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Digital World

How does a computer store text? Each character is stored as a number.
ASCII. Translates numbers into text. (American Standard Code Information Interchange)
True or False: ASCII only has English and some European characters. True.
Can be used to enter special characters instead of ASCII. Unicode/UTF-8.
DOC/DOCX. Microsoft word document, can contain formatted text, images, backgrounds.
Open Office Text Format. Free software that is similar to Microsoft Office.
PDF. Portable Document Format, a file format that is great for printed documents, originally by Adobe, but now is an open format, not meant to be edited, virtual paper, used for books and magazines.
HTML. Hyper Text Markup Language, used to create webpages, plain text files, zip files are compressed folders, one file can store many.
XML. Plain text used to store structured data
Operating System. Communication between the hardware (physical machine) and software.
Examples of operating systems for mobile devices. Apple IOS 10, Google Android, MAC OS, Windows 7.
Digital. Numeric.
MP3, Wav, and Flac. Used to format music.
Photos are made of _____________. Pixels. (Tiny dots of color.)
How is the quality of a photo determined? How many pixels there are.
Colors of pixels are stored as levels of __________, _______________, and ____________, ranging from ___________ to ______________ Red, green, blue, 0, 255.
Basic unit of storage. Byte.
White. 255, 255, 255.
Black. 0, 0, 0.
Grey. All three colors equal.
How many colors are possible? 16.8 million.
Bitmap Image. An uncompressed file where each pixel is given three numbers for red, green, and blue.
JPG/JPEG. Most common file format for digital photos, compressed with a slight loss of quality .
GIF. Used for clip art and simple animations, limited to 256 colors.
PNG. Is not used for digital photos, no loss of quality, transparent colors.
SVG. Scalable Vector Graphic, image is not stored with pixels, file stores directions (circles, lines, colors) to make the shapes, actually a text file.
How does a computer store audio? Stores a numeric picture of the sound wave.
How many bytes for one song? 32 MB.
MP3. Audio file is compressed, some quality is lost, most popular format.
FLAC. Free Lossless Audio Codec, audio is compressed without any loss of quality.
Streaming services that download the music while they play. Spotify, Pandora, Apple Music.
Around how much data can a hard drive store? 100 GB-2 TB.
Around how much data can a SD camera store? 4-64 GB.
Around how much can a Micro SD card store? 16-64 GB.
USB Drive. Can easily add local storage to a computer or chrome book, removable storage.
SSD. Solid State Drive, works like a hard drive, much faster, smaller, and uses less energy.
Cloud Storage. Only available with internet connection, rented space on somebody else's hard drive, do not know where it is physically stored, more expensive, available from any advice with internet connection.
Txt. Plain text file, no formatting or margins.
DOCX. New word document format.
MPEG. Compressed video format.
How many bits are in a byte? Eight.
File storage and software hosted on servers that are accessed through the web, examples include Microsoft One Drive and Dropbox. The cloud.
A cloud service with a monthly fee designed to compete with Google Docs. Microsoft Office 365.
A Google controlled, open source operating system. Android.
The Microsoft operating system that is used in this lab. Windows 7.
Magnetic storage, primary storage for the PC. Hard drive.
A programming language that runs inside the web browser that adds logic and functionality to webpages. JavaScript
The protocol used by web browsers and servers. HTTP.
The programs on your computer. Software.
Sits between hardware and software to manage the computer's resources. Operating system.
Used to create the content of a webpage. HTML.
All data is encrypted for security. HTTPS.
How much information can be stored on a DVD? 4.7 GB.
How many times larger is a terabyte compared to a megabyte? 1,000,000.
How much storage space is required for a typical digital photo? 3 MB.
Basic unit of storage, a number from 0 to 255, enough information to store a keyboard character. Byte.
1111. 15.
1101 0010. 210.
200. 1100 1000.
27. 0001 1011.
Undo. Ctrl Z.
Bold. Ctrl B.
Superscript. Ctrl .
Opens with Microsoft Word or Open Office. Doc.
New tab. Ctrl t.
Switch between browser tabs. Ctrl tab.
Close the current tab. Ctrl w.
Open new window. Ctrl n.
What language does Adobe Flash use? Action Script.
Syntax. Grammar rules of a language.
Syntax Error. When the program breaks a rule.
x=x+1. Increases x by 1.
RAM. Random Access Memory, computers temporary working memory, erased when powered down.
Created by: emarciante9
Popular Computers sets




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