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Object orientation a programming paradigm that represents concepts as objects that have attributes and methods
Syntax term used to describe the symbols and words that form a programming statement
Code term used to refer to one or more programming statements or programs
Scenario term used to define the objects, the world, and the programming rules for a graphical program created in Greenfoot
World the area in which objects interact
Class(Greenfoot) contains the specifications that define the appearance and movement of an object
Instances the objects from a class that act in the scenario
Superclass used to describe the overarching class of a group of classes; parent class
Subclass a specialization of a class; child class
Inheritance a mechanism wherein a new class is derived from an existing class
Source code a collection a instructions written in a higher-level language(Java)
Inherited method subprogram derived from a superclass
Class Description set of comments to explain the program, includes author and date of last modification
Class Definition source code that includes class name, instance variables, constructors and methods
Constructor special type of method with instructions on how to create an object
Method Signature(heading) contains a return type, method name and parameter list of formal parameters
Method name usually a verb that describes what the method does
Return type indicates what kind of data will be sent from the method
Parameters list that allows values to be passed in to a method
Comments notes to yourself or others to clarify what is happening at that point in the code
Documentation describes the property of a class
Method set of programmed operations or tasks that instances of a class can perform sometimes used to alter data
Method call/invocation name of method with actual parameters that cause execution of the code in the body of the method
Method body the open and close curly braces and the code between them
Sequential execution carrying out instructions in the order they are written
Syntax Error mistake in the grammatical structure of the code or expression that causes code to not compile
Argument a value passed on through a parameter
Formal parameters located in the method signature(heading) consist of data type and a name for the value being passed to be used in the method body
Actual parameters located in the method call; can be literal value, variable, or return method call
Literal value notation for indicating a fixed value in source code
Data type particular kind of value for a variable, parameter, or return
Primitive data type supplied by Java; reserved word; stores one value at a time
Object instance of a class with state(instance variables) and behaviors(methods)
Anonymous object is constructed without creating a name associated with it
Named object is constructed with a name or in a collection to allow access to instance variables and methods
Syntax set of grammatical rules defining how Java is written and interpreted
Block group of zero or more statements between curly braces
Instance variable every object has it's own copy of the variable; Changes made to the variable don't reflect in other objects of that class; field
Class variable one copy of that variable that is shared with all instances of that class. If changes are made to that variable, all other instances will see the effect of the changes; static variable
Class method require the use of the class name when being called outside of the class.
Object method require the use of the class name when being called outside of the class.
Constant a value that is fixed and does not change in a program; defined with keyword final
Collection object that groups several elements into a single unit
int keyword for primitive type used to indicate a variable can store an integer; no decimal
boolean keyword for primitive type used to indicate a variable can store one of two values; true or false
char keyword for primitive type used to indicate a variable can store a single character; uses ' '
double keyword for primitive type used to indicate a variable can store floating point value representing a real number or fraction; has decimal
String an object that represents text, i.e. a string of characters; uses " "
Variable declaration giving a variable a name and data type
Event an action, such as a mouse-click, to which a program may respond
Exception an occurrence of an unexpected or error condition within a program
Expression computes a value using literals, variables, constants and/or operators
final modifier used to declare a constant
import keyword used to declare a Java package that is used by the current program
initialize to assign a variable a starting value
instantiate the act of creating or constructing an object using the new keyword
Local variable declared within a method definition or other block of statements
Loop a kind of control flow statement that allows repeating a block of statements
null a special value used when no object is assign to a variable
operator a function that works on one or two values to produce a new value
private a keyword used to declare that a method, variable or class may not be accessed directly by other objects and programs.
public a keyword used to declare that a method, variable or class may be accessed directly by other objects and programs.
Return value the final result of invoking a method; needs to be stored, used as part of an expression or sent through a parameter list.
statement a complete instruction that is part of a program
Logic error an error that causes a program to run incorrectly, but not crash.
Run-time error an error that cause a program to crash.
Control structure block of programming that analyzes variables and chooses a direction in which to go based on conditions
void keyword used to declare that a method does not return a value
Template a pre-written program(or part of a program to be used as a starting point for writing new programs or methods
Pixel one dot on computer display; picture element
super() calls the constructor of the parent class
overriding providing multiple signatures for the same method
overloading the act of providing a different implementation of a method inherited from a base type
super. used to class a method of the parent class
static variable one copy of that variable that is shared with all instances of that class. If changes are made to that variable, all other instances will see the effect of the change ; class variable
Keyword reserved by the Java language; cannot be used for method names or variables
Object class parent of all classes in Java
Defining a variable giving a variable a name, data type and value; declaring and initializing at the same time
Scope where a variable can be seen and used in program
Access modifier keyword that changes the scope of a variable or method
Static modifier keyword that changes the way methods or variables or accessed
modifier keyword that changes the meaning of a definition about scope or access of a variable or method
casting the process of temporarily changing the data type of a variable, literal, method return or expression
default modifier sets scope to within the package
public modifier sets scope to everywhere
private modifier sets scope to the class
protected modifier sets scope to class and sub-classes
Created by: shoemaker
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