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Autonimic Nerv

USCSOM: ANS Physiology

What is the neurotransmitter associated with parasympathetics? acetylcholine
What type of receptors are associated with parasympathetics? muscarnic and nicotinic receptors
What neurotransmitter is associated with sympathetics? norepinephrine
What receptors are associated with sympathetics? alpha/beta adrenergic receptors
Preganglionic sympathetics release what neuro transmitter? acetylcholine
Cholinergic neurotransmission is found in what type of fibers? preganglionic para/symp, post para, pstsym sweat
What enzyme is involved in the formation of acetylcholine? choline acetyltransferase
What is the primary enzyme that terminates ACH signal? acetylcholine esterase
What are the two types of cholinergic receptors? nicotinic, muscarinic
Ligand-gated ion channels are also known as ______ receptors nicotinic
G-protein coupled receptors are also known as _____ receptors muscarinic
What type of receptors hyperpolarize cardiac myocytes and open K channels? M2 muscarinic
What type of muscarinic receptors increase Ca in neuronal cells? M1
What type of muscarinic receptors increase exocrine gland secretion? M3
What muscarinic receptor is associated with nitric osxide induced vasodilation?" M3
What kind of fibers are most postganglionic neurons? noradrenergic neurons
What neurotransmitter is associated with adrenergic neurons? norepinephrine
What are the catecholamines? NE, Epi, DA
What is the rate limiting step in synthesis of catecholamines? tyrosine hydroxylase
What adernergic receptors down regulate NE release? alpha-2 receptors
What is the major route of inactivation for adrenergic neurotransmission? reuptake
what are the metabolic inactivating enzymes of adrenergic neurotransmission? MAO (monoamine oxidase)
Norepinephrine are agonists to what kind of adrenergic receptors? a-1, b-1, a-2
Epinephrine is an agonist to what kind of adrenergic receptors? a-1, b-1, b-2, a-2
What are the major effects of a-1 activation? vascular, radial mm eye, vas deferens, prostate
What are the major effects of b-1 activation? All cardiac functions
What are the effects of b-2 activations? relax smooth mm
Created by: jlellerm
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