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CIT228 Chapter 6
CIT228 Wireless Networks Chapter 6 - Media Access Control
Question | Answer |
access category (AC) | The classes of an EDCA. |
active scanning | A process in which a station first sends out a management probe request frame on an available channel. |
ad hoc mode | A wireless network that does not use an AP. |
Aggregate MAC Protocol Data Unit (A-MPDU) | A data unit that allows multiple MPDUs to be aggregated together. |
Aggregate MAC Service Data Unit (A-MSDU) | A data unit that allows multiple MSDUs to be combined together. |
Arbitration IFS (AIFS) | An interframe space that is used when setting priorities to different types of transmissions. |
association | The final step in the process of a station being accepted into the wireless network. |
authentication | The process of a station being accepted by the AP into the WLAN. |
backoff interval | A random amount of time that two sending devices pause after a collision. |
Basic Service Area (BSA) | The physical area of RF coverage provided by the AP of a BSS. |
Basic Service Set (BSS) | One or more stations that are served by a AP. |
Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID) | The media access control (MAC) |
beaconing | The process by which the AP sends a beacon frame to both announce its presence and to provide the necessary information for wireless stations wanting to join the network. |
block acknowledgment | An IEEE 802.11n feature that supports multiple MPDUs in an A-MPDU. |
broadcast probe | A probe request frame sent by a station with a null value as the SSID so that all APs will respond. |
care-of address | A new and temporary IP number assigned in Mobile IP. |
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) | The IEEE 802.11 standard that is designed to handle collisions when they occur. |
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) | A channel access method used by Ethernet. |
carrier sensing | The process in which a network device first listens on the wire to see if any |
other device is currently transmitting. | |
challenge text | The text that is encrypted in shared key authentication. |
channel access methods | The different ways of sharing the network medium. |
contention A channel access method in which devices contend or compete with each other to use the network medium. | |
control frames | Frames that provide assistance in delivering frames that contain the data by controlling access to the medium. |
CTS-to-self | A process used when 802.11g devices are mixed with 802.11b devices together. |
data frame | Frame that carries the information to be transmitted to the destination device. |
directed probe | A probe request frame sent by a station that contains a specific SSID that the device is searching for. |
Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) | The standard IEEE 802.11 contention method. |
Distributed Coordination Function IFS (DIFS) | An interframe space that is the standard interval between the transmission of data frames. |
distribution system (DS) | A system that is used by an AP to determine what communication needs to take place with other APs in the ESS or with the wired network. |
distribution system media | The media, either wired network, a wireless radio, or special purpose device, that interconnects APs. |
dynamic rate switching | A technology that allows a station farther away from an AP to still remain connected to the network but at a slower speed. |
Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) | An HCF that divides transmissions into four different classes. |
Extended IFS space (EIFS) | An interframe space that is used when frames must be retransmitted. |
Extended Service Set (ESS) | Two or more BSS networks that are interconnected. |
foreign agent | A device that provides routing services to the mobile computer in Mobile IP. |
foreign network | A different network in Mobile IP. |
frame acknowledgment | An acknowledgment frame sent by the receiving device back to the sending device to confirm that the data frame arrived intact. |
Greenfield Mode | A mode in which all of the stations in the BSS or ESS are 802.11n devices operating at the same HT speed with the same parameters. |
handoff | The process by which a station associates with a new AP. |
HCF Controlled Channel Access (HCCA) | The process of using polling along with centralized scheduling that is controlled by the AP. |
hidden node problem | A station that is within range of an AP but not another station. |
home agent | A forwarding mechanism in Mobile IP that keeps track of where the mobile computer is located. |
HT 20 MHz Protection Mode | An HT Operation Mode in which a 20-MHz-only HT device associated with a 20/40-MHz AP cannot transmit simultaneously with a 40-MHz device. |
HT Dual-CTS Protection | A protection mechanism used with 802.11n devices in a mixed environment with 802.11a/b/g devices. |
HT L-SIG Protection | A protection mechanism used with 802.11n devices in a mixed environment with 802.11a/b/g devices. |
HT Mixed Mode | A mode in which both 802.11n and 802.11a/b/g devices can interoperate in the same BSA. |
HT Nonmember Protection Mode | A mode in which all stations use the non-HT 802.11a/b/g format to ensure backwards compatibility. |
HT Operation Modes | Different modes that allow faster HT devices to interoperate with slower devices. |
hybrid coordination function (HCF) | The IEEE 802.11 optional function that allows for different types of wireless traffic to be given different levels of priority. |
Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS) | A wireless network that does not use an AP. |
infrastructure mode | A wireless network that uses an AP. |
interframe spaces (IFS) | The standard spacing intervals between the transmissions of the data frames. |
jumbo frame support | The ability of network devices to accept frames that are between 1,500 and 9,000 bytes. |
Layer 2 roaming | A roaming process that occurs between APs on the same subnet. |
Layer 3 roaming | A roaming process that occurs between APs on a different subnet. |
MAC Protocol Data Unit (MPDU) | A data unit that is simply an IEEE 802.11 frame. |
MAC Service Data Unit (MSDU) | A data unit that contains data from Layers 3-7 along with LLC data. |
management frames | Frames that are used to set up the initial communications between a device and the access point (for infrastructure mode) |
maximum transmission unit (MTU) | The frame size in an IEEE 802.11 network. |
Mobile IP | A mechanism within the TCP/IP protocol to better support mobile computing. |
net allocation vector (NAV) | The field in which the time reserved for the medium in RTS/CTS is stored. |
open system authentication | The process of a station sending an association request frame to an AP to be accepted into the WLAN. |
passive scanning | A process in which a station changes to the different channels that it supports and listens for a beacon frame for a set period of time. |
peer-to-peer | A wireless network that does not use an AP. |
PLCP Protocol Data Unit (PPDU) | A data unit that is created by adding a header and other information to it. |
PLCP Service Data Unit (PSDU) | The result of the PMDU sent to the PLCP sublayer. |
Point Coordination Function (PCF) | The IEEE 802.11 optional polling function. |
Point Coordination Function IFS (PIFS) | An interframe space used by a device to access the medium after it has been asked and then given approval to transmit. |
polling | A channel access method in which each device is polled or asked in sequence if it wants to transmit. |
Protocol Data Unit (PDU) | A unit of data that will be sent to the peer protocol layer at the receiving device instead of that being sent to a lower layer level. |
Reduced IFS (RIFS) | An interframe space that is used by 802.11n devices to reduce the amount of “dead space” required between OFDM transmissions. |
Request to Send/Clear to Send (RTS/CTS) | An optional IEEE 802.11 channel access method that reserves the medium for a period of time. |
roaming | The movement between cells. |
RTS threshold | Transmitted short data packets without RTS/CTS. |
Service Data Unit (SDU) | A specific unit of data that has been passed down from a higher OSI layer to a lower layer but has not yet been encapsulated by that lower layer. |
Service Set Identifier (SSID) | A logical network name that is a unique identifier to differentiate WLANs. |
shared key authentication | The process of a station encrypting text in order to be accepted into the WLAN. |
Short IFS (SIFS) | An interframe space used for immediate response actions such as ACK and has the highest level of priority. |
slot time | The amount of time that a station must wait after the medium is clear. |
transmission opportunities (TXOP) | The process of scheduling access to the channel by allocating to the stations. |
virtual carrier sensing | An optional polling IEEE 802.11 channel access method. |
wireless distribution system (WDS) | A distribution system that provides services through a wireless infrastructure. |