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Works of Non-Fiction
Question | Answer |
Leviathan (Politics) | Thomas Hobbes |
The Republic (Politics) | Plato |
Common Sense (Politics) | Thomas Paine |
Principia Mathematica (Physics/Science) | Isaac Newton |
The Social Contract (Politics) | Jean-Jacques Rousseau |
An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (Economics) | Adam Smith |
J’accuse (Open Letter) | Emile Zola |
The Elements (Math) | Euclid |
Coming of Age in Samoa (Anthropology) | Margaret Mead |
The Communist Manifesto (Politics) | Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels |
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God (Religious) | Jonathan Edwards |
Pragmatism (Philosophy) | William James |
Book of Mormon (Religious) | Joseph Smith |
Qur’an (Religious) | Muhammad |
Meditations (Philosophy) | Marcus Aurelius (the Philosopher Emperor of Rome) |
On The Origin of Species (Biology) | Charles Darwin |
Ethics (Philosophy) | Benedict de Spinoza |
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (Sociology) | Max Weber (pronounced Veber) |
Apology (Philosophy) | Plato |
Utilitarianism (Philosophy) | John Stuart Mill |
Critique of Pure Reason (Philosophy) | Immanuel Kant |
Summa theologica (Theology) | Thomas Aquinas |
Cross of Gold Speech | William Jennings Bryan (1896, 1900 & 1908 Democratic Presidential Candidate) |
The Gospel According to Matthew (Religious) | Saint Matthew |
The American Crisis (Politics) | Thomas Paine |
The Federalist Papers (Politics) | Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay |
Essay on Population (Essay) | Thomas Malthus |
Beyond Good and Evil (Philosophy) | Friedrich Nietzsche |
Philippics (Speech) | Demosthenes |
The Book of Psalms (Religious) | David |
The Affluent Society (Economics) | John K. Galbraith |
Almagest (Astronomy) | Ptolemy |
The Chrysanthemum and the Sword (Anthropology) | Ruth Benedict |
Crito (Philosophy) | Plato |
Phaedo (Philosophy) | Plato |
The Gulag Archipelago (History) | Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn |
The Myth of Sisyphus (Philosophy) | Albert Camus |
Patterns of Culture (Anthropology) | Ruth Benedict |
Silent Spring (Advocacy/Science) | Rachel Carson |
Reflections on the Revolution in France (Essay) | Edmund Burke |
Poetics (Criticism) | Aristotle |
A Dictionary of the English Language (Reference) | Samuel Johnson |
Night (Autobiography on the Holocaust) | Elie Wiesel |
Chinese philosopher who wrote Tao-Te Ching (Classic of the Way of Power) and is considered the founder of Taoism | Lao Tzu |
The Enormous Room | e.e. cummings (never capitalize his name; this is an autobiography) |
The Book of Exodus | Moses |
The Book of Revealation | John of Patmos |
Books of Psalms | David |
Magna Carta | King John (signer) |
Acts of the Apostles | Luke |
Democracy in America | Alexis de Tocqueville |
Book of Leviticus | Moses |
The Spirit of Laws | Montesquieu |
The Division of Labour in Society | Emile Durkheim |
The Rules of Sociological Method | Emile Durkheim |
Book of Ecclesiastes | Solomon |
The Gospel According to John | St. John the Apostle (Not John the Baptist) |
Politics as a Vocation | Max Weber (pronounced Veber) |
Two Treatises of Government | John Locke |
Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions | James Madison and Thomas Jefferson |
Discourse on Inequality | Rousseau |
Encyclopedie | Denis Diderot |
Jacques the Fatalist | Denis Diderot |
The Age of Reason | Thomas Paine |