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Household Words

The words used in Duolingo's "Household" section

la maison house
la table table
le lit bed
la chaise chair
la porte door
le miroir mirror
la assiette plate
la éponge sponge
le bol bowl
la chaise chair
le berceau crib
le couteau knife
la cuillère spoon
le plafond ceiling
la cuisine kitchen
la fourchette fork
le verre glass (drinking)
la bouteille bottle
le téléphone telephone
la tasse cup
la couverts silverware
la fenêtre window
le bureau desk
les couteaux knives
les fourchettes forks
le canapé sofa
le tapis carpet
le mur wall
Les meubles furniture
le four oven
le toit roof
la piscine swimming pool
la douche shower
les escaliers stairs
le réfrigérateur refrigerator
descends to go down, descend
le oreiller pillow
la prise outlet (electrical)
la serviette towel
la horloge clock
la couverture blanket
le outil tool
la baignoire bathtub
la télévision television
Les rideaux curtains
le chauffage heating
le savon soap
ferme, fermes closes
les recettes recipes
shampooing shampoo
la poubelle bin
nettoyer (nettoie, to clean
le balcon balcony
le jouet toy
le drap bedsheet
les draps sheets
Created by: 751683523604
Popular French sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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