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Autonimic Nerv
USCSOM: ANS Physiology
Question | Answer |
What is the neurotransmitter associated with parasympathetics? | acetylcholine |
What type of receptors are associated with parasympathetics? | muscarnic and nicotinic receptors |
What neurotransmitter is associated with sympathetics? | norepinephrine |
What receptors are associated with sympathetics? | alpha/beta adrenergic receptors |
Preganglionic sympathetics release what neuro transmitter? | acetylcholine |
Cholinergic neurotransmission is found in what type of fibers? | preganglionic para/symp, post para, pstsym sweat |
What enzyme is involved in the formation of acetylcholine? | choline acetyltransferase |
What is the primary enzyme that terminates ACH signal? | acetylcholine esterase |
What are the two types of cholinergic receptors? | nicotinic, muscarinic |
Ligand-gated ion channels are also known as ______ receptors | nicotinic |
G-protein coupled receptors are also known as _____ receptors | muscarinic |
What type of receptors hyperpolarize cardiac myocytes and open K channels? | M2 muscarinic |
What type of muscarinic receptors increase Ca in neuronal cells? | M1 |
What type of muscarinic receptors increase exocrine gland secretion? | M3 |
What muscarinic receptor is associated with nitric osxide induced vasodilation?" | M3 |
What kind of fibers are most postganglionic neurons? | noradrenergic neurons |
What neurotransmitter is associated with adrenergic neurons? | norepinephrine |
What are the catecholamines? | NE, Epi, DA |
What is the rate limiting step in synthesis of catecholamines? | tyrosine hydroxylase |
What adernergic receptors down regulate NE release? | alpha-2 receptors |
What is the major route of inactivation for adrenergic neurotransmission? | reuptake |
what are the metabolic inactivating enzymes of adrenergic neurotransmission? | MAO (monoamine oxidase) |
Norepinephrine are agonists to what kind of adrenergic receptors? | a-1, b-1, a-2 |
Epinephrine is an agonist to what kind of adrenergic receptors? | a-1, b-1, b-2, a-2 |
What are the major effects of a-1 activation? | vascular, radial mm eye, vas deferens, prostate |
What are the major effects of b-1 activation? | All cardiac functions |
What are the effects of b-2 activations? | relax smooth mm |