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Music 1

vocab terms 1 - 37

Ethnomusicology the study of music in relationship to the culture that produces it with the goal of understanding something of what it is like on the inside of a particular music culture. It rests between anthropology and comparative musicology
Music culture a given populations total involvement with music (ceremonial religious, recreational, professional, commercial, etc.) One music culture may be distinguished from another by large divisions (nationality) or smaller
Transmission how, within culture, music is passed from individual to individual and generation to generation
Function purpose for which a given piece of music is written
Empirical musical culture all the tangible material 'things' related to music that a culture produces (instruments, sheet music, tape recorders, etc.)
Enculturation passing on of traditions from one group/generation to another
ethnocentric culturally singular; remaining within the realm of a specific ethnic population
oral tradition the sustaining and passing on of information by word of mouth rather than documentation
tribal music music of non-literate cultures
cultural accommodation adjustments a given culture makes in order to coexist with a more dominant culture. it can come about as the resolution of conflict
cultural conquest when a culture is brought to abandon its own traditions and take up the traditions of another culture (a population is required/led to set aside its own music/art and subscribe to that of a more dominant culture)
acculturation Mutual influence of different cultures on each other
texture results from the instrumentation used in music. Music using few instruments of instruments of light tone color (flute). Music with many instruments or some with heavy tone color is said to have dense texture
singing style different cultures use the voice varyingly. it refers to the way we use the voice in music
syllabic one note for each syllable of text
melismatic several notes to a single syllable of text
non-lexical sounds sung that are without literal meaning
form refers to the overall shape of a piece of music: the number of sections and subdivisions that occur. that architecture of a piece of music
strophic different verbal content (verses) given to a repeating melody.
through-composed a song in which the music changes throughout instead of being repeated for a series of verses
refrain certain lines that are repeated at regular intervals with the music and words remaining the same at each repetition
chant different words spoken on the same tone
monophony a single voice part without accompaniment other than percussion
homophony clear and distinct melody with definite secondary accompanimental part
polyphony at least two distinct melodic lines occurring simultaneously
tempo refers to the speed in music
melodic range distance between the highest and lowest note in a melody
melodic contour the shape of a melody as outlined by its curves, leaps, rises and falls
tone system all the pitches used in the music of a given culture
text the words used in a piece of music
style the character that typifies music as belonging to categories and is determined by internal logic, structure, and modes of expressions
sound ideal the overall sonic character that attracts or is indicative of a given culture. Tone color and texture are its primary components
tone color (timbre) the character/quality of a sound. ex: the difference in the sound of the same note played on the bagpipe and on the flute
instrumentation/orchestration the instruments and sonic materials used in a piece of music
antiphony music performed by two alternating sources - frequently a voice solo and a chorus in a "call and response" pattern
syncopation occurrence of accents in unexpected places - usually on what are normally weak beats or weak parts of has staggered or unexpected rhythmic character
ostinato a musical figure that is repeated over and over again (usually associated with an instrumental part)
Created by: khuber
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