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British Poetry
Question | Answer |
The Parliament of Fowles | Chaucer |
The Jew of Malta | Marlowe |
Holy Sonnet 10 (death be not proud) | Donne |
Volpone | Jonson |
Every Man in his humour | jonson |
to the virgins, to make much of time | herrick |
to his coy mistress | Marvell |
lycidas | milton |
samson agonistes | milton |
the way of the world | congreve |
an essay on criticism | pope |
an essay on man | pope |
elegy written in a country churchyard | gray |
she stoops to conquer | goldsmith |
a red, red rose | burns |
to a mouse | burns |
auld lang syne | burns |
songs of innocence and songs of experience | blake |
the tyger | blake |
lines written a few miles above tinturn abbey | wordsworth |
i wandered lonely as a cloud | wordsworth |
the world is too much with us | wordsworth |
kublai khan | coleridge |
the rime of the ancient mariner | coleridge |
dejection: an ode | coleridge |
ode on a grecian urn | keats |
ode to a nightengale | john keats |
ode to the west wind | shelley |
ozymandias | shelley |
adonais | shelley |
dover beach | arnold |
ulysses | tennyson |
crossing the bar | tennyson |
in memorium A.H.H. | tennyson |
my last duchess | browning |
jabberwocky | carroll |
the hunting of the snark | carroll |
god's grandeur | hopkins |
pied beauty | hopkins |
when i was one and twenty | housman |
to an athlete dying young | housman |
the lake isle of innisfree | yeats |
sailing to byzantium | yeats |
leda and the swan | yeats |
four quartets | eliot |
gunga din | kipling |
dulce et decorum est | owen |
the unknown citizen | auden |
do not go gentle into that good night | thomas |