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Programming Terms

int integer (no decimals) [data type]
unsigned int no negative numbers [data type]
long ranges from -2M to 2M (more memory than int) [data type]
float allows decimals [data type]
byte 0-255 (less memory than int) [data type]
boolean true(1, high)/false(0,low) [data type]
char allows for ASCII [data type]
// loram ipsum makes comments on single lines
/* loram ipsum */ makes comments on multiple lines
; statement is finished
{ } execute only under specific circumstances
function performs task
data type specifies what can go into variable
digitalWrite(_,_) pin#, state (high vs low); turns on/off pin [function]
digitalRead(_) pin#, check state and return value [function]
millis() no argument needed, takes millisecond sketch has been in place
setup() {} critical function, no argument; no return (runs what's in curly bracket one time) [function]
loop() { } critical function, no argument; returns (runs what's in curly brackets repeatedly) [function]
void goes in front of setup() and loop() or other functions; means it does not return.
pinMode(_,_) sets the pin as input or output (#, input/output)
delay(_) allows you to set delay to remain in a state in milliseconds
GND should be connected to cathode (short side)
cathode shorter side of LED
anode longer side of LED
variable { } global variable, in place for entire code, more memory
{ variable } local variable, in place only for { }, less memory
duty cycle 0, 64, 128, 192, 255 (0-100% of voltage); used in analogWrite(#, _)
PWM pulse width modulation; switches voltage quickly
hard coded numbers use variables instead
how to set variable datatype name = number
most common baud rate 9600
Serial.begin(_) used to set baud (typically 9600)
Serial.print("_") used to put text on the serial monitor
Serial.println(_) used to display return on serial monitor but returns a new line
Serial monitor displays data return of the circuitboard
Multiple components require GND GND to - on circuit board, jumper wires to -
Multiple components requiring power Power to +, jumper wires to +
resistors connect to power
analogWrite(_,_) takes pin number and duty cycle; sets voltage level through duty cycle
II boolean operator for if statements for "or"
&& boolean operator for if statements for "and"
! boolean operator for if statements for "not"
>= comparison operator for "greater than or equal to"
<= comparison operator for "less than or equal to"
== comparison operator for "equal to"
!= comparison operator for "not equal to"
Created by: anitbebe
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