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CARMALT - Literature Terms D-E
Question | Answer |
strict definition of a word regardless of historical or emotional connection; opposite of connotation | DENOTATION |
mystery novel focusing on a brilliant investigator solving a crime | DETECTIVE NOVEL |
geographic or social language of a particular group of persons; includes sounds, spellings, grammar, and diction - ie: "We's safe, Huck!" from Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn | DIALECT |
conversation between two characters; provides characterization and advances the plot | DIALOGUE |
concrete poetry consisting of a 7 single unrhymed stanza with a structure shaped like a diamond | DIAMANTE |
informal record of a person's life and day-to-day thoughts and concerns | DIARY |
any use of 2 alphabetical letters to indicate a single phonetic sound; ie: <ph> spells /f/ sound in "photo" | DIGRAPH |
theory that language began as instinct | DING-DONG THEORY |
prose or verse presenting a narrative involving conflict between characters and opposing force or forces | DRAMA |
character whose personality changes over the course of a narrative; also called a round character | DYNAMIC CHARACTER |
historical period when writers moved toward the belief that humanity could improve itself by using logic and reasoning and rejected superstition | ENLIGHTENMENT PERIOD |
classical poetry that is long narrative about a serious subject that has a hero, cultural values, and gods or supernatural beings | EPIC POEM |
(1) inscription on a building, tomb, or coin or (2) short verse or motto appearing at the beginning of a longer poem or the title page or the heading of a new section of a literary work | EPIGRAM |
short discussion or conclusion added to the end of a literary work; often refers to the moral of a fable | EPILOGUE |
inscription carved on a gravestone or the final statement spoken by a character before his death | EPITAPH |
word that is derived from the proper name of a person or place; ie: "sandwich" comes from is inventor, the 4th Earl of Sandwich | EPONYM |
study of word origins and the history of words | ETYMOLOGY |
mild or gentle phrase or word instead of a blunt, embarrassing, or painful one; ie: "Grandpa has gone to a better place." instead of "Grandpa died." | EUPHEMISM |
first part of a short story plot line that introduces the characters and setting | EXPOSITION |
logic that determines the truth about something using a larger general rule | DEDUCTIVE REASONING or DEDUCTION |