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chinese stories
from the site: chinese reading practice
Term | Definition |
难为情 | [ nánwéiqíng ] embarrassed |
光彩 | [ guāngcǎi ] luster, splendor, radiance, brilliance |
捉 | [ zhuō ] to catch, to seize, to clutch, to grab, to capture |
青蛙 | [ qīngwā ] frog |
赶忙 | [ gǎnmáng ] to hurry, to hasten, to make haste |
养 | [ yǎng ] to raise, to bring up, to keep, to support, to give birth |
渐渐 | [ jiànjiàn ] gradually |
大自然 | [ dàzìrán ] nature |
害虫 | [ hàichóng ] injurious insect, pest |
感到 | [ gǎndào ] to feel, to sense, to have the feeling that, to think that, to move, to affect |
不好意思 | [ bùhǎoyìsi ] to feel embarrassed, to find it embarrassing, to be sorry (for inconveniencing somebody) |
悄悄 | [ qiāoqiāo ] quietly, secretly, stealthily |
比赛 | [ bǐsài ] match, competition, game |
跳绳 | [ tiàoshéng ] to jump rope; a jump rope |
数 | [ shǔ, shù, shuò ] number, several, to count |
上场 | [ shàngchǎng ] on stage, to go on stage, to take the field |
失误 | [ shīwù ] lapse, mistake, to make a mistake, fault, service fault (in volleyball, tennis etc) |
砰砰 | [ pēngpēng ] (onom.) slam。 the sound of a beating heart |
乱跳 | [ luan tiao] to beat wildly |
蹦 | [ bèng ] to jump, to bounce, to hop, to leap, jumping |
弃权 | [ qìquán ] to abstain from voting, to forfeit, to waive one's right to vote, to abdicate |
成了 | [ chéngle ] became, has become; be ready, be done |
全家 | [ quánjiā ] whole family |
以为 | [ yǐwéi ] think, consider, believe |
丑 | [ chǒu ] ugly, shameful, disgraceful, clown, comedian, 2nd terrestrial branch |
倒霉 | [ dǎoméi ] have bad luck, be out of luck |
干嘛 | [ gànmá ] what are you doing?, whatever for?, why on earth? |
世纪 | [ shìjì ] century |
二十年代 | [ Èrshí niándài ] The twenties |
加利福尼亚 | [ jiā lì fú ní yà ] California (US state) |
西部 | [ xībù ] western part |
修建 | [ xiūjiàn ] to build, to construct |
铁路 | [ tiělù ] railway, railroad |
内战 | [ nèizhàn ] civil war |
最先 | [ zuìxiān ] (the) very first |
居住 | [ jūzhù ] to reside, to dwell, to live in a place, resident in |
艰难 | [ jiānnán ] difficult, hard, challenging |
取得 | [ qǔdé ] to acquire, to get, to obtain |
成就 | [ chéngjiù ] achievement, success |