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Literature Terms*

Literature Terminology

rhetoric the art of writing and speaking
nonfriction non necessarily true because there is different perspective
narration ex. journal, fun stories, diaries
exposition exposing or revealing facts
persuasion use rule of logic to argue
What are the kind of genres? autobiography/biography, chronicle, diary, letter, essay, sermon, speech
chronicle records of events. ex. yearbook, newspaper
diary daily entries of events
letter a way to corespond to each other
sermon speech, oral presentation, allow to talk in fragment. Narrow view
speech like a sermon but more open to different point of views
classification/division find a the subjects qualities and organize those qualities into groups. Must have at least 3 quality to classify
cause and effect show relationship. Predict what will happen
compare and contrast find the similarities and difference
process analysis how something happen. "how to" "how do"
What are the different type of order of importance chronological, climatic, spatial
chronological the order follows a timeline.
climatic the order began with the least important events then build up to the big boom
spatial (blank)
What are the figures of rhetoric anecdote, digression/aside, concession, apostrophe
anecdote personal experience
digression/aside background information which is unncessary, but it helps clarity the story
concession recognizing/giving someone credit
apostrophe talking to an object or subject who doesn't talk back
refutation You're right on this point BUT you are wrong on......... (when you tell someone they are wrong)
analogy comparsion. Comparing something that is confusing to the reader with something that the reader will understand
similie has the words, "Like" and "As"
personification giving human characteristics to non human things
synechdoche ex. "Get your butt over here", "Lean me your ears" (talking about a part of your body instead of the whole)
metonymy a nickname that reveals the character
What are the figures of speech? analogy, personification, synechdoche, metonymy, euphemism, pun, allusion, images vs. details, symbol
pun play on words
allusion reference to outside source
images vs. details images: sensory description (smell, touch, tease, sight, sound)
details describing selection of sections in details
symbol a real object which represents an idea, belief, characterisitics
motif when symbol is repeated in the same or different way
archtype universal symbol (earth is mother, black is evil)
How is symbol divided? motif and archtype
How is analogy divided? metaphor and similie
attitude the way ou feel
tone the way feelings are expressed
purpose motivating factor for writing nonfriction
theme motivating factor for writing friction
point of view perspective
mood/atmosphere overall feeling
shift change in time, feeling, perspective, ect.
style How a writer uses tone, attitude, mood, shift, etc.
Created by: Tiffastic
Popular Literature sets




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