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Question | Answer |
What is a DRAMA? | A story written to be acted for an audience. |
What is a PROLOGUE? | The lines that introduce a play. |
What is a TRAGEDY? | A play-novel-or other narrative that depicts serious and important events in which the main character comes to an unhappy end. |
What is a MONOLOGUE? | A speech by one character in a play. |
What is a SOLILOQUY? | An unusually long sppech in which a character who is on stage alone expresses his or her thoughts aloud. |
What is FOIL? | A character who is used as a contrast to another character; writer sets off/intensifies the qualities of two characters in this way. |
What is a SONNET? | 14 lines....3 quatrains (4 lines) and a final couplet (2 lines) ABABCDCDEFEFGG |
What is a METAPHOR? | A comparison without using like or as. |
What is a SIMILE? | A comparison using lilke or as. |
What is a PUN? | A play on the mulitple meanings of a word, or on two words that sound alike but have a different meaning. |
What is a OXYMORON? | A clever remark joining contradictory ideas. |
What is a ILLUSION? | An indirect reference, usually to a literary figure |
What is ASIDE? | With at least three speakers on the stage, a dialogue which only the two speaking are supposed to hear. |
What is an APOSTROPHE? | Addressing someone absent or something non-human as if they were present or alive and could respond |
What is DRAMATIC IRONY? | The audience or reader knows something important that the character in the play does not. |
What is VERBAL IRONY? | A write or speaker says one thing, but really means something completely different. |
What is IAMB? | A metrical foot of one unaccented syllable and one accented. |
What is PENTAMETER? | In metrics, a line of five feet. |
What is a BLANK VERSE? | The predominate verse in Shakespeares dramatic works, blank verse is unrhymed iambic pentameter. |