication, or excessive fluoride intake during tooth development |
odontoma | (tumor of a tooth or dental tissue)abnormal cell proliferation of cells |
macroglossia | englarged tongue |
ankyloglossia | abnormally short lingual frenum, causing limited tongue movement |
fissured tongue | grooved division, cleft, or split tongue |
abnormal labial frenum | enlarged or thick labial frenum that may cause diastema, and open area between the central incisors |
micrognathia | abnormally small jaw; undersized mandible |
cherubism | a genetic disorder resulting in enlargement of cheek tissue and other facial structures |
papilloma | neoplasm arising from epithelial cells; benign tumor |
verruca vulgaris | (oral warts) viral cause, possibly from finger sucking |
fibroma | fibrous tumor, benign in nature |
granuloma | granular tumor, usually of epithelioid or lymphoid cells |
neurofibromatosis | tumor on peripheral nerves |
hemangioma | vascular tumor, usually located in the neck/head area |
lymphangioma | tumor made up of lymphatic vessels |
lymphoma | new tissue growth within the lymphatic system |
mycocele | mucous cyst |
ranula | mucocele in the floor of the mouth in the sublingual duct |
scorbutic | lacking vitamin C |
candidiasis | fungus infection, thrush |
enamoplasty | is the selective reduction of fissures and occlusal irregularities caused by grinding |
ankylosed | fixed, stiff |
festooned | trimmed |
apexogenesis | treatment of a vital pulp to allow continued natrual development |
apexification | treatment of a nonvital tooth to stimulate closure and the development of cementum |
pulp capping | placement of medication to sedate and treat inflamed pulp |
indirect capping | is needed when the pulp has not yet been exposed |
direct capping | the medicament is placed directly upon the exposed, affected pulp |
pulpotomy | partial or full removal of pulpal tissue located in the crown |
pulpectomy | removal of pulpal tissue from the crown and root sections; may be endodontically filled immediately or followed later with endodontic treatment after apexification and closure of the apex of a young, secondary tooth |
dental (rubber) dam | provides control of tongue and saliva and maintains a sterile and open area |
papoose board | wrapping device used to restrain the patient for a difficult or precise treatment |
topical anesthesia | liquid, gel, or ointment that provides temporary numbering of the tissue surface |
inhalation sedation | administration of nitrous oxide with at least 30 percent oxygen |
oral sedation | completed by having the patient ingest the drug |
intramuscular sedation | (within the muscle) parenterally administrated sedation |
rectal sedation | placement of sedation drug in the rectum |
submucosal | (under the mucous membrane)deposit of the drug under the mucous memrane |
subcutaneous | (under the skin) injection of the drug under the tissues |
intravenous | (into the vein, vessel) injection of the drug into the vein |
pulpal hyperemia | congestion of blood within the pulp chambers |
internal hemorrhage | repture of pulpal capillaries |
internal or external resorption | destructive, dissolving process caused by odontoclastic action |
pulpal necrosis | pulpal death |
ankylosis | fusion of cementum of the root with the cribriform plate of the alveolar bone, with no intervening periodontal ligament |
intrusion | tooth thrusting into the alveolus with partial crown exposure |
extrusion | tooth thrust away from the alveolus |
luxation | tooth moved out of place |
avulsion | tooth forced out of its socket |
personal information data | including name, address, nicknames, ethnicity, hobbies, eyeglasses, tattoos, scars, birthmarks,and so forth |
dental charting record | current tooth development, dentition characteristics, and treatment data |
radiographs | current tooth placement and expected tooth development |
photographs | frontal and side veiws with profile and tooth growth |
toothprint | a thermoplastic wafer imperssion record of the child's unique occlusion |
saliva | fluid collection containing the child's DNA and scent for use with tracking dogs in missing child cases |