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EN to FR ES PT 02
English to French, Spanish, and Portuguese 02
Question | Answer |
ask FR | demander |
ask ES | preguntar |
ask PT | perguntar |
asparagus FR | asperges |
asparagus ES | espárrago |
asparagus PT | espargo |
attic FR | mansarde |
attic ES | desván |
attic PT | sótão |
August FR | août |
August ES | agosto |
August PT | agosto |
aunt FR | tante |
aunt ES | tía |
aunt PT | tia |
author FR | auteur |
author ES | autor |
author PT | autor |
authority FR | autorité |
authority ES | autoridad |
authority PT | autoridade |
automatic FR | automatique |
automatic ES | automático |
automatic PT | automático |
automobile FR | automobile |
automobile ES | automóvil |
automobile PT | automóvel |
autumn FR | automne |
autumn ES | otoño |
autumn PT | outono |
available FR | disponible |
available ES | disponible |
available PT | disponível |
baby FR | bébé |
baby ES | nene |
baby PT | bebé |
back FR | dos |
back ES | espalda |
back PT | costas |
backward FR | arrière |
backward ES | atrás |
backward PT | para trás |
bacon FR | lard |
bacon ES | tocino |
bacon PT | toucinho |
bad FR | mauvais |
bad ES | malo |
bad PT | máu |
bag FR | sac |
bag ES | saco |
bag PT | saco |
bake FR | cuire |
bake ES | hornear |
bake PT | cozer no forno |
baker FR | boulanger |
baker ES | panadero |
baker PT | padeiro |
balance FR | équilibre |
balance ES | balance |
balance PT | balança |
balcony FR | balcon |
balcony ES | balcón |
balcony PT | balcão |
ball FR | balle |
ball ES | pelota |
ball PT | bola |
banana FR | banane |
banana ES | plátano |
banana PT | banana |
bandage FR | bandage |
bandage ES | venda |
bandage PT | venda |
bank FR | banque |
bank ES | banco |
bank PT | banco |
barley FR | orge |
barley ES | cebada |
barley PT | cevada |
barn FR | grenier |
barn ES | establo |
barn PT | celeiro |
barrel FR | tonneau |
barrel ES | barril |
barrel PT | barril |
bashful FR | timide |
bashful ES | tímido |
bashful PT | tímido |
basket FR | panier |
basket ES | cesto |
basket PT | canastra |
bath FR | bain |
bath ES | baño |
bath PT | banho |
bathrobe FR | peignoir |
bathrobe ES | albornoz |
bathrobe PT | roupão |
bathtub FR | baignoire |
bathtub ES | bañera |
bathtub PT | banheira |
battery FR | batterie |
battery ES | pila |
battery PT | pilha |
be FR | être |
be ES | estar |
be PT | ser |
beach FR | plage |
beach ES | playa |
beach PT | praia |
bean FR | haricot |
bean ES | judia |
bean PT | feijão |
bear FR | ours |
bear ES | oso |
bear PT | urso |
beard FR | barbe |
beard ES | barba |
beard PT | barba |
beautiful FR | beau |
beautiful ES | hermoso |
beautiful PT | belo |
because FR | parce que |
because ES | porqué |
because PT | porque |
bed FR | lit |
bed SP | cama |
bed PT | cama |
bedroom FR | chambre à coucher |
bedroom ES | dormitorio |
bedroom PT | quarto de dormir |
bee FR | abeille |
bee ES | abeja |
bee PT | abelha |
beef FR | boeuf |
beef ES | carne de vaca |
beef PT | carne de vaca |
beefsteak FR | biftek |
beefsteak ES | biftec |
beefsteak PT | bife |
beer FR | bière |
beer ES | cerveza |
beer PT | cerveja |
beet-root FR | betterave |
beet-root ES | remolacha |
beet-root PT | beterraba |
begin FR | commencer |
begin ES | comenzar |
begin PT | começar |
behavior FR | conduite |
behavior ES | comportamiento |
behavior PT | comportamento |