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Chapter 4

The Art of Communication

Sender, Message, Channel, Receiver,Feedback Communication Cycle
Formulates and orgainized thoughts, prioritizes and categorizes information Sender
Length is determined and time e frame in which is to be delivered (contains what is needed to communicate) Message
Verbal or nonverbal communication Method of sending the message Channel
Uses Active Listening Skills (recipients getting the message and interpreting it.) Repeating, Restatement,Examples or questions.
Body language, Tonality, Spoken word Three top ways humans communicate
Obtaining information in the healthcare setting Subjective info, and Objective info
Exist in the mind, but cannot be measured; affected by personal views, moods, attitudes, opinions, experiences and background (Ex. HA's,LBP, Adb pain) Subjective Information
Information that can be measured. Ht, Wt., B/P, P,RES Objective Information
An unconscious reaction in which the person seems to experience amnesia in order to block the problem from the mind. It could manifest as forgetfulness and is the minds way of defending against mental trauma. This is not the same as out right lying. Repression
Withdrawing from an unpleasant circumstances by reverting to an earlier, more secure time in life either menatly or behaviorally, Usually this is done when a person feels desperate and powerless over whatever is causing the pain Regression
Belligerent, combative attitude, such as lashing out by verbally attacking in order to avoid or diminish their role in the wrong doing Agression
Taking unacceptable desires, thoughts, or impulses and falsely attributing them to others instead of admitting that they are connected to how a person feels Projections
Unconscious transfer or redirection of unacceptable emotions, feelings, or thoughts from self to someone or something else. Channeling negative feelings to an unrelated area in order to feel a sense of control in situations that are not controllable. Displacement
Demonstrating disinterest to what is happening. The patient may appear to have a lack of emotion or feeling and displaying a flippant attitude Apathy
Refusing to accept painful information or a unpleasant situation; disbelieving reality Denial
Involves the use of language of spoken words to transmit messages. Verbal communication
Perceptions, Enunciate, Colloquialisms, Voice Tone Methods of communications
Cultural or ethic backgrounds, and a variety of other factors also impact the meanings some words.Based on awareness or assumptions that people make and point of view as they discern what s being said Preceptions
To speak clearly and to pronounce words properly Enunciate
Slang or informal words such as "gonna", or im fixin Colloguialisms
Sending a message without words. Body language, Eyes, Mouth, Posture Non-verbal Communication
These movements are sometimes unconscious and unintentional, or they can be natural response to the way we feel Body language
Expressions of anxiety, happiness, grief, joy sorrow, and worry Eyes
Offer a smile, opened wide in surprise, or puckered to show dissatisfaction Mouth
How people hold themselves may be a sign of how a message is being received or how someone is feeling Posture
Double or Demeanor Message
Patient says one thing but means another. Different response with their body language Double Message
An outward bearing or behavior Demeanor
Being patient while the message is spoken and giving the speaker your undivided attention Active Listening
Need to dwell on, mull, over and even study or weigh out what has been said. Listen to tone and body language to receive message correctly, clearly, and affectively Reflective Listening
Language, cultures, Economic status, Age,religion, sexual orientation make up a medical practice, and their values may differ from yours Communication Barriers
Stereotyping, Predjudice, Discrimination, Bias Types of Communication Barriers
To hold an attitude that all people from the same ethnicity are the same Stereotyping
A judgement that is formed prior to gathering all facts Prejudice
Treating an individual or group unfairly based on the category into which they fall Discrimination
Repeating, Restatement or paraphrasing, Requesting examples, questioning, summarizing Skills Neeeded in Active Listenig
Controlled silence is a well-placed pause that can be used to get someone's attention, emphasize a message, reiterate or restate thoughts, add additional information Silent Pause
Created by: jcpickens
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