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Study Stack part2

True or False: Students may incorporate portions of lawfully acquired copyrighted works when producing their own educational multimedia projects for a specific course. True.
What is the legal principle the defines the limitations on the exclusive rights of copyright holders? Fair Use
What is one situation in which educators may perform and display their own educational multimedia projects that follow the policies of Fair Use? 1. for face-to face-instruction 2. assigned to students for directed self-study 3. for remote instruction to students enrolled in curriculum-based courses and located at remote sites.
True or False: Even for educational uses, educators and students must seek individual permissions for all copyrighted works incorporated in their personally created educational multimedia projects before replicating or distributing. True.
True or False:Educators and students may not make alterations in the portions of the copyrighted works they incorporate as part of an educational multimedia project only if the alterations support specific instructional objectives. False
Does copyright protect an author's creative ideas? No, copyright shelters only fixed, original and creative expression, not the ideas or facts upon which the expression is based.
How long does copyright last if a work is published after 1977? For the duration of the authors life, plus another 70 years.
What is the strict definition of copyright The legal right created by a country that grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to its use and distribution, usually for a limited time.
When is a work considered published? When the author makes it available to the public on an unrestricted basis
True or False: All works published in the United States before 1923 are in the public domain. True
True or False: works published after 1922 but before 1978, are protected for 50 years from the date of publication. False: 95 years
What is Creative Commons? Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use of creativity and knowledge through free legal tools.
True or False: Creative Commons licenses are an alternative to copyright. False
What does the attribution condition of Creative Commons entail? It requires that all CC licenses require that those who use your work in any manner are obliged to give you credit, without the suggestion that you are involved with the work in anyway.
True or False: Creative Commons is flexible, in the sense that it gives you many possible combinations of conditions to lay out that protect the integrity of your work. True: Creative Commons offers 4 different conditions that the user can apply at will.
What does the Fair Use Index accomplish? The Fair Use index tracks a variety of judicial decisions to help both lawyers and non-lawyers better understand the types of uses that courts at the Supreme Court, circuit, and district courts have found to be fair.
True or False: Google Books gives the user free access to any book that is sought out. False: some are only offered as previews, not displaying the full content.
True or False: Fair use is an exception to copyright law that allows copyrighted work to be sampled or used under certain circumstances, typically by altering or using the original work in a new transformative way True
Why is the Open Access movement seen as a positive thing for education? The Open Access movement is based on the premise that sharing research results and scholarly work leads to an increase in knowledge, scholarly output, innovation and invention.
What is the Open Access movement? The Open Access movement is generally defined as the free and immediate availability of research results with few or no restrictions on re-use.
The tradition in scholarly publishing has been that authors assigned their rights to publishers. What effect does this have on the authors? It hampers their ability to control their long-term rights when it comes to their work.
If one is integrating work into a new publication that one has jointly authored with another, it is fine to reproduce the work without their consent if it is deemed fair use. Yes, you only need permission if it is not fair use.
What is the De Minimis Defense as it relates to fair use? In some cases, the amount of material copied is so small that the court permits it without even conducting a fair use analysis.
True or False: One of the main considerations in using another's work under fair use is whether you are depriving the author of income. True
Can giving credit for a photograph one has used to it's photographer be considered an implementation of the fair use policy? It can be used as a consideration in a fair use determination, but it will not totally protect against infringement.
Created by: logan.pitchford
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