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dental terms
Stack #202874
Question | Answer |
xerostomia | Dryness of the mouth caused by the lack of normal saliva secetion. |
-trophy | development |
-tomy | incision |
-scope | instrument |
-rrhea | discharge |
-plasty | surgical repair |
-phobia | dread, fear |
-opsy | veiw |
-ology | study of |
-ectomy | surgical removal of |
-cyte | cell |
-ate,-ize | use/action |
-algia | pain |
-rrhage | bleeding |
-ent | agent |
-pathy | disease |
-oma | tumor |
-ium | small, little |
-itis | inflamation of |
-ion | state, condition |
-id | condition |
-cele | swelling, hernia |
xanth/o | yellow |
cyan/o | blue |
albus | white |
erythr/o | red |
leuk/o | white |
chlor/o | green |
melan/o | black |
alba | violet |
temporal | temporal bone |
stoma | mouth |
orthos | straight, proper order |
mucosa | tissue lining an orifice |
mesial | middle, mid-plane |
maxilla | upper jaw |
mandible | lower jaw |
lingua | tongue |
labial | lip area |
incisor | incisor tooth |
glossa | tongue |
gingiva | gum tissue |
fluoride | chemical |
enamel | tooth enamel tissue |
distal | farthest from center |
dens | tooth |
occlude | occluding jaw, bite |
coronal | crown |
cheilo | lip |
buccal | cheek |
axis | midline |
apical | apex of a root |
alveolar | alveolus |
necrotic | dead tissue |
mastication | chewing |
myopathy | muscle disease |
lipoma | fat tumor |
alveolus | air sac |
anesthesia | without feeling |
vesicle | small blister |
etchant | etching |
un- | non/not |
tachy- | fast |
neo- | new |
mal- | bad |
dis- | remove |
contra- | against |
con- | with |
brady- | slow |
anti- | opposite |
trans- | through |
syn- | together |
supra- | above/over |
sub- | lesser than |
retro- | behind/back |
pre/ante- | before |
post- | after/late |
peri/o- | around |
para- | near/besides |
mes/o- | mid,among |
inter- | in midst of |
infra- | under/below |
in- | into/in/not |
im- | into/position |
ex/o- | out from |
epi- | upon/over |
endo- | within |
abrade | to wear away by friction |
abnormal tooth mobility | excessive movement of a tooth within its socket as a result of changes in the supporting tissues caused by injury or disease |
abnormal | departing from the norm |
ablation | an amputation or excision of any part of the body, or a removal of a growth or harmful substance. |
abfraction area | the part of the tooth, most commonly the cervical area, that is affected by the loss of dentin and enamel due to flexure and material fatigue. |
abfraction | a mechanism that explains the loss of dentin tissue and tooth enamel caused by flexure and ultimate material fatigue of susceptible teeth at locations away from the point of loading. |
aberrant | deviating from the usual or normal course, location, or action. |
abduction | the process of abducting; opposite of adduction |
abduct | to draw away from the median line or from a neighboring part or limb |
abdomen | the portion of the body between the thorax and the pelvis |
abatement | a decrease in severity of pain or symptoms |
abrasive, finishing | the application of abrasive materials in order to eliminate surface imperfections |
dentifrice abrasion | the wearing away of the cementum and dentin of an exposed root my an abrasive |
PDR | Physician's desk reference |
RDH | Registered Dental Hygienist |
HIV | Human Immunodeficiency virus |
MPD | Maximum permissible dose |
MSDS | Material saftey data sheet |
Bi- | two/double |
Hyper- | over/excess |
Ultra- | extreme/beyond |
pan- | all around |
micro- | small/little |
macro- | large |
hypo- | under/below |
syncope | a temporary loss of consciousness resulting from an inadequate supply of blood to the brain; also known as wooning or fainting. |
abacterial | non-bacterial; free from bacteria |
abandonment | the withdrawing of a patient from treatment without giving reasonable notice or providing a competent replacement. |
ALARA | As Low As Reasonably Achievable |
dia- | complete |
Palpitation | condition of racing or increased heartbeat |
aesthesia | loss of pain sensation |
suture | stitch or staple repairing or closing a wound |
esthetics | pertaining to beauty |
dye | coloring material; may be used to indicate plaque |
fascial | pertaining to the filorous membrane on muscles |
suture | area or line where two bones unite, such as coronal suture |
palpation | use of hand or finger pressure to locate/examine |
axillary | underarm site; may be used to obtain body temp. |
a nativitate | the state of existing at birth or from infancy; denotes a congenital disability |
aa | of each |
ad- | toward/near |
abrasion | the process of weraing away either by mechanical processes or by natural processes |
semi- | half |
ANUG | acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis |
Prim/i- | first |
ab- | away from |
ab | beforehand; a notice given previouslt or a condition existing earlier |
uni- | one |
FFD | Film focus distance or focal film distance |
DDS/DMD | Doctor of dental surgery/ Doctor of dental medicine |
mon/o- | one |
CDA | Certified Dental Assistant |
tri- | three |
HVE | high volume evacuation |
quad/quat- | four |
eponyms | terms named after the person that discovered the area, disease, or instrument |
PID | Position Indicating Device |
a- an- | without |
hemi- | half |
ZOE | Zinc Oxide Eugenol |
ecto- | out side |
die | tooth or bridge pattern used in prosthodontic dentistry |
auxiliary | helping subsidiary, such as dental assistant |
facial | pertaining to the face, or front surface of incisor tooth |
ante- | infront |
de- | down from |
poly- | many |
temporal | two fan-shaped bones, one on each side of the skull, in the temporal area above each ear. |
parietal | two bones,one on each side, that make up the roof and side walls covering the brain. |
frontal | a single bone in the frontal or anterior region that makes up the forehead. |
occipital | one large,thick bone at the lower back of the head that forms the base of the skull and contains a large opening for the spinal chord passage to the brain. |
ethmoid | a spongy bone located between the eye orbits that helps form the roof and part of the anterior nasal fossa of the skull |
sphenoid | a large bone at the base of the skull, situated between the parietal and temporal bones on each side. |
zygomatic | two facial bones, one under each eye, that form and give shape to the cheekbone. |
malar | another word for the zygomatic bones |
maxilla | two facial bones, one under each eye, that unite in the center to form the upper jaw and support the maxillary teeth |
palatine | two bones, one each on the left and the right, that form the hard palate of the mouth and the nasal floor. |
nasal | two bones, one left and one right, that form the arch or bridge of the nose. |
lacrimal | two bones, one each, at the inner side or nose site of the orbital cavity. |
inferior nasal conchae | two thin, scroll-like bones that form the lower part of the interior of the nasal cavity. |
vomer | a single bone that forms the lower posterior part of the nasal septum. |
auditory ossicles | small bones in the ear |
malleus | largest of the three ossicles in the middle ear; commonly called the ear mallet. |
incus | one of three ossicles in the middle ear; commonly called the anvil |
stapes | one of three ossicles in the middle ear; commonly called the stirrup. |
hyoid | horseshoe-shaped bone lying at the base of the tongue. |
sinus | an air pocket or cavity in a bone that lightens the bone, warms the air intake, and helps form sounds. |
ethmoid sinus | located in the ethmoid bone at the side of each eye. |
sphenoid sinus | located in the sphenoid bone situated behind the eyes. |
frontal sinus | located in the frontal bone or the forehead above each eye. |
maxillary sinus | located in the maxilla; the maxillary sinus is the largest |
atrium of Highmore | maxillary sinus |
sagittal | the union line between the two parietal bones on the top of the skull. |
coronal | junction of the frontal and the parietal bones; babys "soft spot" |
lambdoid | located between the parietal bone and the upper border of the occipital bone. |
temporoparietal | located between the temporal and parietal bones |
squamous | temporoparietal |
posterior nasal spine | located in the upper arch between the nasal bone and superior maxilla. |
median palatine suture | the union between the palatine bones |
incisive suture | located in the anterior area of the pre-maxilla and palatine processes. |
nasion | a point where the nasofrontal suture is cute across by the middle plane of the skull. |
process | a projection or outgrowth of bone or tissue |
symphysis | in the center of the manible, forms the chin |
chin protuberance | symphysis that forms the chin |
alveolar | bone growth or border of the maxilla and the mandible; makes up and forms the tooth sockets |
condyloid | prosterior growth on the ramus of the madible |
cronoid | anterior growth on the ramus of the mandible that forms as an attachment position for the temoralis muscle. |
infraorbital | growth process from the zygomatic bone that articulates with the maxilla to form the lower side of the eye orbit |
mastoid | growth on the temporal bone behind the ear that is used for muscle attachment |
pterygoid | growth |
pterygoid hamulus | a hook like end that serves as a a site for muscle attachment |
styloid | small, pointed growth from the lower border of the temporal bone; serves as a bone position for attachment of some tongue muscles |
foramen | an opening or hole in the bone for nerve and vessel passage |
external auditory meatus | a large opening in the temporal bone used for the passage of auditory nerves and vessels |
magnum | opening in the occipital bone for spinal cord passage |
mandibular | located on the lingual side of the ramus of the mandible; permits nerve and vessel passage |
mental | opening situated on left and right anterior areas of the mandible; used for passage of nerve and vessels |
lingual | small opening in the center of the mental spine for nerve passage to the incisor area |
incisive | an opening in the maxilla behind the central incisors on the midline |
supraorbital | an opening in the frontal bone above the eye orbit |
infraorbital | an opening in the maxilla under the eye orbit |
palatine | anterior and posterior openings in the hard palate |
zygomaticofacial | an opening in the zygomatic bone |
periosteum | fibrous membrane covering bones |
mucoperiosteum | when the periosteum has a mucous surface |
lining mucosa | mucous membrane that lines the inner surfaces of the lips and cheeks |
masticatory mucosa | elastic type of mucous membrane that undergoes stress and pull; located around the alveolar area of the teeth and lines the hard palate |
specialized mucosa | smoother mucous tissue found on the dorsal side of the tongue |
ramus | ascending part of the mandible that arises from the curved, lower arch |
angle of the mandible | area along the lower edge of the mandible where the upward curve of the mandible forms |
sigmoid notch | s-shaped curvature between the condyle and coronoid processes |
mylohyoid ridge | bony ridge on the lingual surface of the mandible |
oblique line | slanted, bony growth ridge on the facial side of the mandible |
retromolar area | the space located to the rear of the mandibular molars |
mandibular notch | an indentation on the lower border of the mandible, near the angle where the ramus starts into its upright position |
articulates | comes together |
condyle | rests in a depression in the temporal bone |
glenoid | depression the condyle rests in |
articular eminence | forms the anterior boundary of the fossa and helps maintain the mandible in position |
meniscus | articular disc that cushions inbetween the glenoid and the articular eminence |
synovial fluid | cuchions and lubricates the joint as it works in a hinge action movement |
temporal muscle | a fan-shaped muscle on each side of the skull; elevates and lowers the jaw and can draw the mandible backward |
masseter muscle | the muscle that closes the mouth; the principal mastication muscle |
internal pterygoid muscle | (wing-shapped)muscle that raises the mandible to close the jaw |
external pterygoid muscle | muscle that opens the jaw and thrusts the mandible forward; assists with lateral movement |
orbicularis oris muscle | "kissing muscle" a circular muscle surrounding the mouth that compacts, compresses, and protrudes the lips |
buccinator muscle | principal cheek muscle; compresses the cheek, expels air through the lips, and aids in food mastication |
mentalis muscle | muscle of the chin (mental) that moces the chin tissue and raises or lowers the lower lip |
trigeminal nerve | (three branches) dental and face nerve, involved in teeth and facial sensation and tongue movement |
ganglion | mass of nerves |
ophthalmic nerve | a sensory nerve division with three branches |
lactimal nerve branch | provides sensation for the lactimal gland and eye conjunctiva |
frontal nerve branch | provides sensation for the forehead, scalp, upper eyelid, and nasal root |
nasociliary nerve branch | provides sensation for nose, eye, and eyebrow |
maxillary nerve | a sensory division of the trigeminal nerve, with several branches |
anterior palatine nerve branch | provides sensation for the hard palate, and mucous membrane for molars and premolar teeth |
periosteum | mucous membrane for molar and premolar teeth |
middle palatine nerve branch | provides sensation for the soft palate, the uvula (hangy ball thing), and the upper or soft part of the palate |
posterior palatine nerve branch | provides sensation for the tonsils and the soft palate |
nasoplaltine nerve branch | provides sensation for the mose and the palate |
infraorbital nerve branch | subdivides into three parts: anterior, middle, and posterior |
anterior part of the infraorbital nerve branch | provides sensation to maxillary centrals, laterals, and canines |
middle part of the infraorbital nerve branch | procides sensation to the maxillary premolars and the mesiobuccal root of the maxillary first molar |
posterior part of the infraorbital nerve branch | provides sensation to the maxillary second and third molar, and to the remaining roots of the maxillary first molar |
zygomatic nerve branch | prvides sensation to the lacimal and upper cheek area |
sphenopalatine nerve branch | sensory nerve ending for the maxillary anterior mucosal and palatine tissues |
mandibular nerve | mexed nerve division that registers sensation and causes movement |
inferior alveolar nerve branch | provides sensation to the mandibular teeth |
mylohyoid nerve branch | provides sensation to some muscles in the floor of the mouth |
mental nerve branch | provides sensation to the skin of chin and the lower lip |
incisive nerve branch | provides sensation to the anterior teeth and alveoli |
lingual nerve branch | provides some sensation to the tongue and causes some movement |
buccal nerve branch | provides sensation to the buccal gingiva and mucosa |
vascular | small vessels |
artery | carries blood away from the heart |
vein | takes blood to the heart |
carotid artery | rises from the aorta right and left and divides in the neck to form two arteries |
internal carotid artery | blood supply to the brain and eyes |
external carotid artery | branches to the throat, face, tongue, and ears |
infraorbital branch of the external carotid artery | provides blood to the maxillary anterior teeth |
inferior alveolar branch of the external carotid artery | provides blood to the mandibular teeth |
facial branch of the external carotid artery | provides blood the the face, tonsils, palate, and submandibular gland |
lingual branch of the external carotid artery | divides into branches to serve the tongue, tonsil, soft palate, and throat |
maxillary branch of the external carotid artery | provides blood to the maxillary teeth |
jugular vein | transports blood from the head to the heart; drains to the internal jugular through three divisions |
facial division of the jugular vein | carries blood from the face surfaces |
maxillary division of the jugular vein | carries blood from the maxillary region |
pterygoid venus plexus division of the jugular vein | (network) collects the blood supply from the head |
capillaries | tiny blood vessels that help to transport blood from the veins to the arteries |
expectorate | spit |
serum | watery fluid |
mucin | sticky, slimy secretion that forms musus |
enzymes | body produced chemicals(to digest food) |
parotid gland | the largest salivary gland, located near the ear; produces serus salica, which empties into the mouth near the maxillary second molar throught the Stenson's duct(to lead) |
submandibular gland | a smaller gland located on the lower side of the face that secretes mucin and serus fluids with enzymes; empties through the Whartons's, or submandibular, duct openings under the tongue on each side of the lingual fremum |
sublingual gland | smallest major salivary gland, situated in the floor of the mouth; secretes mucin through multiple ducts; many other small glands are nearby, functioning to keep mouth tissues moist |
lymph | vessels that transport lymph fluids of plasma, water, and waste products |
lymph capillaries | tiny vessels or tubes that carry lymph fluid |
lymph node | a mass of lymph cells forming a unit of lymphatic tissue that are named after the formation site |
axillary | (pertaining to the armpit) lymph nodes located under the armpit |
cervical | (pertaining to the neck) lymph nodes found in the neck |
inguinal | (pertaining to the groin) lymph nodes found in the abdomen |
tonsil | a lymphatic tissue mass found in the posterior of the throat between the anterior and posterior fauces and on the back of the tongue; tonsils act as filters, aid in the production of disease-fighting immune responses, and may help immunity |
adenoid | lymphatic tissue found in the nasopharynx area; may provide protection similar to tonsils |
antigens | foreign, pathogenic substances intoduced into or produced by the body |
antibody | protein material, manufactured by the body, that destroys antigens; antibodies are the basis fro the immune response |
lymphocytes | lymph cells that assist in body defenses; two types |
B-lymphocytes | produce antibodies to destroy antigens |
T-lymphocytes | also called T-cells; produced in the thymus; assist with the immune system to destroy foreign cells and pathogens |
immunoglobulin | plasma-made proteins, produced in lymph tissue, that are capable of acting as antibodies in the immune response |
interferon | proteins produced by cells exposed to viruses; help to provide immunity to unaffected cells |
phagocytes | white blood cells that ingest and destroy antigens in a process |
phagocytosis | process of white blood cells ingesting and destroying antigens |
macrophages (type of phagocyte) | large phagocyte cells that ingest antigens and inflammatory bodies |
microphanges (Type of phagocyte) | neutophilic cells that ingest smaller matter, such as bacteria |
superior oris | upper lip |
inferium oris | lower lip |
labial commissure | area at the corners of the mouth where the lips meet |
vermilion border | area where the pink-red lip tissue meets the facial skin |
philtrum | median groove in the center external sirface of the upper lip |
caruncle | small, fleshy mucous tissue elevations under the tongue |
frenum | a triangular peice of tissue |
frena | plural of frenum |
labial frenum(2) | tissue that attaches the inside of the lip to the mucous membrane in the anterior of the oral cavity. they occur in both the maxillary and the mandibular arches |
lingual frenum(1) | attaches the lower side of the tongue to the floor membrane |
ankyloglossia | if the lingual frenum is too short (tongue tied) |
buccal frenum(2) | attaches the inside of the cheek to the oral cavity in the maxillary first molar area. left and right sides |
deglutition | swallowing |
median sulcus | groove, depression (divides the top of the tongue into two parts) |
papillae | tissue growth (taste buds) |
dorsal | (back) back surface of the tongue |
circumvallate | the largest, V-shaped papillae, situated on the dorsal aspect of the tongue; sense bitter tastes |
filiform | the smallest, hair-like papillae covering the entire dorsal aspect of the tongue; do not sense taste |
fungiform | small, dark-red papillae on the middle and anterior dorsal surface and along the sides of the tongue; sense sweet, sour, and salty tastes |
foliate | on the posterior lateral borders of the tongue, and can be seen if the tongue is grasped with gauze and extended; sense sour tastes |
palate | or roof of the mouth (hard palate or soft palate) |
hard palate | composed of the palatine processes of the maxillae bones; covered with mucous membrane |
rugae | irregular folds or bumps on the surface of the hard palate |
incisive papilla | tissue growth situated at the anterior portion of the palate behind the maxillary centrals; the site for infiltration injection of local anesthesia |
palatine raphe | (ridge between the union of two halves) white streak in the middle of the palate |
soft palate | flexible protion of the palate; area where the gag reflex is present |
uvula | tissue structure hanging from the palate in the posterior of the oral cavity |
vestibule | open gum area between the teeth and the cheek |
fauces | constricted opening or passage leading from the mouth to the oral pharynx, bound by the soft palate, the base of tongue, and the palatine arches. the fauces have two pillars |
glossopalatine arch | anterior pillars |
pharyngopalatine | posterior pillars |
prosthodontist | replaces missing teeth with artificial appliances such as a full mouth denture or partial bridgework |
periodontist | treats diseases of periodontal (gingiva and supporting) tissues |
orthodontist | corrects malocclusion and improper jaw alignment |
pediatric dentist | preforms dental procedures for children; also called pedodontist |
endodontist | treats the diseased pulp and periradicular structures |
oral and maxillofacial surgeon | performs surgical treatment of the teeth, jaws, and related areas |
public health dentist | works on causes and prevention of common dental diseases and promotes dental health to the communtiy or general population |
oral pathologist | studies the nature, diagnosis, and control of oral disease |
oral and maxillofacial radiologist | is concerned with the production and interpretation of radiant energy images or data regarding the oral and maxillofacial regions |
forensic dentist | discovers and uses pathological evidence for legal proceedings; forensic dentistry is not yet established as a recognized specialty but is organized and realted to a particular type of dental care |
ADA | american dental association |
EFDA | expanded function dental auxiliary |
ADHP | advances dental hygiene practitioner |
ADHA | American dental hygienist's association |
dental assistant | aids the dentist in diagnosis, treatment, and dental care |
DANB | dental assisting national board |
RHS | radiation health and saftey |
COA | certified orthodontic assistant |
CDPMA | certified dental practice management assistant |
ADAA | american dental assistants association |
dental laboratory technician | performs dental lab procedures under written orders from a licensed dentist |
CDT | certified dental technician |
NADL | National association of dental laboratories |
denturist | specializes in the construction of dentures and may practice only in those states that recognize, license, and permit this profession |
shaft or handle | used to grasp the instrument; supplied in various weights, diameters, and surfaces that may be smooth or serrated |
shank | connects the handle to the working end; sometimes called the unstrument neck |
working end | also called blade or nib; rounded end is the toe, pointed end is the tip |
armamentarium | set up used for most procedures |
mouth mirror | used for reflection, retraction, and ciual observation |
explorer | a sharp, flexible, pointed instrument used to detect caries and calculus, to explore restorations, surfaces and furcations, to make location marks, and to pick up conton points or materials; |
cotton forceps | tweezer-like pinchers used to transport materials to or from the mouth; also called dressing pliers; available with or without a serrated tip |
periodontal probe | a longer pointed instrument with measured marks on the tip; used to assess depth of tissue pockets; available with a round or flat blade and may be color-coded to help determine measurements |
expro | double- ended instrument with a diagnosing probe tip at one end and an explorer tip at the other end |
pen-probe | and double-ended instrument with a probe-marking tip on one end and a pen on the opposite end |
scaler | thin-bladed hand instrument with pointed tip and two cutting edges; used to scale(scrape off) hard deposits from teeth |
sickle scaler | sharp blade in the shape of a sickle; used to remove calculus from tooth surfaces |
curette | round-tipped thin blade with a longer neck and two cutting edges; used to remove subgingival deposits |
implant scaler/curette | non-metalic, resin-tipped instrument, designed to remoce deposits around titanium implant abutments |
periodontal knife | hand instrument with flat-bladed incision tip of various shapes and angles; used to remove or recontour soft tissue. |
scalpel | handle for attachment of blades of assorted sizes and shapes; used to incise(cut into) or remove tissue; also used in specialized dental procedures |
excavator | hand instrument with long-necked, cup-like, sharp-edged blades; used to remove soft, decayed tissue from preparations |
gingival margin trimmer | hand instrument with long, slender, curved, flat blade; used to break away enamel margins during tooth preparations |
hoe | smaller bladed instrument with a tip resembling a farm hoe; used to break or pull away enamel tissue during preparations |
hatchet | hand instument with a sharp-edge, hatchet-like tip; used to remove hard tissue |
chisel | hand instument with cutting edge that is used to cut away enamel tissue |
cleoid/discoid carver | double-ended, long-necked carving instrument with a pointed tip on one end and a disc-shaped blade on the other end; used to carve anatomy features in newly places restorations, or can be used to remove decay and tooth tissue during cavity prepertaions |
carver | thin-bladed hand instrument used to remove decay or carve newly placed restorative material; blade faces come in various shapes; a popular type is the Hollenback |
plastic filling instrument(PFI) | hand instrument with a flat blade; used to carry, transfer, and to pack materials, or to carve restorative materials |
condenser | hand instrument with a thick, rounded or ocal shaped, flat head that is sometimes serrated. It is used to pack or condense restoratice material into the cavity preparation |
burnisher | hand instrument with a smooth, rounded head that comes in various shapes; used to smooth out restorative material or other metal surfaces, such as a matrix strip |
beaver-tail burnisher | a burnisher with a beaver tail-shaped blade extending from the round nip or tip; used to smoothe and carve restorative material while in the plastic, pliable shape, and to apply medication such as dycal to a cavity preparation |
amalgam carrier | hand instrument with holding cylinder for the transfer of amalgam material while in a plastic form; has a spring lever pusher to expel the material into the preparation |
matrix holder, matrix strip, wedge | holder device used to maintain artificial wall around the tooth preparation. A wooden or resin triangular wedge is used to hold the strip in place and prevent the material from leaking |
file | hand instrument with a flat blade with serrated edging; used to smoothe off and contour restorations or hard surfaces |
high-volume evacuator(HVE) | curved, metal or resin, beveled tip with a large hole; inserted into a high-evacuation tube system handle with off/on and intensity controls; used for gross removal of fluids and debris from the mouth |
saliva ejector tip | smaller suction tip that is inserted into the evacuation tubing from the dental unit; used for steady,constant fluid remocal from the oral cavity |
cuspidor | basin |
straight handpeice (SHP) | straight handpeice with no head; instruments are inserted directly into opening and held in place by engaging the manual or automatic tightening device in the unit's handpeice |
contra-angle handpeice (CAHP) | handpeice with an obtuse angled head; is inserted into the power unit's straight handpeice and is used to gain access to posterior teeth and difficult areas |
right-angle handpeice (RAHP) | handpeice with its head set at a 90-degree angle is inserted and coonects into the power unit's handpeice; employed in general use throughout the oral cavity |
prophy angle handpeice (PHP) | small prophylaxis handpeice rotary angle with a 90-degree angle head; has a limited opening in the working end for polishing cups or brush placement |
fiber optic handpeice | specific slow- or high-speed handpiece that supplies a light source to the operative site for improved vision |
rheostat | a food petal or lever that is used to regulate the speed of the handpeice |
air abrasion | air-powered handpeice delivering abrasive aluminum oxide powder or sodium bicarbonate under force to clean or prepare tooth surfaces or remove some carious tissue |
ultrasonic handpiece | high-speed vibration scaling tips used for scaling and curettage purposes, sometimes called ultrasonic scaler |
curing light handpiece | hand-held device that focuses a light beam to cure or "set" specified materials |
intraoral camera | handpeice with a small camera situated in the head; used to transmit various views of the oral setting |
electrosurgery handpiece | combination of assorted metal tips that fit into a probe handle; these tips pass electrical currents that incise and coagulate the blood in a surgical procedure |
laser handpiece | photon handpiece that emits a precise light-energy wavelenght that is concentrated to preform specialized tasks; used in teeth whitening |
caries detection scanner | a non-invasive laser scan that detects early decay in occlusal areas |
implant drilling unit | lighted, digitally control drilling handpiece with sterile irrigation; used to smooth alveolar bone, drill operatice sites, and install implants |
shank for a handpiece | the end of the bur that is inserted into the handpiece |
neck for a handpiece | connecting area between the shank and the working end or head of the bur |
working end or head for a handpiece | end that cuts tissue or works on the tooth or material involved |
dentated bur | dented, depressed |
truncated bur | cut part off, lop off |
friction-grip bur | smooth-ended bur, held in the handpiece by the friction grip chunk |
latch-type bur | has grooved inserion bur end that hooks into the head of an RA handpiece |
straight handpiece | has a smooth, extended shaft that fits directly into the straight handpiece |
mandrel | a slim, metal holding device that fits into slow hand pieces and is used to smooth and cut |
Joe Dandy | a thick, carborundum disc |
stone, wheel, discs | abrasive or chemically treated discs, wheels, cups, and points with carious shapes that can be mounted permanently or glued on a shaft or placed on mandrels |
grit | used for smoothing at chairside or in the lab |
diamond rotary instruments | commonly called burs or points; used to cut, smooth, and reduce tissues; they follow the same numbering pattern and color coding as steel burs |
bur block | a tray device used to hold the small rotary instuments during use at the chair and while being sterilized; may be metallic or resin and have or not have a cover |
operatory | small treatment room equipped with dental appliances |
dental chair | chair appliance, usually electrically powered, that raises, lowers, and tilts to provide easy access and proper vision |
operatory light | viewing light for patient care; may be wall-mounted, on a floor stand, lowered from the ceiling, or attached to the chair unit |
stools | movable seats for the dental personnel |
dental unit | upright, stationary, or movable, table-style working appliance that provides handpiece power, aspiration, water, and air |
cabinets | mobile, floor, or wall-mounted storage cabinets with drawer space for supplies and equipment |
radiographic units | various configurations |
diagnostic or auxiliary units | include perio-pocket detectors, newly developed electronic diagnostic devices used to assist with a patient survey |
disease | pathological condition of the body, abnormal condition |
symptoms | perceptible change in the body or body fuctions |
objective symptoms (signs) | evidence observed by someone else |
endema | swelling |
subjective symptoms | are evidence of a disease as reported by the patient |
odontalgia | toothache |
syndrome | (running together) an assortment or signs and symptoms grouped together |
pathology | study of disease |
etiology | cause of the disease |
diagnosis | denoting name of disease |
prognosis | a prediction about the course of the disease |
acute | (sharp, severe) describes immediate sumptoms such as high fever and pain or distress |
chronic | (not acute, drawn out) describes a condition present over a long time, often without an endpoint, such as chronic fatigue and anemia |
remission | (lessening or abating) temporary or permanent cessation |
epidemic | (among people or widespread) a condition prevalent over a wide population, such as many cases of flu or typhoid in an area |
pandemic | (all people involved) a disease that is more widespread than an epidemic, occurring over a large geographical area and population someimes worldwide |
endemic | (in people) disease(s) occurring continuously in the same population or locality |
exogenous | (produced outside)refers to causes outside the body such as illnesses arising from trauma |
endogenous | (arising from within the cell or organism) refers to causes arising from within the body, such as infections, tumors, and congenital and metabolic abnormalities |
congenital | (present from birth) refers to conditions inherited from parents, such as cystic fibrosis |
degenerative | (breaking down) refers to conditions resulting from natural aging of the body, such as arthritis |
opportunistic | (taking advantage of) refers to diseases or infection occurring when body resistance is lowered, such as with fungal, bacterial, or viral infections |
nosocomial | (disease in caregiving) refers to diseases passed on from patient to patient in a health care setting, such as staphylococcal bacterial infections |
pathogenic | microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens |
bacteria | one-celled, plant-like microorganisms lacking chlorophyll |
aerobic | designates bacteria that require oxygen to live |
facultative aerobes | bacteria that can live in the presence of oxygen but do not require it |
obligate or strict anaerobes | bacteria that cannot live in the presence of oxygen |
flagella | (whips) small, whip-like hairs that provide movement for some bacteria |
spore | thick walled reproductive cell |
endospore | for a resting stage when unfavorable conditions exist |
viruses | tiny parasitic organisms that cause diseases such as HIV |
Rickettsia | smaller than bacteria but bigger than viruses, spread by lice or ticks |
vectors | carriers that transmit diseases |
filamentous | molds |
unicellular | yeasts |
protozoa | must live upon another organism called the host, cause malaria |
saprophytes | organisms living on decaying or dead organic matter such as tetanus bacillus (lock jaw) |
nematodes | small parasitic worms such as as threadworms |
commensal | (living together) microbes that live together on a host without harming it, such as mouth flora |
bloodborne pathogens | disease-producing microbes that are present in human blood |
droplet infection | airborne infection in which pathogens discharged from the mouth or nose by coughing or sneezing are carried through the air and settle on objects |
indirect infection | infection resulting from improper handling of materials |
fomes | inanimate substances that absorb and transmit infection, such as doorknobs and bedding |
contact infection | infection that is passed directly through intimate relationships- contact with saliva, blood, or mucous membranes |
parenteral entry | (injection) refers to piercing of the skin or mucous membrane; also called needle-stick |
carrier infection | exchange of disease by direct or indirect contact with an infected human or animal |
vector-borne infection | an infection that is transmitted by an organism such as a fly or mosquito |
food, soil, or water infection | infection passed along by microbes present in these media |
biofilm | containing bacteria cells that adhere to moist surfaces and form a protective slime that can carry pathogens or nematodes. |
immunity | resistance to organisms due to previous exposure |
virulence | (power) the number or concentration of pathological organisms |
natural immunity | inherited and permanent |
natural acquired immunity | obtained when a person is infected by a disease, produces antibodies, and then recovers from that disease |
artificial acquired immunity | obtained from inoculation or vaccination against a disease |
passive acquired immunity | results from reciving antibodies from another source, such as breast milk, or from injections of gamma globulin, antitoxins, or immune serum |
passive natural immunity | passes from mother to fetus congenitally or through antibodies in breast milk |
immunocompromised | having a weakened immune system, resulting from drugs, irradiation, disease such as AIDS, or malnutrition |
inoculation | injection of microorganisms, serum, or toxin into the body |
vaccination | inoculation with weakened or dead microbes |
antigen | substance that induces the body to form antibodies |
antibody | protein substance produced by the body in response to an antigen |
vaccine | solution of killed or weakened infectious agents injected to produce immunity |
autogenous vaccine | vaccine produced from a culture of bacteria taken from the patient who will receive the vaccine |
attenuated | diluted or reduced virulence of pathogenic microbes |
asepsis | free from germs |
sanitation | application of methods to promote a favorable germ-free state |
disinfection | application of chemicals to kill, reduce, or eliminate germs |
sterilization | the process of destroying all microorganisms |
autoclave | apparatus for sterilization by steam pressure |
"flash" autoclave | smaller autoclave with higher temperature setting to lessen time |
dry heat sterilization | oven apparatus used for a hot air bake at high temperature for a longer period of time |
chemical vapor | autoclave method using chemical vapor under pressure in place of water |
molten metal ir glass bead heat | devices holding superheated molten metal or small glass beads |
germicidal gas | gas chamber apparatus for items that cannot withstand heat; requires long exposure and ventilation time before use |
chemical agents | liquids containing chemicals that kill microbes and spores and require longer immersion time. some chemicals may be either disinfectants and/or sterilizers |
indicator | strips or commercial spore vials; placed in or on wrapped items during the sterilization susle to indicate the effectiveness of the sterilizing process |
disinfection | the application of chemicals to kill, reduce, or eliminate germs |
disinfectant | chemical that kills many microbes, but not spore-forming bacteria |
antiseptic | usually a diluted disinfectant that inhibits growth of microbes |
bacteriostatic | inhibiting or retarding bacterial growth |
germicide | substance that destroys some germs |
holding solution | disinfectant solution |
biodegradable | chemical or metabolic material that breaks down protein material |
ultrasonic cleaner | mechanical apparatus with a reservoir to contain a solution that cavitates |
implodes | bursts inwardly or bubbles off debris |
barrier techniques | drapes, covers, plastic instrument sleeves, and the like, to prevent contamination and help protect patients |
SOP | standard operating procedures for sanitation of operators and patients, including the training and use of proper handling and storing of dental equipment |
standard precautions | treating each case as if the patient has a serious disease including handling and sterilizing with each new use to precent contamination; called maintaining a sterile field |
proper disposal techniques | disposing of all contaminated items in a marked biohazard bag; laundry and other materials used in patient should be considered contaminated by splatter or aerosol matter |
sharps disposal unit | container used for collection and disposal of needles, broken glass, and sharp items |
biohazard container | labeled container for items contaminated with body fluids or life-threatening contaminates |
hazardous waste container | receptacle for used, unsanitary items |
saturate-wipe-saturate | disinfection cleaning of operative area |
OSHA | occupational saftey and health administration: issues and enforcesrestrictions and guidelines for infection control |
CDC | centers for disease control and prevention: sets regulations and issues suggestions for infection control |
EPA | Enviromental protection agency: regulates and approves materials, equipment, medical devices, and chemicals used in dental practices |
FDA | food and drug administration: regulates and approves marketing products and solutions used in infection control |
OSAP | organization for safety and asepsis procedures: national organization of health professionals; studies and makes suggestions for regulations and guidelines for infection control |
radiant | energy waves that are produced, charged, and emitted from a common center in the dental radiation tube |
x-ray tube | produces x-rays (Vacuum tube) |
cathode | (negative pole) electrode in the vacuum tube that serves as the electron source |
filament | (fine thread) tungsten coil in the cathode focusing cup that generates the electrons |
anode | (positive pole) the target for the electron barrage to convert the electron force into photons |
focal spot | target area where rays are projected to make the primary beam, or central beam; the smaller focal spot produces a better image |
collimator | (to align) a device used to regulate the beam's exit window of the tube to absorb weak radiation |
inherent filtration | all filtration devices that filter weak, longer-wavelength x-rays |
added filtration | filtration placed outside the tube head to meet safety standards |
total filtration | sum of inherent and added filtration, expressed in mm of aluminum equivalent |
milliampere control | and increase in milliamperage increases the amount of electrons available and darkens the radiograph |
kilovolt power | controls the force that attracts the electrons to the anode; helps to determine the penetrating power and the quality/energy of the radiation rays |
exposure time | duration of the intercal during which current will pass through the x-ray tube |
target-film distance | distance of the film surface from the source of radiation |
target-object distance | distance between the anode target and the object to be radiographed |
film speed | A to F speed; faster film requires less radiation exposure time for the patient |
primary radiation | central ray of radiation emitting from the tube head and PID |
secondary radiation | radiation given off from other matter that is exposed to the primary beam |
scattered radiation | radiation deflected from its path during its passage through matter; may be deflected or defused in all directions, becoming attenuated (weakened) or another form of secondary radiation |
stray radiation | also called leakage, any radiation other than the useful beam produced from the tube head |
remnant radiation | radiation rays that reach the film target after passing through the subject part being radiographed |
sensitivity | ability of x-rays to penetrate and possibly ionize |
cumulative effect | long-term outcome of radiation |
latent period | the time interval between the exposure and the effect or its detection |
mutation effect | abnormal growth or development as a result of radiation causing a genetic change |
acute radiation exposure | radiation occurring from a massice, short-term ionizing dose, such as accidental exposure or explosion of radiation material |
chronic radiation exposure | accumulated radiation effects from continual or frequent small exposures abosrbed over a period of time |
roentgen (R) | the basic unit of exposure to radiation |
rad (radiation absorbed dose) | the unit of absorbed radiation dose equal to 100 ergs per gram of tissue |
rem (roentgen equivalent measure) | the unit of ionizing radiation needed to produce the same biological effect as one roentgen of radiation |
erythema dose | (redness)radiation overdose that produces temporary redness of the skin |
dosimeter | (giving measure) radiation-monitoring device with ionizing chamber or a device to indicate exposure and measure accumulated doses of radiation |
lead apron/thyrocervical collar | patient apparel with lead protection for genetic cells in the torso and the thyroid glands in the cervical area |
lead barriers, shields | devices used by operators to block out scattered radiation |
phantom | practice manikin containing tooth and head structures to imitate actual condition |
periapical film packet | used for the intraoral periapical view of the entire tooth or teeth in given area along with adjacent tissues and oral structures |
bitewing film packet | film used to record the crown and interproximal views of both arches while in occlusion |
occlusal film packet | film that may be used intraorally or extraorally to expose large areas |
extraoral films | radiographs exposed outside the oral cavity |
cephalometric | (head, measure) also called headplates |
cephalostat | a device used to stabilize the patient's head in a plane parallel to the film and at right angles to the contral ray of the x-ray beam. used for large radiographs of the head |
panoramic radiograph | a special radiograph producing the entire dentition with surrounding structures on one film |
intensifying screen | a layer of fluorescent crystals or calcium tunstate within the cassette that gives off a bluish light when exposed to radiation |
contrast | variations in shades from black to white |
density | amount of film blackening associated with the percentage of light transmitted through a film |
detail | point-to-point delineation or veiw of tiny structures in radiograph image |
definition | outline sharpness and clarity of image exhibited on a radiograph |
radiolucent | (ray, shine) describes a radiograph that appears dark; or the ability of a substance to permit passage of x-rays, thereby cause the radiographic film to darken |
radiopaque | (ray, dark) the portion of the radiograph that appears light, or the ability of a substance to resist x-ray penetration, thereby causing a light area on the film |
bisecting angle | the central beam in directly perpendicular with an imagaginary bisecting line of the angle formed by the plane of the film and the long axis of the tooth |
paralleling | the film packet is placed parallel to the long axis of the tooth and at a right angle to the central beam |
CCD (charged coupled device) | a solid-state sensor that may or may not be wired to the computer work station, barrier-wrapped and inserted into a positioning device for placement and exposure in the mouth |
PSP (photostimulable phosphor device) | an indirect sensor storage plare that absorbs radiation to complete a latent image |
indirect dental radiography digital image | x-ray image already processed by the usual method, scanned by an adapter in the database; or a digital camera can racord a picture of the film and transfer the image to the database |
electronic image processing | operator's manipulation of the digital image, consisting of contrast, brightness, image reversal,embossing, and grayness to enhance, measure, compare, or obtain information |
digital subtraction radiography | digital comparison of the image to a previous radiatiograph, subtracting all that is the same and analyzing or comparing the remainder |
sagittal plane | also called midsaggital plane; imaginary vertical line bisecting the face into a right half and left half |
ala tragus line | imaginary line from the ala(wing) of the nose to the tragus(skin projection anterior to acoustic meatus) center of the ear |
horizontal angulation | direction of the central x-ray beam in a horizontal plane |
vertical angulation | direction of the central x-ray beam in an up or down position |
negative angulation | angulation achieved by positioning the PID upward |
positive angulation | angulation achieved by positioning the PID downward |
zero angulation | angulation achieved by positioning the PID parallel with the floor |
film-holding instrument | device used to place and retain the film during exposure |
blue aming ring | anterior |
yellow aming ring | posterior |
red aming ring | bitewinn |
green aming ring | endodontic |
biteblock | a device inserted between the teeth to hold the film during exposure |
bite loop/tab | paper tab or a celluloid circle placed around periapical film |
film safe container | a lead-lined container used to hold exposed films until processing; protects the film from exposure to scattered or secondary rays during exposure of films |
full mouth survey (FMX) | multiple exposures of the oral cavity showing crown and root area in a series of radiographic veiws |
bitewing survery (BWX) | two or four film exposures of posterior veiw to obserce the crowns of maxillary and mandibular posterior teeth |
edentulous survey | (without teeth) radiographic survey of a patient without teeth |
radiograph processing | is a procedure for bringing out the latent image on a film and making the exposure permanent |
developing | chemical process using the chemical elon to bring out contrast and another chemical, hydroquinone, to show contrast in film |
accelerator | soulution used to swell the film emulsion during the processing |
activator | solution used to aid other chemicals in the processing activity |
replenisher soulution | super-concentrated developing solution that is added to the developing tank to restore fluid levels |
underdeveloping | insufficient processing with weak chemicals or incorrect time or temperature that results in light, difficult-to-veiw films |
overdeveloping | overprocessing that results in radiographs that are too dark and difficult to interpret |
rinsing | water bath used to remove chemical liquids from films during solution exchanges |
fixing | chemical process that stops the developer action and "fixes" the image, making it permanently visible |
hyopsulfite or hyposulfite of sodium | chemical that removes exposed and unexposed silver grains from the film |
drying | procedure to dry dulms after the chemical and water baths |
safelight | special light or filtered light that can remain during the developing procedure |
duplicating radiograph | procedure utilizing a cabinet-like unit and spacial duplicating films to make a duplicate exposure of a processed radipgraph for purposes of insurance, referral, or records |
mounting | (carding) a procedure to arrange the processed radiographs in a cardboard, plastic, or stiff carrier to present a veiw of the oral cavity |
horizontal window | preset window in the mount, used to place posterior films |
veritcal window | preset window in the mount, used for placement of anterior films |
bitewing window | (interproximal window) used to place bitewing exposures |
identification dot | preset pressed or raised area on the surface of the film |
veiw box | a box or wall-mounted frame with fluorescent lights behind a frosted glass plate; used to veiw x-rays |
elongation | image of the tooth structure appearing longer than the actual size; caused by indufficient vertical angulation |
foreshortening | tooth structures appearing shorter than their actual anatomical size; caused by excessive vertical angulation |
overlapping | distortion of the film showing an overlap of the crowns of adjacent teeth superimposed on neighboring teeth; caused by improper horizontal angulation |
cone cutting | improper placement of the central beam, which produces a blank area or unexposed area on the film surface caused by lack of exposure to radiation |
reticulation | crackling of film emulsion caused by wide temperature differences between processing solutions (stained glass effect) |
fog | darkening of or blemish on film that may be caused by old film, old or contaminated solutions, faulty safelight, scattered radiation, or improper storage of films |
penumbra | poor definition or fuzzy outline of forms, caused by movement |
herringbone effect | fish-bone effect on the film surface resulting from improper placement of the film |
prosthesis | is replacement for a missing body part |
fixed appliance | one that is placed in the mouth and is not intended for removal |
removable appliance | one that is placed in and out of the mouth at the patient's will |
implantology | the science of dental implants |
noble metals | the valuable alloys; gold, palladium, and platinum |
base metals | chromium-cobalt, or chromium nickel, which may be used alone or in a mixture with noble alloys |
parcelain | (hard, translucent ceramic wear) shells, veneer covers, or facing fused to the surface of a metal crown to give the appearance of natural tooth surface |
PFM | porcelain fused to metal |
composite | resin material used for tooth-colored replacement |
acrylic | synthetic resin material used in fabrication of appliance parts, as coverings for the metal frameworks, or as natural tissue replacement |
ceramic | a hard brittle material produced from non-metallic substances fired at high temperatures; supplied in block shape for milling into crown and tooth forms |
titanium | corrosion-resistant, lightweight, strong bio-compatible metal used in dental implants and posts |
hardness | ability of a material to withstand penetration |
tensile strength | capability of a material to be stretched |
elasticity | ability of a material to be stretched and then resume its original shape |
ductility | ability of a material to be drawn or hammered out, as into a fine wire, without breaking |
malleability | ability of a material to be pressed or hammered out into various forms and shapes |
elongation | ability of a material to stretch before permanent deformation begins |
inlay | a solid casted or milled restoration involving some occlusal and proximal surfaces that is cemented into a tooth preparation |
onlay | a solid casted or milled restoration that covers some occlusal tooth cusp and side wall area that is cemented onto the prepared site |
crown | a fabricated, tooth-shaped cover replacement for a missing crown area that is cemented onto the remaining prepared crown surfaces |
full crown | cast metal, tooth-shaped cover that replaces the entire crown area |
jacket crown | thin, preformed, metal shield used to cover a large area of anterior crowns |
dental crown | full crown cover with dowel pin extending into the root canal of a pulpless tooth, usually positioned on anterior teeth |
three-quarter crown | similar to full crown, covering all of the crown except the facial surface of the tooth that remains intact |
porcelain-fused-to-gold (PFM) | crown that has a complete capping of metal base with fused porcelain |
direct veneer | placed and cured directly on the tooth surface to build up the area or replace missing tooth structure |
indirect veneer | tooth material is prepared in the lab and later cemented onto the tooth structure |
bridge | is a prosthesis used to replace one or more teeth |
fixed bridge | cemented into the oral cavity and not removed by the patient |
maryland bridge | replaces anterior or posterior tooth and is cemented directly to the adjacent or abutting teeth (resin-bonded bridge) |
cantilever bridge | bridge with unsupported end, usually saddled |
pontic | artificial tooth part of the bridge that replaces the missing tooth and restores function to the bite |
abutment | natural tooth or teeth that are prepared to hold or support the retaining part of the bridgework in position |
adjacent | (nearby or adjoining) teeth: may be included in units if they are involved in the bridge area |
complete denture | (removable appliance composed of artificial teeth set in an acrylic base) full denture designed to replace the entire dentition of an upper or lower arch |
partial denture | removable appliance, usually composed of framework, artificial teeth, and acrylic material; replaces one or more teeth in an arch |
immediate denture | denture prosthesis that is placed into the mouth at the time the natural teeth are surgically removed |
overdenture | prosthetic denture that is prepared to fit and be secured upon implant posts or prepared retained roots |
framework | metal skeleton or spine onto which a removable prosthesis is constructed |
saddle | the part of the removable prothesis that strides or saddles the gingival crest; used to balance the prosthesis, and serves as a base for placement of artificial teeth |
rests | small extensions of removable prosthesis made to fit or sit atop the adjoinging teeth |
clasp | extension of partial framework that grasps the adjoinging teeth to provide support and retention of the prosthesis |
retainer | the part of the appliance that joings with the abutting, natural tooth to support the appliance, like the pillar holding the span of a bridge over water |
connector | (device used to unite or attach two or more parts together) used to connect quadreants of a partial denture or connect and support an overdenture |
stress breaker | a connector applied in stress-bearing areas to provide a safe area for breakage |
artificial teeth | anatomical sustitutes for natural teeth; made of porcelain or acrylic material in various shades and shapes, called molds |
denture base | acrylic part of the denture prosthesis that substitutes for the gingival tissue |
flange (flanj) | projecting rim or lower edge of prosthesis |
post dam | posterior edge of the maxillary denture; helps to maintain the denture and suction |
elastomeric | having properties similar to rubber |
hydrocolloid | (hydro-water; colloid-suspension of material) an agar-like material that can change from one form to another |
reversible hydrocolloid | impression material that can change from a solid or gel state to a liquid form and back again |
thermoplastic | (thermo-heat; plastic-moveable) quality of a material that changes from a rigid to plastic or movable form as a result of application of heat |
irreversible hydrocolloid | quality that, once chamically set or in gel form, cannot be reversed or used again |
imbibition | swelling from absorption of water |
rubber bases | common impression materials |
extruder gun | calibrated mixing dispenser |
catalyst | substance that speeds up a chemical reaction |
compound | a non-elastic impression material that may be used in edentulous impressions |
edentulous | without teeth |
alveolectomy | surgical removal of alveolar bone crests, may be required to provide smooth alveolar ridge for denture seating |
alveoplasty | surgical reshaping or contouring of alveolar bone |
extraction | surgical removal of teeth may be necessary |
template | guide or pattern |
coping | (coverings) metal cover placed over the remaining natural tooth surfaces to provide attachments for overdentures |
reduction | (reducing or lessening in size) removal of tooth decay and surfaces to receive the appliance |
chamfer | (tapered margin at tooth cervix) preparation for crown placement |
shoulder | (cut gingival margin edge) preparation to provide junction of the crown and tooth |
bevel | (slanted edge) tooth preparation for seating and holding a crown |
core buildup | use of synthetic material to enlarge tooth core area to provide support for an artificial crown and to protect the pulpal tissues |
post placement | addition of a metal retention post to teeth that have had pulp removal and root canal enlargement, to aid in stability and strength |
undercut | removal of tooth structure near the gingival edge to provide a seat or placement for the extending edge of the appliance |
retraction cord | chemically treated cord placed in the gingival sulcus to obtain chemical or physical shrinking of the gingiva |
impregnated | saturated with chemicals |
bite registration | impression of the teeth while in occlusion |
open bite | patient bites into the impression material |
closed bite | the material is injected and expressed around the desired teeth while they are in occlusion |
opposing arch | impressions of the occlusal surfaces of both arches are taken in the same procedure |
work order | written directions from the dentist to the laboratory completing the case; the impressions, bite registration, and orders are sent together |
temporary or provisional coverage | temporary protection for the prepared tooth while laboratory work is being completed |
seating | placement and fitting of appliance for try-in and final cementation |
condylar inclination | (pertaining to the condyle; tendency, bending, bias) observation of bite relationship and TMJ involvement |
centric | (central, center) occuring when the condyle rests in the temporal bone buring biting, resting, and mouth movements |
protusion | (projecting or thrust forward) measurement with the mandible thrust forward, with the lower jaw out |
retrusion | (forcing backward) measurement with the mandible drawn backward |
lateral excursion | (side; movement) measurement with side-to-side movement of the mandible |
appearance indicators | notations of the smile line and the length of the cuspid point |
implant | (insertion of object) surgical insertion of implant posts or prepared frame to provide stabilization |
root form implant-endosseous | (within the alveolar bone) screw-type device that is screwed or cemented into the mandibular bone |
plate form implant | used for the narrow jaw bone |
subperiosteal | (under the gingival and alveolar tissues) implant plate or frame placed under the periodontium and stabilized on the mandibular bone |
transosteal | (through the mandibular bone) larger plate stabilized on the lower border of the mandibular bone with posts extending through the gingiva |
osseointegration | (osseo-bone; integrate-bonding) the process of appliances bonding with bone tissue in order to obtain stability |
endodontia | within the tooth |
endodontics | the branch of dentistry concerned with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases of the dental pulp and its surrounding tissues |
periradicular | peri-around; radi-root |
endodontist | dental specialist who is limited to and performing the practice of endodontics |
pulpitis | inflamed pulpal condition |
objective signs | condition observed by someone other than the patient |
hyperextension | (over movement) a condition in which the tooth arises out of the socket, or a noticeable, unpleasant odor |
putrefaction | (decaying animal matter) unpleasant odor |
subjective symptoms | conditions as described by the patient |
hypersensitivity | over sensitive |
pulpalgia | inner tooth tissue pain |
palpation | application of finger pressure to body tissues |
percussion | (tapping of body tissue, tooth) usually done by tapping a dental mirror handle on an affected tooth and comparing the sensation to tapping on a healthy or control tooth |
mobility | movement of a tooth in its socket during outside force or application of pressure |
transillumination | (passage of light through object/tissue) a light refraction test to receal fractured tooth tissue |
thermal | pulp sensitivity test with reaction to application of heat and/or cold to tooth surface |
anesthesia | numbing the specific root or nerve ending to dissipate pain |
direct dentin stimulation | scratching the exposed dentin with and explorer |
electric pulp testing | applying an electrical surrent on the enamel surface of the rooth to register the tooth;s pulpal sensitivity and presence of irritability |
periodontitis | inflammation around the tooth |
abscess | (local pus infection) and infection that may be an acute or chronic apical abscess |
suppurative | producing or generating pus |
pericementitis | inflammation and necrosis of alveoli of the tooth |
cyst | abnormal, closely walled fluid or exudates-filled sac in or around periapical tissues |
cellulitis | inflammation of cellular or connective tissue |
osteomyelitis | an inflammation of cellular or connective tissues |
pulpotomy | partial excision of the dental pulp |
pulpectomy | surgical removal of pulp from the tooth, also known as root canal treatment (RCT) |
apicoectomy | surgical amputation of a root apex |
isolation | accomplished to provide saftey and to assure an aseptic site |
extirpation | (to root out) removing the pulpal tissue after the pulpal opening |
debridement | (removal of foreign or decayed matter) removing necrotic pulpal tissue and cleaning out the area |
irrigation and cleansing | using chemicals and instruments to remoce tissue dust and material matter from the pulp and pulp canals |
obturation | (to close or stop up) filling and closing the canal area |
retrograde | (backward step) process of filling the canal begining from the apex of tooth to the pulp |
restoration | returning the tooth to normal function and purpose |
dental dam material | thin sheet of latex or non-latex rubber |
dental dam frame | device used to hold material in place |
dental dam punch | device used to place selected hold in the dam material for isolating a tooth or teeth |
dental dam forceps | hand device used to transport and place clamps or retainers around the selected tooth |
rubber dam stamp and pad | marking stamper and pad devices used to indicate alignment spots for puncturing the material with the punch |
dental dam clamp | retaining device used to hold the material around the tooth |
dental dam ligature | material used to hold and secure the dam material in the mouth |
broach | a thin, barbed, wire instrument, inserted into the root canal to ensnare and remove the pulp tissue and any natural or placed matter, such as paper points or cotton pellets |
reamer | a thin, twisted, sharp-edged instrument inserted into the canal and rotated clockwise to enlarge and taper the root canal |
file | a thin, rough-edged, instrument used to plane and smooth pulpal walls |
k-file | has twisted edges and is used to enlarge as well as too smooth walls |
hedstrom file | cone-shaped, twisted-edge instrument used for enlarging and smoothing |
flex file | stainless steel or nickel titanium alloy file that is stronger and provides more flexibility; used in narrow curved canals |
pesso reamer | thicker, engine driven, reamer with larger and longer parallel cutting edges for use in canal openings |
gates-glidden drills | engine-driven, latch-type burs with flame-shaped tip; used to provide an opening and access |
paper points | small, narrow, absorbent, paper tips that may be inserted into the obturated canal; used to dry the prep site or to carry medication to the area |
stopper | a small piece of elastic band or commercial plug that is moved up or down the shaft of the endo instrument; used to mark and indicate the lenght of penetration |
rotary burs aand stones | friction grip burs with diamond or carbide tips used to gain access through restorations and crowns |
filling instruments | used for filling canals are finger style for more curved canals |
root canal (endodontic) spreader | longer shank with pointed nib; used to carry and insert cement or filling material |
root canal plugger | longer-shanked with a flat tipped nib; used to condense and adapt the canal filling material |
root canal condenser | handled, long-tip instrument that may be heated and used to condense gutta-percha to the canal walls |
lentulo spiral drill | thin, twisted wire, latch-type rotary instrument used to spread calcium hydroxide or cement into the canal |
apex locator machines | are used to determine the proximity of the test file to the root apex and relate the information to PC board screen during preparation of the canal |
heat carrier machines | provide adjustable heat to soften, deliver, and condense guttapercha to the canal |
electric endodontic handpieces | permit use of instruments at slow speeds for finger instrumentation |
luer-loc syringe | a barrel-type syringe with piston force plunger, used to inject fluids into the cavity |
gutta-percha points | tapered points made of a thermoplastic compound; used to fill the root canal |
silver points | tapered silver points comparable in size to files and reamers; used to fill canals |
cement pastes and fillers | zinc oxide eugenol mixes and commercial materials; used to cement points in canal |
chelator | chemical ion softener |
desiccant | (dry up; remove) methanol or ethanol alcohol, used to dry the area or clear away other chemical traces |
medicament | (medicine or remedy) used for antimicrobial actions, to prevent pain, and to neutralize the pupl area |
curettage | (scraping of a cavity) scraping of the apical area; may be necessary to remove necrotic tissues |
apicoectomy | a procedure that may be necessary to remove the root apex, particularly where there is a radicular cyst involvement of the affected tooth; also called root end resection |
root amputation | (surgical removal of a root) separating and removing molar roots of an affected tooth at the junction into the crown |
root hemisection | (cutting tissue or organ in half) surgical division of a multi-rooted tooth that may be performed in a lengthwise manner |
bicuspidization | surgical division of a tooth retaining both sides |
traumatized | (wounded) teeth, with a cariety of pulp injuries |
luxation | (dislocation) tooth movement |
concussion luxation | (shaken violently) tooth loosened as a result of a blow; usually recovery occurs with minimal attention |
subluxation | (under displacement) tooth partially dislocated; may evidence bleeding but require only minor attention |
lateral luxation | tooth may be partially displaced with the root apex tilted forward |
extruded luxation | (pushed out of normal position) tooth may be forced partially out of its socket |
avulsion replantation | (forced or torn away) teeth that have been accidentally lost; may undergo RCT at this time or at a future appointment |
fracture | breakage; may be a broken cusp, broken crown, broken root, or split tooth |
replantation | replacing an avulsed tooth in its tooth socket |
transplantation | (across; plant) transfer of a tooth from one alveolar socket to another |
autogenous transplantation | (self; origin) moving a tooth from one position in the oral cavity to another area in the same cavity |
homogeneous transplantation | (same origin) transferring and inserting a tooth from one patient to another |
heterogenous transplantation | (other origin) transfer from one species to another, not yet a feasible practice |
implantation | (into place) placing titanium metal extensions into the tooth root |
intracanal bleaching | heating or photo-oxidizing with UV rays may help to lighten the tooth color |
oral maxillofacial surgeon | a dentist who has completed additional oral surgical studies of two or three years |
exodontia | extraction of a tooth |
forceps | (pincers for seizing, holding, or extracting) instrument made for maxillary or mandibular use; used for tooth extraction |
scalpel | a small, surgical knife that is used to cut open or excise tissue from a surgical area |
bone file | heavier and thicker than the file used on tooth and restoration surfaces |
elevators | device used to raise the tooth; of three types as used in oral surgery |
periosteal | (concerning the periosteum) used to loosen the periosteum tissue from bone, or detach the tissue around the cervix of the tooth and retract tissue in the surgical site |
periosteotome | cutting tissue around bone |
exolever | (device to raise or elevate) used to elecat or luxate a tooth from its natural socket |
apical | (pertaining to apex or tip) used to elevate or pick out remains of a fractured root tip |
hemostat | (device or drug used to arrest blood flow) scissor-style device with a locking joint and serrated beaks; used to clamp off or hold onto and transfer |
needle holder | similar to a hemostat except that the nose of the instrument is rounded and blunted with serrated criss-crossed edges inside its beaks to assist with holding a needle |
scissors | carious specialized scissors used in oral surgery |
tissue scissors | longer-handled scissors with a serrated blade edge that is used to grasp and hold the tissue during cutting |
suture scissors | smaller scissors with one curved, half-moon blade that is inserted under the suture thread during cutting |
bandage scissors | scissors used to cut materials and dressings during surgery; usually have one longer, blunted blade tip to insert under material |
rongeurs | (bone cutting) grasp-handled instrument similar to forceps; used to snip off bony edges and rough areas |
aspirating tips | suction tips with longer handles and narrower tip openings; used to aspirate sockets, deeper throat areas, and surgical sites |
chisel | device that is longer, thicker, and heavier than tooth chisels; used to chip away bone and to apply force enough to break inpacted molar teeth |
mallet | (surgical hammer) device used to apply pressure to chisels |
curette | hand instrument with a spoon-shaped face that is inserted in the socket or surgical site to scrape out infection and debris |
retractor | draw back |
tissue retractor | may be hemostat-type device with notched tips to hold tissue or claw like blade with holding tips; used to retract and hold tissue during surgical procedures |
cheek retractor | may be bent wire-shapped device or flat, curved handles used to scoop and hold cheek tissue |
tongue retractor | scissor-type instrument with longer shaft and padded or serrated edges; used to grasp and hold the tongue |
mouth prop | used to spread the jaws apart while the patient is asleep during surgery |
surgical bur | similar to dental burs; used to remove bone |
horizontal impaction | the tooth is horizontally tilted; may be leaning parallel to the floor at various angles |
veritcal impaction | tooth is in upright position but in close proximity to or under the crown of a nearby tooth |
distoangular impaction | crown of the tooth is slanted toward the distal surface and covered by tissue and/or bone |
mesioangular impaction | crown of the tooth is mesially tilted and covered by tissue and/or bone |
transverse impaction | tooth is situated sideways to the adjacent teeth and occlusal plane, and is covered by tissue and/or bone |
alveolectomy | the removal or two or more teeth during one procedure, the wearing away of the alveolar bone crests to prepare for dentures |
dry socket | loss of the natural clotting |
gingivectomy | surgical excision of unattached gingival tissue |
gingivoplasty | surgical recountour of gingival tissues |
periodontal flap surgery | surgical excision and removal of pocket or tissue extensions |
frenectomy | (surgical removal or resectioning of a frenum) surgery that may be performed on the maxillary labial |
pericoronitis | gingival irritation and infection |
diastema | a space between two teeth |
ankyloglossia | tongue tied |
incision and drainage | procedure preformed for a periodontal abcess; incision made into the affected area and an opening is obtained to remove and drain infected matter |
malady | disease or disorder |
incision biopsy | removing a wedge-shaped section of affected tissue along with some normal adjacent tissue |
excision biopsy | removing the entire lesion of affected tissue with some underlying normal tissue |
exfoliative biopsy | scraping with glass slide or tongue depressor to collect tissue cells for microscopic study |
malignant | tumor that is harmful or getting worse |
benign | tumor not considered life threatening |
leukoplakia | formation of white patches on mucous membrane of oral cavity that cannot be scraped off and have the potential for milignancy |
fibroma | benign, fibrous, encapsulated tumor of connective tissue |
papilloma | benign epithelial tumor of skin or mucous membrane |
hemangioma | benign tumor of dilated blood vessels |
granuloma | grandular tumor usually occurring with other diseases |
melanoma | malignant, pigmented mole or tumor |
basal or squamous cell carcinoma | malignant growth of epithelial cells |
osteoplasty | forming bones |
alveolectomy | usually performed to remove alveolar bone crests remaining after tooth ectraction in preparation for a smooth bone ridge for denture wear |
apicoectomy | usually requires opening of the periodontium, including some alveolar bone, and exposure with removal of the root apex |
exostosis | (bony outgrowth) removing overgrowths and smoothing in preparation for dentures |
torus | (rounded elevation) an excessive bone growth |
mandibularis | concerning the mandible |
palatinus | in the palate |
cysts | abnormal closed walled sac present in or around tissue |
dentigerous | cystic sac containing teeth |
radicular | cyst located alongside or at the apex of a tooth root |
ranula | cystic tumor found on underside of the tongue or in the sublingual or submaxillary ducts |
closed fracture reduction | repair with interoral fixation, tooth wiring, or ligation methods in which the teeth are "wired together" in proper alignment awaiting bone healing |
open fracture reduction | a more complicated procedure involving osteotomy and rigid fixation |
genioplasty | plastic surgery of the chin or sheek |
macrogenia | large or excessive chin |
microgenia | undersized chin |
lateral excessive/deficient | excessive bone in one direction and deficient bone in another |
asymmetrical | lack of balance of size and shape on opposite sides |
pseudomactogenia | excess of soft tissue presenting a chin with the look of abnormal size |
witch's chin | soft tissue drooping |
ptosis | drooping or sagging of an organ |
osteotomy | (bone incision) surgical movement of bone |
osteoplasty | (to form bones) removal of bone |
orthognathic surgery | surgical manipulation of the facial skeleton to restore facial esthetics and proper function to a congenital, developmental, or trauma-affected patient |
ridge augmentation | use of bone grafs to build or correct and underdeveloped or missing ridge |
arthrotomy | (cutting into a joint) reconstruction and alignment of the mandible for TMJ disorders |
retrusive | position with mandible backward |
protrusive | position with mandible forward |
lateral | position to the side: mesiolateral is toward center of face, distolateral is toward outside of face |
computerized madibular scan (CMS) | 3-D tracking device to record functional movement of the jaw during opening, closing, chewing, and swallowing |
electyromyograph | (EMG) surface electrodes instrument to determine muscle activity during function |
electrosonograph (ESG) | recording of sounds during opening and closing of the jaw |
CT | cat scan; uses x-ray images taken at different angles and computerized into a cross section of anatomical features |
crepitus | grinding |
hemiarthroplasty | surgical repair of a joint with a partial joint implant reconstruction |
alloplastic reconstruction | rebuilding of the joint using manmade materials |
autogenous reconstruction | rebuilding of the joint using organic material |
total joint reconstruction | surgical intervention and use of artificial prostheses for the condyle, disc, and fossa of the temporal bone |
revision surgery | surgical correction of an area that has been operated upon previously, occurring when further degeneration happens, when previous implants have failed, or when going from a partial joint implant to a total implant |
cleft lip | tissue fissure or incomplete juncture of maxillary lip tissues |
cleft palate | congenital fissure in roof of mouth with an opening into the nasal cavity |
cleft tongue | bifid or split tongue; usually split at the tip |
endosteal | placement within the bone |
subperiosteal | (beneath the periosteum and placed onto the bone) usually a cast framework implant with protruding pegs that is placed over the bone and under the periosteum |
transosteal | (through the mandibular bone) anchor implants that are placed all the way through the mandible |
endodontic | (within the tooth) titanium post placed in the apex of an endodontically treated tooth to improve the crown-root length ratio |
titanium | has high strength; oxidizes readily on cantact with tissue fluid and has a minimum amount of corrosion |
ceramic | is biocompatible but is not used in stressful areas |
polymers and composites | in the research stage, may be used as abutments in partially edentulous mouth |
stainless steel and cobalt-chromium alloys | older but less used metal materials |
cobalt-chromium-molybdenum | implant material used in prosthesis construction for TMJ replacement |
orthodontia | the study of dealing with the prevention and correction of abnormally positioned or misaligned teeth |
orthodontist | concerned with the causes and treatment of malocclusion |
centric relation | the most retruded position of the mandibular condyle into the glenoid fossa (biting on the back teeth) |
neutroclusion | condition in which the anteroposterior occlusal positions of the teeth or the mesiodistal positions are normal but other malocclusion or positioning of the individual teeth occurs |
distoclusion | condition in which the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxiallary first molar is anterior to the buccal groove of the mandibular first molar, resulting in an appearance of a retruded mandible |
mesioclusion | condition in which the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxillary first molar occludes in the interdental space of the mandibular permanent first molar's distal cusp and the mesial cusp of the mandibular permanent second molar (protruded mandible) |
supernumerary or ectopic | (out of place) eruption of teeth |
open bite | anterior teeth do not contact with each other |
overjet | also known as horizontal overbite, increased horizontal distance between the incisal edges of maxillary and mandibular central incisors |
vertical overbite | excessive amount of overlap of maxillary and mandibular contral incisors when they are in occlusion |
crossbite | midsagittal alignment between central incisors not in agreement |
underjet | maxillary incisors lingual to mandibular incisors |
end to end | edges of maxillary and mandibular incisors meeting each other |
preventive orthodontics | action taken to preserve the integrity of a normal developing occlusion by protection current conditions or preventing situations that would interfere with growth |
myotherapeutic | muscle healing treatment |
interceptive orthodontics | procedures taken to lessen the severity of any existing malfunctions or problems from genetic or enviromental factors |
corrective orthodontics | procedures taken to reduce or eliminate malocclusion |
rotation | (turn around on an axis) altering the position of a tooth around its long axis |
translation | bodily tooth movement; a change of teeth to alternate positions |
tipping | change of tooth position to a more upright direction |
intrusion | movement of the tooth into the alveolus |
extrusion | movement of the tooth out of the alveolus |
torque | movement of the root without movement of the crown |
banding | placing metal band around entire selective tooth or teeth |
direct bonding | cementing stainless steel or golden metal brackets |
viazis | a triangular bracket |
damon | self-ligating sustem bracket |
invisalign braces | strong plastic custom trays used in mild malocclusion cases |
lingual braces | braces that are placed on the tongue side of the teeth |
accelerated osteogenic orthodontic treatment | surgical orthodontic team approach that involves incising the gingiva to expose the alveolar bone, where a surgical drill is used to place holes to weaken and demineralize the bone |
adjunctive orthodontics | procedures taken to facilitate other dental procedures that are necessary to correct or restore function |
cephalometric radiographs | (measurement of the head) are used for evaluation of dentofacial development in tracings for future growth patterns and directions |
bands | stainless steel circles or rings that are sized and cemented around a tooth |
bracket | (support) a metal or clear resin holding device used to support and stabilize the archwire in the mouth |
soldered | joining of two metals |
DB | direct bonded brackets |
archwire | horeshoe-shaped stainless steel or nickel titanium wire that may be round, rectangular, or square and removable or fixed |
buccal tubes | support devices soldered on bands into which headgear and archwires are inserted |
button, cleats, hooks, eyelets | devices used for support and holding power devices, elastics, and wires |
ligature | (binder or tie off) thin, stainless steel wires ised to tie on or attachwires and any necessary attachments |
elastics | sized latex circles providing various pull forces, or elastomeric ties for holding |
auxiliary springs | noble metal or stainless steel attachement to apply directional force |
separators | (device to set aside) brass wire, steel spreings, or elastomeric materials placed between the teeth to obtain space before placing the bands |
headgear | device composed of facebow and traction; is used to apply external force |
facebow | stainless steel external archbow device that is inserted into the fixed molar tubes on the maxillary first molars |
traction device | fitted, expandanle device to be hooked onto a facebow after placement on the head |
cervical device | circles the patient's neck and attaches to facebow to pull in a parallel position to retract teeth |
high-pull device | fits on top of the patient's head and hooks in a downward position, perpendicular to occlusion, to retract anterior teeth and control maxillary growth |
combination high-pull and cervical device | traction combining both forces |
chin device | placed on the chin, incorporates high-pull and cervical forces and is used to control mandible growth |
aligner | and invisalign system of computer-imaged and computer-generated clear plastic overlay trays used with milder cases of misaligned teeth |
activator | appliance designed to guide, change, or alter facial and jaw functions for a more favorable occlusion position |
Hawley appliance | removable, customized, acrylic and wire appliance designed to maintain newly acquired tooth positions |
stev plate | maxillary bite plane covering incisal edges of maxillary incisors; may be used in conjunction with headgear or for retention of the bite |
crozat appliance | removable appliance made of precious alloy with body wires, lingual arms, and a high labial archwire (maxillary) |
lingual retainer | mandibular lingual bar with cuspid-to-cuspid cemented unions, to maintain lower incisors in position |
orthodontic tooth positioner | customized mouth device constructed of soft acrylic or rubberized material surrounding the crowns of all the teeth in both jaws |
palatal expanders | known as RPE (rapid palatal expanders), a fixed appliance cemented to the maxillary molar teeth with a spring insert in the palate area |
fixed space maintainer | custom-constructed appliance attached to the remaining teeth to hold a tooth pattern or to maintain space from premature loss of tooth |
oral shield | device that fits into the vestibule space between the teeth and the lips |
mouthguard | though not considered a treatment appliance, protects the tooth position while the parient is involved in sport activities |
dental appliances | specialized mouth appliances for health disorders such as sleep apnea, thumb sucking, nail biters, and tongue thrusters |
band-remover pliers | used to remove bands from teeth |
bird-beak pliers | used to bend and shape appliance wires |
loop-forming pliers | used to form and shape loops in wires |
howe pliers | used to make archwire adjustment |
three-prong pliers | used to close or adjust clasps |
contouring pliers | used to contour bands for concave or convex tilt |
ligature-tying pliers | used to tie or bind off ligature wires and to place elastics |
arch-forming pliers | used for bending or holding dimensional wires |
stress and tension guage | narrow, hand-held instrument with interior marked sliding scale |
band seater | rounded, serrated end used to "seat" band onto tooth |
ligature tucker | straight-handled instrument with claw-like end that is used to guide ligatures and assist with the bending of cut wire edges |
bracket tweezers | reverse-action, small-ended tweezers used to place direct-bond brackets |
ligature cutter | used to cut ligature wire, intraorally or extraorally |
pin and fine wire cutter | used to cut or snip off ends of tied ligature wires |
weingart utility plier | used for placing archwires |
anterior band slitter | used to shear upper and lower bands |
distal end cutter | used to cut and hold arch wire that was inserted into the buccal tube |
band pusher | used to push and seat bands onto the teeth |
ligature director | used to direct and place ligature wires |
scaler | hand instrument used to remove sxcess cement from bands, and to direct wires, bands, and elastics into place |
direct-bonding bracket holder | used to hold DB's in position during placement |
edgewise pliers | used to hold or adjust archwires |
hemostat | scissor-like clamps, straight and curved; used to carry or hold small objects |
boone gauge | measuring device used to establish the height of the orthodontic bands |
bitestick | plastic- or metal-handled instrument with projecting serrated steel area that is used to help "seat" posterior bands |
protractor | triangular premarked form used to make cephalometric tracing |
periodontology | is the field of dentistry that deals with the treatment of disease of the tissues around the teeth |
attached gingiva | the portion that is firm, dense, stippled,and bound to the underlying periosteum, tooth, and bone |
keratinized | hard tissue |
marginal gingiva | the portion that is unattached to underlying tissues and helps to form the sides of the gingival crevice |
sulcus | groove |
papillary gingiva | the part of the marginal gingiva that occupies the interproximal spaces |
periodontal ligaments | bundles of fibers that support and retain the tooth in the socket |
cementum | outer, hard surface convering of the root section of the tooth |
alveolar bone process | compact bone that forms the tooth socket |
cribriform | sieve-like plate |
laminadura | lining, thin layer |
alveolar crest fibers | found at the cementoenamel junction; help to retain the tooth in its socket and protect the deeper fibers |
horizontal fibers | connect te alveolar bone to the upper part of the root and assist with control of lateral movement |
oblique fibers | attach the alveolar socket to the majority of the root cementum and assist in resisting the axial forces |
apical fiber bundles | running from the apex of the tooth to the alveolar bone, fibers that help to prevent tipping and dislocation, as well as protect nerve and blood supply to the tooth |
interradicular fiber bundles | are present in multirooted teeth, extending apically from the tooth furcation; help the tooth resist tipping, turning, and dislocation |
plaque | plate or buildup |
erythema | the gingica is red and appears inflamed |
edema | overgrown tissue |
hyperplasia | excessive number of tissue cells |
hypertrophy | excessive cellular growth |
stippling | spotting |
exudate | passing out of pus |
dental plaque involvement | tissues react to irritants |
non-dental plaque lesions | these are of specific bacterial, viral, fungal, or genetic origin |
allergies | the patient may be allergic to dental restorative materials, reactions to foods, additives, and so forth |
traumatic lesions, injury | the patient may have been subjected to an external force or have been injured in some way |
chronic periodontitis | this is the most common type of slowly progressive periodontal disease |
aggressive periodontitis | a rapidly progressive disease |
refractory periodontitis | periodontitis progresses in spite of excellent patient compliance |
desquamative | painful, red tissues that are shedding or scaling off |
periodontitis as manifetation of systemic disease | periodontal inflammatory reactions occur as a result of diseases and genetic disorders |
necrotizing periodontal diseases | rapid gingival tissue distruction with bacterial invasion of connective tissue may be a manifestation of systemic disease |
necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis | with a foul odor and loss of interdental papilla, sometimes called "trench mouth" |
necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis | with bone pain and rapid bone loss |
periodontitis associated with endodontic lesions | this simple classification was added to distinguish between periodontitis and periodontitis with endodontic inflammation involvement |
developmental or acquired deformities and conditions | deformities appear around teeth, edentulous ridges, and form trauma |
medical history | questions regarding diabetes, pregnancy, smoking, hypersension, didication, substance abuse, and so forth |
dental history | chief complaint, past dental records, and radiographs; complete assessment of restoration condition, toth position, mobility |
extraoral structure assessment | exam of oral mucosa, muscles of mastication, lips, floor of mouth, tongue, palate, salicary glands, and the oropharynx area |
periodontal probing depths | charting and recording finding of probe depths, assessing plaque and calculus presence, soft tissue, and implant conditions |
assessing introoral findings | exam for toried, abnormal frenum placement and size, furcation involvement |
periodontal probe | a round or flat-bladed hand instument marked in milimeter increments |
periodontal debridement | removing supragingival and sibgingival plaque, calculus, stain, and irritants through tooth-crown and root-surface scaling and root planing |
tooth and surface polishing | polishing surfaces to remove accumulated stains on the tooth surfaces |
extrinsic | outer |
endotoxins | absorbed pathogens |
selective polishing | term applied to the polishing of chosen tooth sites or areas |
prophylaxis | term applied to the combination of debridement and tooth polishing |
patient education | customized instruction in oral hygiene, the care of teeth and gingival tissue |
antimicrobal | against small life |
correction of plaque retention factors | dental intervention in existing conditions of open contacts, overcrowding, open or overhanging restoration margins, narrow embrasures, and ill-fitting appliances |
monitoring of patient | determination of progress and reevalutaion of patient condition and efforts |
mucogingival excision | used to correct defects in shape, position, or amount of gingiva around the tooth |
gingivectomy | excision of gum tissue area |
gingivoplasty | surgical contour of gingival tissue |
periodontal flap surgery | separating a loosened section of tissue from the adjacent tissues to enable elimination of deposits and contouring of alveolar bone |
envelope flap | no vertical incision with the mucoperiosteal flap retracted from a horizontal incision line |
mucoperiosteal | mucosal tissue flap including the periosteum, reflected from the bone |
partial-thickness flap | surgical flap including mucosa and connective tissue but no periosteum |
pedicle flap | tissue flap with lateral incisions |
positioned flap | flap that is moved to a new position, apically, laterally, or coronally |
repositioned flap | surgical flap replaced in its original position |
sliding flap | pedicle flap re-dituated in a new position |
osseous surgery | tissue surgery with alteration in bony support of the teeth |
re-entry | second-stage surgical procedure to enhance or improve conditions from a previous surgical procedure |
vestubuloplasty | surgical alteration of gingival mucous membrane in vestibule of the mouth |
ENAP | (excisional new attachment procedure) removal of chronically inflamed soft tissue to permit formation of new tissue attachment |
guided tissue regeneration | placement of a semipermeable membrane beneath the flap |
bone graphs | involve transplants to restore bone loss from periodontal disease |
allograft | human bone graft from someone other than the patient |
autograft | bone graft from another site in the same patient |
xenograft | graft taken from another species (experimental) |
allogenic | addition of synthetic material to repair or build up bone |
endosteal | implants of various designs placed within the bone |
subperiosteal | implant placement beneath the periosteum and onto the bone |
transosteal | implant placement through the bone |
endodontic | implant set within the apex of the root |
periodontal probe | used to measure the depth of the periodontal pocket by determining the amount of gingival tissue attachment |
explorer | instrument with a longer, tapered, thin wire tip to determine claculus formation, restoration overhangs |
scaler | instrument with a sharpened blade to remove supragingival claculus deposits and stains |
hoe | instrument with a long sank and hoe-like tip, used to remove heavy or thick supragingival calsulus in posterior areas |
chisel | instrument with longer shaft and chisel-bladed tip, used to break off and remove heavy calculus in the anterior region |
curette | instrument with longer shank and working end with a rounded toe and back to access and remove subgingival deposits |
ultrasonic and sonic instrument tip | inserted into the ultrasonic handle |
periodontal pocket marker | set of instruments similar to tweezers with a sharp point on one tip for insertion into the depth of the pocket and then compressed to make puncture marks indication pocket depth |
periodontal knives | used to make incisions to remove tissue or to obtain flap design |
electrosurgery tips/unit | apparatus using electrical current to incise tissue and coagulate blood at the same time |
laser tip/unit | apparatus delivering energy in light form at different wavelengths |
pedodontist | treats the child patient until the premolars erupt or the beginning of the teen years |
deciduous teeth | baby teeth |
caries | dental decay |
epulis | fibrous, sarcomatous tumor |
abscess | local collection of pus |
cellulites | inflammation in cellular or connective tissue |
anodontia | absence of teeth, usually of genetic origin |
macrodontia | abnormally large teeth |
hyperdontia | excess number of supernumerary teeth |
hypodontia | congenital absence of teeth |
enamel hypoplasia | underdevelopment of enamel tissue |
dentinogenesis imperfecta | genetic defect resulting in incomplete or improper development of dentin tissue |
amelogenesis imperfecta | imcomplete or improper development of enamel tissue |
aplasia | failure of an organ or body part to develop |
dens in dente | tooth within a tooth |
germinate | (sprout) attempted division of a single tooth |
fusion of teeth | union of two, independently developing primary or secondary teeth |
early tooth exfoliation | (shedding or falling off) tooth loss resulting in the shifting of teeth and loss of tooth position |
ankylosis | stiff joint; retention of deciduous tooth |
intrinsic | (on the inside)internal discoloration of teeth resulting from diet, medication, or excessive fluoride intake during tooth development |
odontoma | (tumor of a tooth or dental tissue) abnormal cell proliferation of cells |
macroglossia | (large tongue) enlarged tongue |
micrognathia | abnormally small jaw; undersized mandible |
cherubism | a genetic disorder resulting in enlargement of cheek tissue and other facial structures |
papilloma | neoplasm arising from epithelial cells; benign tumor |
verruca vulgaris | (oral warts) Viral cause, possibly from finger sucking |
fibroma | fibrous tumor |
granuloma | ganular tumor |
neurofibromatosis | tumor on peripheral nerves |
hemangioma | vascular tumor, usually located in the neck/head area |
lymphangioma | tumor made up of lymphatic vessels |
lymphoma | new tissue growth within the lymphatic system |
mucocele | mucous cyst |
ranula | mucocele in the floor of the mouth in the sublingual duct |
scorbutic | lacking vitamin C |
candidiasis | fungus infection, thrush |
enamoplasty | is the selective reduction of fissures and occlusal irregularities caused by grinding |
festooned | trimmed |
apexpgenesis | treatment of a vital pulp to allow continued natural development |
apexification | treatment of a nonvital tooth to stimulate closure and the development of cementum |
pulp capping | placement of medication to sedate and treat inflamed pulp |
indirect capping | is needed when the pulp has not yet been exposed |
direct capping | the medicament is placed directly upon the exposed, affected pulp |
pulpotomy | partial or full removal of pulpal tissue located in the crown |
pulpectomy | removal of pulpal tissue from the crown and root sections |
papoose board | wrapping device used to restrain the patient for a difficult or precise treatment |
topical anesthesia | liquid, gel, or ointment that provides temporary numbing of the tissue surface |