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DDG Triva Qs General
Question | Answer |
What famous document begins: "When in the course of human events."? | The Declaration of Independence. |
What current branch of the U.S. military was a corps of only 50 soldiers when World War I broke out? | The U.S. Air Force. |
Who said: "I'm the president of the United States and I'm not going to eat any more broccoli"? | George Bush. |
What so-called "war" spawned the dueling slogans "Better Dead Than RED" and "Better Red Than Dead" in the 1950's? | The Cold War. |
What president was shot while walking to California Governor Jerry Brown' office? | Gerald Ford. |
Who earned infamy for noting: "A billion dollars isn't worth what it used to be"? | J. Paul Getty. |
What ethnic group was largely responsible for building most of the early railways in the U.S. West? | The Chinese. |
What former speaker of the U.S. House has a chair in peace studies named for him at the University of Ulster? | Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill. |
What was a gladiator armed with, in addition to a dagger and spear? | A net. |
What future Soviet dictator was training to be a priest when he got turned on to Marxism? | Joseph Stalin. |
What election year saw bumper stickers reading "Wallace, Wallace, Uber Alles" | 1968. |
What 20th-century conflict was dubbed the "forgotten war" despite 54,246 U.S. deaths? | The Korean War. |
What single name is more commonly applied to Holy Roman Emperor Charles the Great? | Charlemagne. |
Who was the last president of the Soviet Union? | Mikail Gorbachev. |
What had Pliny the Younger seen erupt when he wrote: "We were terrified to see everything changed, buried in ashes like snowdrifts"? | Mount Vesuvius. |
Who saw the turtleneck he wore at cease-fire talks in Bosnia fetch $5,000 at auction? | Jimmy Carter. |
What Alabama city saw state troopers attack Civil Rights marchers on Edmund Pettis Bridge ? | Selma. |
What Texan ended up with one delegate after spending $12 million of his own money running for president in 1980? | John Connally. |
What congressional award was Dr. Mary Edwards Walker the first woman to receive? | Medal of Honor. |
What modern vehicle was invented to circumvent trench warfare? | The Tank |
What California city did the last Pony Express ride end in? | Sacramento. |
Who was the first U.S. president to adopt the informal version of his first name? | Jimmy Carter. |
What civil rights leader did Dorothy Parker leave the bulk of her estate to? | Martin Luther King Jr. |
What did Republicans call the platform they hyped in the 1994 Congressional elections? | The Contract With America. |
What brave-hearted Scottish patriot led soldiers to a defeat of the English at the Battle of Cambuskenneth in 1297? | William Wallace. |
What nation issued the five-dollar bill found in Abraham Lincoln's pocket when he was shot? | The Confederate States of America. |
What political system was gradually dismantled in South Africa, starting in 1989? | Apartheid. |
What was 11th-century Spanish military leader Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar better know as? | El Cid. |
How many U.S. states border the Gulf of Mexico? | Five. |
What's the ballet term for a 360-degree turn on one foot? | Pirouette. |
What did blind bank robber David Worrell use as a weapon when trying to rob a London bank? | His cane. |
What Great Lake state has more shoreline than the entire U.S. Atlantic seaboard? | Michigan. |
What model appeared topless on the self-penned 1993 novel Pirate? | Fabio. |
Which country has more tractors per capita, Canada, Iceland or Japan? | Iceland. |
Who averaged one patent for every three weeks of his life? | Thomas Edison. |
What Elton John album became the first album to enter the charts at Number One, in 1975? | Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy. |
What laundry detergent got lots of mileage out of the ad line, "ring around the collar"? | Wisk. |
Who, after anchoring off Hawaii in 1779, was mistaken for the god Lono? | Captain James Cook. |
What continent is cut into two fairly equal halves by the Tropic of Capricorn? | Australia. |
What explorer introduced pigs to North America? | Christopher Columbus. |
What magazine boasts the slogan: "Test, Inform, Protect"? | Consumer Reports. |
Who was billed as the "Killer of Custer" in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show? | Sitting Bull. |
What railway linked Moscow and Irkutsk in 1900? | The Trans-Siberian Railway. |
What is the minimum number of musicians a band must have to be considered a "big band"? | Ten. |
What's a water moccasin often called, due to the white inside its mouth? | A cottonmouth. |
What nation was bounced from the Organization of American States in 1962? | Cuba. |
What continent has the fewest flowering plants? | Antartica. |
What element begins with the letter "K"? | Krypton. |
What country saw a world record 315 million voters turn out for elections on May 20, 1991? | India. |
What Lewis Carroll book was banned in China afer censors decided: "Animals should not use human language"? | Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. |
What is the least popular month for U.S. weddings? | January. |
What spot once registered 134 degrees, the highest temperature ever in the U.S.? | Death Valley. |
What was the first organ successfully transplanted from a cadaver to a live person? | A kidney. |
What surname means "son of Nick"? | Nixon. |
What duo survived a 1909 shootout with Bolivia's cavalry, according to historians? | Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. |
What F-word is defined in physics as a "nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more massive nuclei"? | Fusion. |
What's the largest and densest of the four rocky planets? | Earth. |
What ingredient in fresh milk is eventually devoured by bacteria, causing the sour taste? | Lactose. |
Who offered insurance against an accidental death caused by a falling Sputnik? | Lloyds of London. |
How many months per year do residents of Tromoso, Norway go without seeing a sunset? | Three. |
What Beatrix Potter tale is the top-selling children's book of all time? | The Tale of Peter Rabbit. |
What national holiday in Mexico has picnickers munching chocolate coffins and sugar skulls? | The Day of the Dead. |
What nation's military attached dynamite packs to Dobermans before sending them into Palestinian guerilla hideouts? | Israel. |
What was the first planet to be discovered using the telescope, in 1781? | Uranus. |
How many days does a cat usually stay in heat? | Five |