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LEED EBOM 08 Glos v2
LEED EBOM 2008 Glossary Version 2
Question | Answer |
Adapted vegetation and native vegetation | Plants indigenous to a locality (native) or plants that are adapted to the local climate and are not considered invasive species or noxious weeds (adapted); they require limited irrigation following planting, do not require active maintenance su MORE |
Albedo | Synonymous with solar reflectance. END |
Alternative-fuel vehicles | Vehicles that use low-polluting, nongasoline fuels, such as electricity, hydrogen, propane or compressed natural gas, liquid natural gas, methanol, and ethanol. Efficient gas-electric hybrid vehicles are included in this group for LEED purposes. END |
Baseline irrigation water use | The amount of water that would be used by a typical method of irrigation for the region. END |
Bicycle racks | Outdoor bicycle racks, bicycle lockers, and indoor bicycle storage rooms. END |
Biofuel-based electrical systems | Electrical power systems that run on renewable fuels derived from organic materials, such as wood by-products and agricultural waste. For purposes of LEED, biofuels include untreated wood waste (e.g., mill residues), agricultural crops or waste MORE |
Biological control | The use of chemical or physical water treatments to inhibit bacterial growth in cooling towers. END |
Biomass | Plant material from trees, grasses, or crops that can be converted to heat energy to produce electricity. END |
Blackwater | Does not have a single definition that is accepted nationwide. Wastewater from toilets and urinals is, however, always considered blackwater. Wastewater from kitchen sinks (perhaps differentiated by the use of a garbage disposal), showers, or ba MORE |
Bleed-off or blowdown | The release of built-up solids in a cooling tower, accomplished by removing a portion of the concentrated recirculating water that carries dissolved solids. END |
Bleed-off rate | The frequency with which the dissolved minerals and dirt are removed from the cooling tower. It varies depending on the mineral content and scaling tendency of the entering water. END |
Building automation system (BAS) | A computer-based monitoring system that coordinates, organizes, and optimizes building control subsystems, including lighting and equipment scheduling, and alarm reporting. END |
Building Engineer | A qualified engineering professional with relevant and sufficient expertise who oversees and is responsible for the operation and maintenance of mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems in the project building. END |
Building footprint | The area of the site occupied by the building structure, not including parking lots, landscapes, and other nonbuilding facilities. END |
Building Operating Plan | A general documentation summarizing the intended operation of each base building system described in the systems narrative; the building operating plan may also be known as “Owner’s Operating Requirements” or similar. The operating plan includes MORE |
Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels | An indicator of ventilation effectiveness inside buildings. CO2 concentrations greater than 530 ppm above outdoor CO2 conditions generally indicate inadequate ventilation. Absolute concentrations of CO2 greater than 800 to 1,000 ppm generally in MORE |
Carpool | An arrangement in which two or more people share a vehicle for transportation. END |
Chain of custody | A tracking procedure for documenting the status of a product from the point of harvest or extraction to the ultimate consumer end use, including all successive stages of processing, transformation, manufacturing, and distribution. END |
Chemical runoff | Water that transports chemicals from the building landscape, as well as surrounding streets and parking lots, to rivers and lakes. Runoff chemicals may include gasoline, oil, antifreeze, and salts. END |
Chemical treatment | The use of biocidal, conditioning, dispersant, and scale-inhibiting chemicals to control biological growth, scale, and corrosion in cooling towers. Alternatives to conventional chemical treatment include ozonation, ionization, and UV light. Redu MORE |
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) | Hydrocarbons that are used as refrigerants and cause depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer. END |
Churn | The movement of workspaces and people within a space. END |
Climate change | Refers to any significant change in measures of climate (such as temperature, precipitation, or wind) lasting for an extended period (decades or longer) (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2008). END |
Comfort criteria | Specific original design conditions that include temperature (air, radiant, and surface), humidity, air speed, outdoor temperature design conditions, outdoor humidity design conditions, clothing (seasonal), and expected activity (ASHRAE 55–2004). END |
Comingling Recycling | A process of recycling materials that allows consumers to dispose of various materials (such as paper, cardboard, plastic, and metal) in one container that is separate from waste. The recyclable materials are not sorted until they are collected MORE |
Commissioning cycle | The schedule of activities relating to existing building commissioning, including investigation and analysis phase, implementation phase, and ongoing commissioning. END |
Composite wood | Composite wood is made from several materials, and agrifiber products are products made from agricultural fiber. For this credit, these materials comprise particleboard, medium-density fiberboard (MDF), plywood, oriented-strand board (OSB), whea MORE |
Composting toilet systems | Dry plumbing fixtures that contain and treat human waste via microbiological processes. END |
Compressed workweek | Rearrangement of the standard workweek (five consecutive eight-hour days in a week) by increasing the daily hours and decreasing the number of days in the work cycle. For example, instead of working eight-hour days Monday through Friday, employe MORE |
Concentrate | A product that must be diluted by at least eight parts by volume water (1 to 8 dilution ratio) prior to its intended use (Green Seal GS-37). Concentration ratio or cycles of concentration The ratio of the concentration of dissolved solids in th MORE |
Conductivity meter or EC meter | A device that measures the amount of nutrients and salt in water. END |
Construction and demolition (C&D) debris | Waste and recyclables generated from construction, renovation, and demolition or deconstruction of preexisting structures. END |
Construction IAQ management plan | Measures to minimize contamination in a specific project building during construction and describes procedures to flush the building of contaminants prior to occupancy. END |
Construction, demolition, and land clearing (CDL) debris | Includes all construction and demolition debris plus soil, vegetation, and rock from land clearing. END |
Conventional irrigation | Refers to the most common irrigation system used in the region where the building is located. A conventional irrigation system commonly uses pressure to deliver water and distributes it through sprinkler heads above the ground. END |
Cooling tower | A piece of equipment that uses water to regulate air temperature in a facility by absorbing heat from air-conditioning systems or cooling down hot equipment. END |
Critical visual tasks | Visual tasks completed by building occupants, includes reading and computer monitor use. END |
Daylight factor | The ratio of exterior illumination to interior illumination, expressed as a percentage. The variables used to determine the daylight factor include the floor area, window area, window geometry, visible transmittance (T VIS), and window height. END |
Daylight glazing | A vertical window area located 7 foot 6 inches above the floor. Glazing at this height is the most effective at distributing daylight deep into the interior space. END |
Daylighting | The controlled admission of natural light into a space through glazing to reduce or eliminate electric lighting. Daylighting creates a stimulating and productive environment for building occupants. END |
Declarant | A LEED project team member who is technically qualified to verify the content of a LEED credit submittal template, and is authorized by the project administrator to sign the template and upload it to LEED Online. The Declarant must have had a si MORE |
Densely occupied space | An area with a design occupant density of 25 people or more per 1,000 square feet (40 square feet or less per person). END |
Density factor (kd) | A coefficient used in calculating the Landscape Coefficient; it modifies the Evapo transpiration Rate to reflect the water use of a particular plant or group of plants, particularly with reference to the density of the plant material. END |
Design light output | The light output of lamps at 40% of their useful life. END |
Development footprint | The area affected by project site activity. Hardscape, access roads, parking lots, nonbuilding facilities, and the building itself are all included in the development footprint. END |
Drip irrigation | A high-efficiency method in which water is delivered at low pressure through buried mains and submains. From the submains, water is distributed to the soil from a network of perforated tubes or emitters. Drip irrigation is a type of microirrigat MORE |
Durable goods | Have a useful life of two years or more and are replaced infrequently and/or may require capital program outlays. Examples include furniture, office equipment, appliances, external power adapters, televisions, and audiovisual equipment. END |
Durable goods waste stream | Durable goods leaving the project building, site, and organization that have fully depreciated and reached the end of their useful lives for normal business operations. END |
Ecological restoration | The process of assisting in the recovery and management of ecological integrity, including biodiversity, ecological processes and structures, regional and historical context, and sustainable cultural practices. END |
Ecologically appropriate features | Natural, inanimate elements of the landscape (e.g., rocks and water features). END |
Ecologically appropriate site features | Natural site elements that maintain or restore the ecological integrity of the site. Examples include native or adapted vegetation, waterbodies, exposed rock, unvegetated ground, or other features that are part of the historic natural landscape MORE |
Elemental mercury | Pure mercury (rather than a mercury-containing compound), the vapor of which is commonly used in fluorescent and other lamp types. END |
Emissivity | The ratio of the radiation emitted by a surface to the radiation emitted by a black body at the same temperature. END |
Energy audit | Identifies how much energy is used in a building for what purposes and identifies opportunities for improving efficiency and reducing costs. The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) uses three levels MORE |
ENERGY STAR® rating | ENERGY STAR® rating A measure of a building’s energy performance compared with buildings with similar characteristics, as determined by use of the ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager. A score of 50 represents average building performance. Environmen MORE |
Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS),or secondhand smoke | Consists of airborne particles emitted both directly from cigarettes, pipes, and cigars and indirectly, as exhaled by smokers. END |
Erosion | The process by which the materials of Earth’s surface are loosened, dissolved, or worn away and transported by natural agents. END |
Evapo transpiration | Water lost through transpiration through plants plus water evaporated from the soil. END |
Evapo transpiration rate (ET) | The amount of water lost from a vegetated surface in units of water depth. It is expressed in millimeters per unit of time. END |
Exhaust air | The air removed from a space and discharged outside the building by means of mechanical or natural ventilation systems. END |
Existing building commissioning or retrocommissioning | Involves developing a building operating plan that identifies current building operating requirements and needs, conducting tests to determine whether the building and fundamental systems are performing optimally in accordance with the plan, and MORE |
Facility alterations and additions | Refers to building work that is done on the existing building. Facility alterations refer to changes made to a building that do not interfere with the original design character of the building, such as replacement flooring, painting, etc. Facili MORE |
Facility Manager | Belongs to “a profession that encompasses multiple disciplines to ensure functionality of the built environment by integrating people, place, process, and technology” according to the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) END |
Fairtrade | A product certification system overseen by FLO International designated to allow people to identify products that meet agreed environmental, labor, and development standards. END |
Food Alliance | A certification that applies to foods from sustainable farms and ranches that produce natural products; ensure quality control and food safety; responsibly manage water, energy resources, and waste; emphasize recycling; provide a safe work envir MORE |
Fuel-efficient vehicles | Vehicles that have achieved a minimum green score of 40 on the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy annual vehicle-rating guide. See Summary of Referenced Standard in SSc4.1-4.4 for more information. END |
Full cutoff | Describes a luminaire having a light distribution in which the candela per 1000 lamp lumens does not numerically exceed 25 (2.5%) at or above an angle of 90° above nadir, and 100 (10%) at or above a vertical angle of 80° above nadir. This applie MORE |
Full disclosure | For products that are not formulated with listed suspect carcinogens has two components: (1) disclosure of all ingredients (both hazardous and nonhazardous) that make up 1% or more of the undiluted product and (2) use of concentration ranges for MORE |
Full-time equivalent (FTE) | A regular building occupant who spends 40 hours per week in the project building. Part-time or overtime occupants have FTE values based on their hours per week divided by 40. Multiple shifts are included or excluded depending on the intent and MORE |
Fully shielded | An exterior light fixture that is shielded or constructed so that its light rays project below the horizontal plane passing through the lowest point on the fixture from which light is emitted. END |
Furniture, fixtures, and equipment | Include all items that are not base building elements, such as lamps, computers and electronics, desks, chairs, and tables. END |
Geothermal energy | Electricity generated by converting hot water or steam from within Earth. END |
Geothermal heating systems | A system that uses pipes to transfer heat from underground for heating, cooling and hot water. The system retrieves heat from the Earth during cool months and returns heat in summer months. END |
Glare | Any excessively bright source of light within the visual field that creates discomfort or loss in visibility. END |
Glazing factor | The ratio of interior illuminance at a given point on a given plane (usually the work plane) to the exterior illuminance under known overcast sky conditions. LEED uses a simplified approach for its credit compliance calculations. The variables u MORE |
Graywater, or gray water | Is defined by the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) in its Appendix G, titled “Gray Water Systems for Single-Family Dwellings,” as “untreated household waste water which has not come into contact with toilet waste. Gray water includes used water from MORE |
Green cleaning | The use of cleaning products and practices that have less environmental impact than conventional products and practices. END |
Groundskeeper | A qualified professional with relevant and sufficient expertise who oversees and is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of landscaping, vegetation, and pest control on the project building’s grounds. END |
Group multi-occupant spaces | Include conference rooms, classrooms, and other indoor spaces used as places of congregation for presentations, training sessions, etc., where workers engage in a common task and share the lighting and temperature controls. Group multi-occupant MORE |
Halons | Substances used in fire-suppression systems and fire extinguishers. These substances deplete the stratospheric ozone layer. END |
Hardscape | Inanimate elements of the building landscaping, including pavement, roadways, stone walls, concrete paths and sidewalks, and concrete, brick, or tile patios. END |
Heat island effect | Refers to the absorption of heat by hardscapes, such as dark, nonreflective pavement and buildings, and its radiation to surrounding areas. Particularly in urban areas, other sources may include vehicle exhaust, air-conditioners, and street equi MORE |
High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters | Filters that remove virtually all (99.97%) 0.3-micron particles. END |
HVAC systems | Heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems used to provide thermal comfort and ventilation. END |
Hydro energy | Electricity produced from the downhill flow of water from rivers or lakes. END |
Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) | Refrigerants that are used in building equipment and cause depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer, but they are less damaging than CFCs. END |
Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) | Refrigerants that do not deplete the stratospheric ozone layer but may have high global warming potential and thus are not environmentally benign. END |
Hydrology | Addresses water occurrence, distribution, movement, and balances in an ecosystem. END |
Impervious surfaces | Promote runoff of precipitation instead of infiltration into the subsurface. The imperviousness or degree of runoff potential can be estimated for different surface materials. END |
Imperviousness | Resistance to penetration by a liquid and is calculated as the percentage of area covered by a paving system that does not allow moisture to soak into the ground. END |
Incinerator | A furnace or container for burning waste materials. END |
Individual occupant workspaces | Areas where workers use standard workstations to conduct individual tasks. Examples are private offices and open office areas with multiple workers. END |
Indoor air quality (IAQ) | The nature of air that affects the health and well-being of building occupants. END |
Infrared emittance | Indicates the ability of a material to shed infrared radiation, whose wavelength is roughly 5 to 40 micrometers. Infrared emittance is measured on a scale of 0 to 1. Most building materials (including glass) are opaque in this part of the spectr MORE |
Integrated pest management (IPM) | The coordinated use of knowledge about pests, the environment, and pest prevention and control methods to prevent unacceptable levels of pest infestation and damage by the most economical means while minimizing hazards to people, property, and t MORE |
Invasive plants | Both indigenous and exotic species that are characteristically adaptable and aggressive, have a high reproductive capacity, and tend to overrun an area. Collectively, they are one of the great threats to biodiversity and ecosystem stability. END |
Irrigated land | Refers to areas where water is delivered through artificial methods (that is, other than rain). Conventional methods utilize pressure to deliver and distribute water through sprinkler heads above the ground. Efficient methods include drip irriga MORE |
Lamp life | The useful operating life of lamps. END |
Lamps | Use electricity to produce light in any of several ways: by heating a wire for incandescence, by exciting a gas that produces ultraviolet light from a luminescent material, by generating an arc that emits visible light and some ultraviolet light MORE |
Landfills | Waste disposal sites for solid waste from human activities. END |
Landscape area | Landscape area of the site is the total site area less the building footprint, hardscape area, water bodies, etc. END |
Landscape coefficient (KL) | A coefficient used to calculate the evapo transpiration rate; it takes into account the species factor, density factor, and microclimate factor of the area. END |
Leakage rate | The speed at which an appliance loses refrigerant, measured between refrigerant charges or over 12 months, whichever is shorter. The leakage rate is expressed in terms of the percentage of the appliance’s full charge that would be lost over a 12 MORE |
LEED Accredited Professionals (AP) | Individuals who have successfully completed the LEED professional accreditation exam. END |
Legionella | A waterborne bacterium that causes Legionnaire’s disease. It grows in slow-moving or still warm water and can be found in plumbing, showerheads, and water storage tanks. Outbreaks of Legionella pneumonia have been attributed to evaporative conde MORE |
Life-cycle assessment | A method used to analyze the environmental aspects and potential impacts associated with a product, process, or service. END |
Life-cycle costing (LCC) | An accounting methodology to evaluate the economic performance of a product or system over its useful life; it considers the operating costs, maintenance expenses, and other economic factors. END |
Light pollution | Waste light from building sites that produces glare, is directed upward to the sky, or is directed off the site. Waste light does not increase nighttime safety, utility, or security and needlessly consumes energy and natural resources. END |
Low-emitting vehicles | Vehicles classified as zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) by the California Air Resources Board. See Summary of Referenced Standard, above, for more information. END |
Lumen | A unit of luminous flux equal to the light emitted in a unit solid angle by a uniform point source of one candle intensity. END |
Makeup water | Water fed into the system to replace what is lost through evaporation, drift, blowdown, or other causes. END |
Management staff | Employees or contractors involved in operating and maintaining the building and site. END |
Marine Stewardship Council’s Blue Eco-Label | Certification that applies to products that meet the MSC principles and criteria for sustainable fishing, including sustainable harvest of the target stock, acceptable impact of the fishery on the ecosystem, effectiveness of the fisher managemen MORE |
Mass transit | Movement of large groups of persons in a single vehicle, such as a bus or train car. END |
Material safety data sheets (MSDS) | Contain product information on chemicals, chemical compounds, and chemical mixtures. MSDSs can also include instructions for the safe handling, storage, and disposal of products. END |
Mechanical ventilation | Ventilation provided by machine-powered equipment, such as motor-driven fans and blowers, but not by devices such as wind-driven turbine ventilators and mechanically operated windows. END |
Methylmercury | Any of various toxic compounds of mercury containing the complex CH3Hg-; it often occurs in pollutants and bioaccumulates in living organisms, especially in higher levels of a food chain. END |
Microclimate factor (kmc) | A coefficient used in calculating the landscape coefficient; it adjusts the Evapo transpiration Rate to reflect the climate of the immediate area. END |
Microirrigation | Involves irrigation systems with small sprinklers and microjets or drippers designed to apply small volumes of water. The sprinklers and microjets are installed within a few centimeters of the ground; drippers are laid on or below grade. END |
Minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV) | A filter rating established by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE 52.2–1999, Method of Testing General Ventilation Air Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size). The MERV effici MORE |
Mixed-mode ventilation | A combination of natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation, which allows the building to be ventilated mechanically or naturally or, at times, both mechanically and naturally simultaneously. END |
Native vegetation and adapted vegetation | Plants indigenous to a locality (native) or plants that are adapted to the local climate and are not considered invasive species or noxious weeds (adapted); they require limited irrigation following planting, do not require active maintenance su MORE |
Natural areas | Native or adapted vegetation or other ecologically appropriate features. END |
Natural ventilation | Ventilation provided by thermal, wind, or diffusion effects through doors, windows, or other intentional openings in the building. END |
Negative-pressure smoking rooms | Rooms with mechanical airflow devices (such as exhaust fans) to lower air pressure below that of surrounding areas. The negative pressure causes air to flow from surrounding areas into the space to provide ventilation. END |
Net present value | The total discounted value of all cash inflows and outflows from a project or investment. END |
Nonoccupied spaces | Rooms used by maintenance personnel and not open to occupants. Examples include janitorial closets, cleaning supply storage, and equipment rooms. END |
Nonpotable water | Water that does not meet EPA’s drinking water standards, and therefore, is not suitable for human consumption. END |
Nonregularly occupied spaces | Corridors, hallways, lobbies, break rooms, copy rooms, office supply closets, kitchens, restrooms, and stairwells. END |
Off-site salvaged materials | Materials recovered from an off-site source and reused. END |
On-demand heaters | Heaters that heat water only when it is needed and then apply only the amount of heating required to satisfy the user’s immediate needs. END |
On-site salvaged materials | Materials recovered from and reused at the same building site. END |
Ongoing commissioning | A continuous process that methodically identifies and corrects system problems to maintain optimal building performance; the process includes regular measurement and comparative analysis of building energy data over time. END |
Ongoing consumables | Goods with a low cost per unit and are regularly used and replaced in the course of business. Examples include paper, toner cartridges, binders, batteries, and desk accessories. END |
Open-grid pavement | For LEED purposes, pavement that is less than 50% impervious and contains vegetation in the open cells. Open-grid pavement consists of a thin, open-graded asphalt mix layered over the top of a coarse stone aggregate; water passes through the asp MORE |
Outdoor air | The ambient air that enters a building either through a ventilation system (with intentional openings) for natural ventilation or by infiltration. (ASHRAE 62.1 – 2004) END |
Owner | A person directly employed by the organization holding title to the project building and recognized by law as having rights, responsibilities, and ultimate control over the project building. END |
Parking footprint | The area of the site that is occupied by the parking structure. END |
Partially shielded | An exterior light fixture that is shielded so that the lower edge of the shield is at or below the centerline of the lamp to minimize light emitted above the horizontal plane. END |
Perviousness | The percentage of area covered by a paving system that is open and allows moisture to soak into the earth below the paving system. END |
Photovoltaic or solar energy | Electricity from photovoltaic cells that convert the energy in sunlight into electricity. END |
Picogram | One trillionth of a gram. END |
Picograms per lumen-hour | A measure of the amount of mercury in a lamp per unit of light delivered over its useful life. END |
Plumbing fixtures and fittings | Receptacles, devices, or appliances that are either permanently or temporarily connected to the building’s water distribution system and receive liquid or liquidborne wastes and discharge wastewater, liquid-borne waste materials, or sewage eithe MORE |
Pollutants | Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), mercury (Hg), small particulates (PM2.5), and large particulates (PM10). END |
Post-consumer material | Recycled from consumer waste. END |
Postconsumer content | The percentage of material in a product that is recycled from consumer waste. END |
Postconsumer fiber | Paper, paperboard, and fibrous wastes that are collected from municipal solid waste streams. END |
Potable water | Water suitable for drinking that meets or exceeds EPA drinking water standards; it is supplied from wells or municipal water systems. END |
PPM | Stands for parts per million. END |
Pre-consumer content | Formerly known as post-industrial content, is the percentage of material in a product that is recycled from manufacturing waste. Examples include planer shavings, plytrim, sawdust, chips, bagasse, sunflower seed hulls, walnut shells, culls, trim MORE |
Preferred parking | Parking available to particular users, includes designated spaces close to the building, designated covered spaces, discounted parking passes, and guaranteed passes in a lottery system. END |
Preventive maintenance | Routinely scheduled equipment inspection, cleaning, and repair conducted to detect and prevent equipment failure and keep materials and systems in working order. END |
Private or private use | Applies to plumbing fixtures in residences and apartments, private bathrooms in hotels and hospitals, and restrooms in commercial establishments; these fixtures are intended for the use of a family or an individual. END |
Process water | Water used for industrial processes and building systems, such as cooling towers, boilers, and chillers. END |
Project Building | The real property, including an occupied and operational building(s) and the associated grounds that is registered for and actively pursuing LEED certification. END |
Property Manager | A person directly employed by the organization who oversees operations, maintenance, and upkeep of the project building on behalf of the owner or serves as the primary liaison between the owner and project building tenants. END |
Protected Harvest certification | Certification standards that reflect the unique growing requirements and environmental considerations of each crop and bioregion. Each crop and region specific standard is divided into the following three parts: production, toxicity, and chain-o MORE |
Public or public use | Applies to plumbing fixtures in all buildings or structures that are not defined as private or private use. If the classification for public or private use is unclear, project teams shall default to public-use flow rates. END |
Rainforest Alliance certification | A certification that is awarded to farms that protect wildlife by planting trees, control erosion, limit agro chemicals, protect native vegetation, hire local workers, and pay fair wages. END |
Rapidly renewable materials | Agricultural products, both fiber and animal, that take 10 years or less to grow or raise and can be harvested in an ongoing and sustainable fashion. END |
Recirculated air | Air removed from a space and reused as supply air, delivered by mechanical or natural ventilation. END |
Reclaimed water | Wastewater that has been treated and purified for reuse. END |
Re commissioning | Applies to buildings that were previously commissioned as part of new construction or retro commissioning. Re commissioning involves periodic conducting of the original commissioning tests from the commissioning or retro commissioning process to MORE |
Recovered fiber | Includes both postconsumer fiber and waste fiber from the manufacturing process. END |
Recycling | The collection, reprocessing, marketing, and use of materials that were diverted or recovered from the solid waste stream. END |
Refrigerants | The working fluids of refrigeration cycles that absorb heat from a reservoir at low temperatures and reject heat at higher temperatures. END |
Regionally harvested (or extracted) and processed materials | Materials that come from within a 500-mile radius of the project site. END |
Regular building occupant | A worker who either has a permanent office or workstation in the project building or typically spends 10 hours per week or more in the project building. For a residential building, this includes all persons who live in the building. END |
Regularly occupied spaces | In commercial buildings, these are areas where people sit or stand as they work; in residential applications these spaces are living and family rooms. END |
Relative humidity | The ratio of partial density of water vapor in the air to the saturation density of water vapor at the same temperature and the same total pressure. END |
Renewable energy | Energy from sources that are not depleted when used. This includes energy from the sun, wind, and small hydro power. Ways to capture energy from the sun include photovoltaic, thermal solar energy systems, and bioenergy. One issue with bioenergy MORE |
Renewable energy certificates (RECs) | Tradable environmental commodities representing proof that a unit of electricity was generated from a renewable energy resource; RECs are sold separately from the electricity itself and thus allow the purchase of green power by a user of convent MORE |
Replacement value | The cost of an item purchased from a retail vendor, reflecting its age and condition. END |
Retrofit | Any change to an existing facility, such as the addition or removal of equipment or a required adjustment, connection, or disconnection of equipment. END |
Return air | Air removed from conditioned spaces and either recirculated in the building or exhausted to outside. END |
Reuse | Method of returning materials to active use in the same or a related capacity and thus extends the lifetime of materials that would otherwise be disposed. Examples of ongoing consumables that can be reused include binders, staplers, and other de MORE |
Sedimentation | The addition of soil particles to waterbodies by natural and human-related activities. Sedimentation often decreases water quality and can accelerate the aging process of lakes, rivers and streams. END |
Sequence of operations | A detailed system-level documentation for each base building system that defines which operational states are desired under which conditions: running vs. idle systems; full load or part-load operation; staging or cycling of compressors, fans, or MORE |
Setpoints | Normal ranges for building systems and indoor environmental quality, outside which action is taken. END |
Simple payback | The amount of time it will take to recover the initial investment through savings. The simple payback (in years) can be calculated by dividing first cost by annual savings. END |
Site area | The total area within the project boundary of the applicant building, and includes all areas of the property, both constructed areas and nonconstructed areas. The open space of the site area is the portion not covered by the building footprint. END |
Site energy | The amount of heat and electricity consumed by a building, as reflected in utility bills.1 END |
Solar reflectance | The ratio of the reflected solar energy to the incoming solar energy over wavelengths of approximately 0.3 to 2.5 micrometers. A reflectance of 100% means that all of the energy striking a reflecting surface is reflected back into the atmosphere MORE |
Solar reflectance | A measure of the ability of a surface material to reflect sunlight—visible, infrared, and ultraviolet wavelengths—on a scale of 0 to 1. Solar reflectance is also called albedo. Black paint has a solar reflectance of 0; white paint (titanium diox MORE |
Solar reflectance index (SRI) | A measure of a material’s ability to reject solar heat, as shown by a small temperature rise. Standard black (reflectance 0.05, emittance 0.90) is 0 and a standard white (reflectance 0.80, emittance 0.90) is 100. For example, a standard black su MORE |
Solar thermal systems | Systems that collect or absorb sunlight via solar collectors to heat water that is then circulated to the building’s hot water tank. The hot water can be used to warm swimming pools or provide domestic hot water for residential and commercial u MORE |
Source energy | The total amount of raw fuel that is required to operate a building. It incorporates all transmission, delivery, and production losses, thereby enabling a complete assessment of energy efficiency in a building. END |
Source reduction | Method of reducing the amount of unnecessary material brought into a building. Examples include purchasing products with less packaging and sustainable design. END |
Species factor (ks) | A coefficient used to adjust the Evapo transpiration Rate to reflect the biological features of a specific plant species. END |
Standard operating procedures (SOPs) | Detailed, written instructions documenting a method to achieve uniformity of performance. END |
Stormwater runoff | Water from precipitation that flows over surfaces into sewer systems or waterbodies. All precipitation that leaves project site boundaries on the surface is considered stormwater runoff. END |
Stratified random sampling | A method that groups members of a population into discrete subgroups, based on characteristics that may affect their responses to the survey. For example, a survey of building occupants’ commuting behavior might separate people by income level a MORE |
Submetering | A method of determining the proportion of energy use within a building attributable to specific mechanical end uses or subsystems (i.e., the heating subsystem of an HVAC system). END |
Substantial completion | Substantial completion of the building’s indoor plumbing system is defined as either initial building construction or the last plumbing renovation of all or part of the building that included a 100% retrofit of all plumbing fixtures and fittings MORE |
Sustainable purchasing policy | A policy that gives preference to products that have little to no negative impacts on the environment and society throughout its life cycle, and also gives preference to those products that are supplied by companies whom also have little to no n MORE |
Sustainable purchasing program | The development, adoption, and implementation of a procurement strategy, which culminates in the purchase of products that have little to no negative impacts on the environment and society through its life cycle or that are supplied by companies MORE |
Systematic sampling | A method of surveying every x-th person in the population, using a constant skip interval. It relies on random sampling order or an order with no direct relationship to the variable under analysis (alphabetical order when sampling for commute be MORE |
Systems Narrative Intro | A general description of each of the following types of base building systems installed in the project building: space heating, space cooling, ventilation, domestic water heating, humidification and/or dehumidification, and lighting. The narrati MORE |
Telecommuting | Working by using telecommunications and computer technology from a location other than the usual or traditional place of business—for example, from home, a satellite office, or a telework center. END |
Thermal comfort | A condition experienced by building occupants expressing satisfaction with the thermal environment. END |
Two-year, 24-hour design storm | The basis of planning stormwater management facilities that can accommodate the largest amount of rainfall expected over a 24-hour period during a two-year interval. END |
Undercover parking | Parking that is located underground, under a deck, under a roof, or under a building; its hardscape surfaces are shaded. END |
Underground parking | A parking facility that is a “tuck-under” or stacked structure that reduces the exposed parking surface area. END |
Universal notification | Notifying building occupants not less than 72 hours before a pesticide is applied in a building or on surrounding grounds under normal conditions, and within 24 hours after application of a pesticide in emergency conditions. Use of a least toxic MORE |
USDA Organic | A certification for products that contain at least 95% organically produced ingredients (excluding water and salt). Any remaining product ingredients must consist of approved non-agricultural substances (as listed by USDA) or non-organically pro MORE |
Vegetation-containing artifices | Planters, gardens or other constructs intended to host flora. END |
Ventilation | The provision and removal of air to control air contaminant levels, humidity, or temperature within an indoor space. Ventilation is measured in air changes per hour—the quantity of infiltration air in cubic feet per minute (cfm) divided by the v MORE |
Visible light transmittance (T VIS) | The ratio of total transmitted light to total incident light (i.e., the amount of visible spectrum, 380 to 780 nanometer light passing through a glazing surface divided by the amount of light striking the glazing surface). The higher the T VIS v MORE |
Vision glazing | Provides views of the outdoors to building occupants through vertical windows between 2 foot 6 inches and 7 foot 6 inches above the floor. Windows below 2 foot 6 inches and windows above 7 foot 6 inches (including daylight glazing, skylights, an MORE |
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) | Compounds that are volatile at typical room temperatures. The specific organic compounds addressed by the referenced Green Seal Standard (GS-11) are identified in EPA Reference Test Method 24 (Determination of Volatile Matter Content, Water Cont MORE |
Walk-off mats | Mats placed inside building entrances to capture dirt, water, and other materials tracked inside by people and equipment. END |
Waste | All materials that flow from the building to final disposal. Examples include paper, grass trimmings, food scraps, and plastics. For this credit, waste refers to all materials that are capable of being diverted from the building’s waste stream o MORE |
Waste disposal | Elimination of waste by means of burial in a landfill, combustion in an incinerator, dumping at sea, or any other way that is not recycling or reuse. END |
Waste diversion | A management activity that disposes of waste other than though incineration or landfilling. Examples are reuse and recycling. END |
Waste reduction | Includes source reduction and waste diversion through reuse or recycling. END |
Waste reduction program | (1) describes the organization’s commitment to minimizing waste disposal by using source reduction, reuse, and recycling, (2) assigns responsibility within the organization for implementation of the program, (3) lists the general actions that wi MORE |
Waste stream | The overall flow of wastes from the building to the landfill, incinerator, recycling facility, or other disposal site. END |
Water meter | A device used to measure the volume of water usage. Most commercial building water meters are designed to measure cold potable water. END |
Wave and tidal power systems | System that captures energy from waves and the diurnal flux of tidal power, respectively. The captured energy is commonly used for desalination, water pumping and electricity generation. END |
Wind energy | Electricity generated by wind turbines. END |
Xeriscaping | A landscaping method designed for water conservation so that routine irrigation is not necessary. It includes using drought-adaptable and low-water plants, soil amendments such as compost to conserve moisture, and mulches to reduce evaporation. END |