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Poetry terms
Term | Definition |
alliteration | Use of the same consonant at the beginning of each word. |
allusion | Passing reference or indirect mention. |
apostrophe | Address to an absent or imaginary person. |
assonance | The repetition of similar vowels in successive verbs. |
caesura | A break or pause in the middle of a verse line. |
consonance | The repetition of sounds especially at the ends of words. |
couplet | A stanza consisting of two successive lines of verse. |
enjambment | Continuation from one line of verse into the next line. |
hyperbole | extravagant exaggeration. |
Internal Rhyme | A rhyme between words in the same line. |
litotes | Understatement for rhetorical effect. |
Metaphor | A figure of speech that suggests a non-literal similarity. |
octave | A rhythmic group of eight lines a verse. |
onomatopoeia | Using words that imitate the sound they denote. |
paradox | A statement that contradicts itself. |
personification | Attributing human characteristics to abstract ideas. |
Anapest | A metrical unit with unstressed-unstressed-stressed syllables. |
dactyl | A metrical unit with stressed-unstressed-unstressed syllables. |
spondee | A metrical unit with stressed-stressed syllables. |
trochee | A metrical unit with stressed-unstressed syllables. |
iamb | A metrical unit with unstressed-stressed syllables. |
sestet | A group of six lines of verse. |
simile | A figure of speech expressing a resemblance between things. |
synaesthesia | A sensation that normally occurs in one sense modality occurs when another modality is stimulated. |