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csc 211

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OOP and procedural programming A class is basically a structure with member functions as well as member data. Classes are central to the programming methodology known as object-oriented programming.
OOP CLASS A class is a type that is similar to a structure type, but a class type normally has member functions as well as member variables.
OOP CLASS TYPE OBJECT The value of a variable of a class type is called an object (therefore, when speaking loosely, a variable of a class type is also often called an object). An object has both data members and function members.
PROCEDURAL ABSTRACTION means that your function should be written so that it can be used like a black box. This means that the programmer who uses the function should not need to look at the body of the function definition to see how the function works.
Block scope s some C++ code enclosed in braces. The variables declared in a block are local to the block, and so the variable names can be used outside the block for something else (such as being reused as the names for different variables).
PARAMETER Many people use the term parameter for both what we call formal parameters and what we call arguments.
example parameter int sum(int a,int b){ return a+b; } int a=sum(1,2);
evaluating expressions para comes first, ++ -- comes 2nd, * / comes 3rd and +- comes last. int = only put first value before decimal place double= put first and second value and round
overloading by return double mpg(double miles, double gallons) //Returns miles per gallon. { return (miles / gallons); } cout << mpg(45, 2) << " miles per gallon"; Savitch, Walter (2015-04-15). Absolute C++ (Page 168). Pearson Education. Kindle Edition.
overloading bycall reference PIZZA ARITHMATIC
boolean is an expression that results in a boolean value, that is, in a value of either true or false.
precedence rules for boolean Anything inside parentheses is done first. Arithmetic is done before equality and inequality tests. Logical operations are done after equality and inequality tests."Not" (!) is done before "and" (&&) "And" (&&) is done before "or" (||). Assign=last
overloading by different value use the void function in int main and anything not given value wise will be = to the above values given at the end.
Call by value parameter is like a blank a place holder to fill in the actual values that are going to be call by int main. local variable at the top. i.e. Law office
call-by-reference parameter must be marked in some way so that the compiler will know. The way that you indicate a call-by-reference parameter is to attach the ampersand sign, &, to the end of the type name in the formal parameter list. i.e. swap integers
call by reference i.e. void getInput(double& receiver) { cout << "Enter input number:\n"; cin >> receiver; }
void swap values cannot equal eachother through with same value, needs to be set first by an item not used-- temp = fnum. fnum=secnum; then equal to eachother than temp = secnum.
call by value and call by reference can be used via pg 158-159 void goodStuff(int& par1, int par2, double& par3);
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