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UB Meridian

Point Theory

What are the main indications for UB 1 and 2? benefits the eyes
What is the main indication for UB 1 - UB 8? benefits the sensory organs
What are the main indications for UB 4 - 10? deficiency or excess type: eye problems, headaches, nasal obstruction
What are the main indications for UB 9? headache, Autism symptoms
What is the Window of the Sky point on the UB channel? UB 10
What are the main indications for UB 11? Influential point of Bones; a Sea of Blood point. Influences bones, sinews, and joints, nourishes blood; helps build immunity and prevent against the common cold
What are the main indications for UB 12? Meeting of UB and Du meridian, Gate for Entrance and Departure of Evil Wind, strengthen immunity, Asthma, TB
What is the Back Shu point of the Lungs? UB 13
What is the Back Shu point of the Pericardium? UB 14
What are the main indications for UB 14? Back Shu point of Pericardium; angina, Coronary Heart Disease, any symptom of heart fire
What is the Back Shu point of the Heart? UB 15
What are the main indications for UB 15? Back Shu point of Heart; Nervous anxiety and insomnia
What is the back Shu point of Du? UB 16
What are the main indications for UB 16? Back Shu point of Du; disperses excess Yang in the Du Channel; immunity, dreaming, insomnia, construction of bone, back pain
What is the Back Shu point of the Diaphragm? UB 17
What are the main indications for UB 17? Back Shu point of Diaphragm; Nourishing, moving, and regulating blood; hiccups
What are the main indications for UB 18? Back Shu point of Liver; Liver and gall bladder issues; fatty liver, high cholesterol, hepatitis
What are the main indications for UB 19? Back Shu point of Gall Bladder; dispel damp heat in liver and gall bladder, jaundice
What is the back Shu point of the Gall Bladder? UB 19
What is the back Shu point of the Spleen? UB 20
What are the main indications for UB 20? Back Shu point of the Spleen; tonify spleen and stomach, promoting transformation and transportation; promote ascending of Spleen Qi; dispel dampness and regulating water metabolism
What are the main indications for UB 21? Back Shu point of the Stomach; belching, reflux, vomiting; helps babies who have trouble gaining weight
What is the back Shu point of the Stomach? UB 21
What are the main indications for UB 22? Back Shu point of San Jiao; regulating water passages, more for "visible" water", controls heat of the whole body, dispel dampness
What is the back Shu point of San Jiao? UB 22
What are the main indications for UB 23? Back Shu of the Kidney; Tonify kidneys, nourish kidney Jing and Essence, strengthen Kidney function of reception of Qi; chronic low back pain, irregular menses, Tonify Kidney Yin and Yang
What is the back Shu point of the Kidney? UB 23
What are the main indications for UB 24? Back Shu of upper lumbar, Tonify Kidney Qi
What is the back Shu point of the upper lumbar? UB 24
What is the back Shu point of the Large Intestine? UB 25
What are the main indications for UB 25? colitis, appendicitis, hemorrhoids, herniated discs
What is the back Shu point of the lower lumbar? UB 26
What are the main indications for UB 26? Back Shu of the lower lumbar; pertains to Kidney Essence, mental and physical delays in children, menopausal issues
What are the main indications for UB 27? Back Shu of Small Intestine; UTI, dispel dampness, heat, benefits urination
What is the back Shu point of the small intestine? UB 27
What is the back Shu point of the urinary bladder? UB 28
What are the main indications for UB 28? back Shu point of the urinary bladder; benefits back and spine, retention of urine
What are the main indications for UB 29? back Shu point of the mid-back bone and buttock/sacrum; pain or boils in lower extremities; sciatica
What is the back Shu point of the anus? UB 30
What are the main indications for UB 30? back Shu of the anus; lower back pain, sciatica, benefits the genitals
Describe the 8 Liao. UB 31-34; good for back pain, infertility or fertility issues, hysterectomy related hormonal imbalances
What are the main indications for UB 35? hemorrhoids, impotence; tonifying Yang Qi
What are the main indications for UB 39? Lower He Sea of the San Jiao; pain caused by damp heat, open water passages in lower burner. ankle edema
What is the lower He Sea of the San Jiao? UB 39
What is the He Sea point of the UB channel? UB 40
What is the earth point of the UB channel? UB 40
What are the main indications for UB 40? command point for back and lumbar regions; benefits knee
What is the main indication for UB 55? prostatitis
What are the main indications for UB 57? good for tightness of tendons in heels and foot, calf cramps, heel pain, spasm
What are the main indications for UB 58? Lou point of the UB channel; heat on channel, urinary retention
What is the Xi cleft point for Yang Qiao channel? UB 59
What are the main indications for UB 60? relax sinews, induce labor
What is the Jing River point of the UB channel? UB 60
What is the fire point of the UB channel? UB 60
What is the main indication for UB 61? epilepsy
What are the main indications for UB 62? epilepsy, ADD, ADHD; a Yang Qiao confluent point
What are the main indications for UB 65? clear heat, drain fire, neck pain
What is the Yuan primary point for the UB channel? UB 64
What is the Shu Stream point for the UB channel? UB 65
What is the wood point for the UB channel? UB 65
What is the Ying Spring point for the UB channel? UB 66
What are the main indications for UB 66? Ying Spring point; tonify UB and Kidney; clear heat (esp. bladder heat)
What is the water point for the UB channel? UB 66
What is the metal point for the UB channel? UB 67
What is the Jing Well point of the UB channel? UB 67
What are the main indications for UB 67? turning a breech baby and facilitating labor
What UB Channel point is the influential point of the bones? UB 11
What point is the meeting point of the UB, SI, SJ, GB, and Du meridians? UB 11
What is the Luo connecting point of the UB Channel? UB 58
Which point is a Ma Dan-Yang Heavenly Star point on the UB channel? UB 60
Which UB point is a confluent point of the Yang Qiao meridian? UB 62
What is the Xi cleft point on the UB Channel? UB 63
What is the Yuan Primary point on the UB Channel? UB 64
Where does the pathway of the UB channel begin? inner canthus
What organs does the UB channel pass through? kidney and bladder
What other channels does the UB channel intersect with? DU, GB, and KD
What are the pathogenic signs on the UB channel? stiffness traveling up against channel, headache in nape of neck area, eye pain, tightness and stiffness of neck, pain in lumbar region, inability to turn at the waist, inability to bend knee and hip joints, pain in the gastrocnemius muscle
What are the pathogenic signs on the UB organ? jaundice, mania, epilepsy, hemorrhoids
Created by: APrenger
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