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*Historical Figures

*List of Historical Figures from ACE

What they didPeople
founded Hull House in Chicago; winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931. Jane Addams
Nixon's vice president who resigned in 1973, pleading "no contest" to charges of income tax evasion while governor of Maryland. Sprio Agnew
Wrote "rags to riches" books absed on the theme that honesty, hard work, and virtue will win out and be rewarded; Ragged Dick was his first novel. Horatio Alger
Leader of the Green Mountain Boys and advocate of independence for Vermont during the American Revolution. Ethan Allen
Suffragist and Abolitionist, she was a leader and lecturer in the women's rights movement of the nineteenth century; with Stanton, she founded the National Woman Suffrage Organization and served as its president. Susan B. Anthony
Successful general during the American Revolution; tried to sell West Point to the British. Benedict Arnold
A black patriot killed in the Boston Massacre of 1770. Crispus Attucks
Carried out his father's plan to colonize three hundred American families in Mexican-owned Texas, establishing the first authorized American settlement there. Stephen Austin
A young plantation owner who led a group of indentured servants in an 1676 uprising against the colonial authorities headed by Sir William Berkeley, governor of Virginia. The group accused Berkeley of failling to protect them from raids by Native American Nathaniel Bacon
First notable U. S. historian; wrote History of the United States of America (1834) George Bancroft
A nurse in the Civil War, she founded the American Red Cross. Clara Barton
invented the telephone in 1876. Alexander G. Bell
Wrote Looking Backward, 2000-1887, describing an ideal US as a utopian socialist society. Edward Bellamy
President of the Second Bank of the United States. Nicholas Biddle
First woman to recieve a medical degree in the US. Elizabeth Blackwell
The second governor of Plymouth; served over thirty years; wrote Of Plymouth Plantation William Bradford
Photographer of the Civil War Matthew Brady
Abolitionist who led a raid on Harpers Ferry, Virginia, in 1859; captured by troops led by Robert E. Lee. John Brown
Delivered the "Cross of Gold Speech"; three-time candidate for the presidency (1896,1900,1908); Secretary of State under Wilson William Jennings Bryan
Vice-president under Thomas Jefferson; challenged Hamilton to a duel and shot him. Aaron Burr
Secretary of State under Tyler; was vice President under J. Q. Adams and Jackson; anonymously wrote the South Carolina Exposition and Protest John C. Calhoun
The leader of the American soldiers in the Vietnam War, who opened fired on about 350 unarmed Vietnamese civilians in My Lai (called the My Lai Massacre); occured March 16, 1968. William Calley
Wrote the Gospel of Wealth. Established over 2500 libraries. Andrew Carnegie
Marine biologist who wrote Silent Spring, which claimed that the use of chemicals was permanetly harming the ecological balence in the world. Rachel Carson
African-American botanist and teacher at Tuskegee Institute George Washington Carver
Founded the League of Women Voters Catt
Secretary of State under John Q. Adams (corrupt bargain); leader of the War Hawks in Congress Henry Clay
Governor of New York who worked to construct the Erie Canal. DeWitt Clinton
Led a group of unemployed workers from Ohio to Washington, D. C., in 1894, in the depth of the depression that followed the financial panic of 1893. Jacob Coxey
Secretary of War under Franklin Pierce; president of the Confederate States of America Jefferson Davis
Led the Pullman Strike in 1894; Socialist Presidential candidate fixe times, even from jail in 1920. Eugene Debs
Naval hero of the Spanish-American War when his fleet soundly defeated the Spanish in Manilla Bay George Dewey
Lost to FDR in 1944 and Truman in 1948 Thomas Dewey
Worked to win humane treatment of the insane Dix
Sponsored the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854, which included the idea of popular soveriegnty; took part in a series of seven debates against Abraham Lincoln in the Senate race in 1858 in Illinois; defeated Lincoln in this race. Stephen Douglas
An escaped slave who became a prominent abolitionist orator; founded the abolitionist news paper The North Star Frederick Douglass
Wrote Souls of Black Folk; joined the Communist Party and moved to Ghana. DuBois
Founded the Christian Science religion Mary Baker Eddy
"The Wizard of Menlo Park" Thomas Edison
a leader of the Great Awakening, in 1741, he delivered the sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." Jonathan Edwards
The first cabinet official to be found guilty of a felony while in office; was secretary of the interior under Harding; resigned because of his involvement in the Teapot Dome Scandal. Fall
Businessman and financier who planned and engineered the first transatlanitc telegraph cable which ran from Newfoundland to Ireland. Field
Two people who caused the stock market to crash in 1869 by trying to corner the Gold Market. Fisk and Gould
Published Poor Richard's Almanack; served as deputy postmaster for the colonies. Franklin
First governor of California; first presidential canidate of the New Republican Pary (1856). Fremont
Called the Pathfinder Fremont
Wrote The Feminine Mystique (1963) which sparked the modern feminist movement. Friedan
Built the first commercially successful steamboat, the Clermont Fulton
Abolitionist who founded the Liberator Garrison
Created a modern version of the "back to Africa" movement, believing that blacks would never achieve equality in countries where most people were white; founded the UNIA. Garvey
Perfected barbed or twisted wire, patenting it in 1874; it helped end the open range in the West. Glidden
Cigarmaker who helped organize the American Federation of Labor and served as its president almost every year until he died. Gompers
Editor of the Atlanta Constitution; advocated a New South that had a commericial industrial economy similar to the North. Grady
Founded the New York Tribune; said, "Go West, young man, and grow up with the country." Horace Greeley
Born in the West Indies, he co-authored the Federalist Papers; was the first treasury secretary and responsible for creating the first Bank of the United States. Alexander Hamilton
Killed in a duel by Aaron Burr. Alexander Hamilton
Was president of the Second Continental Congress John Hancock
First to sign the Declaration of Independence John Hancock
Mangaged the Republican presidential campaign of 1896 for McKinley; became Republican national chairman; his money, power, and sucees led to his election to the US Senate. Mark Hanna
Private secretary to Abraham Lincoln; secretary of state under McKinley and Teddy Roosevelt; was responsible for the Open Door Policy toward China and treaties with Panama. Hay
Newspaper and magazine publisher; owned several newspapers, including the New York Journal, which used sensationalism to appeal to his readers, called yellow journalism by his critics; he manipulated public opinion against Spain in the Spanish-American Wa William Randolph Hearst
Served in the Virginia House of Burgesses; said, "Give me libery or give me death." Patrick Henry
Created by: Wisnodew
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