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Luke Chapter 24
Question | Answer |
After Jesus was placed in the tomb, when did the women take the spices they had prepared to the tomb? 24:1 | On the first day of the week, very early in the morning |
When the women took the spices they had prepared to the tomb, what did they find? 24:2 | They found the stone rolled away from the tomb but they did not find Jesus' body |
After the two women had entered Jesus' tomb, what did they see? 24:4 | Two men in clothes that gleamed like lightning |
When the two women entered the tomb in which Jesus had been laid and found He was not there, two men appeared to them. What did they ask the women? 24:5 | "Why do you look for the living among the dead?" |
Who told the eleven about Jesus being raised from the dead? 24:10 | Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of Jesus |
When the women told the apostles and disciples what they had seen at Jesus' tomb how did the apostles and disciples react? 24:11 | They did not believe the women |
After the eleven had been told about Jesus being raised from the dead, what did Peter do? 24:12 | He got up and ran to the tomb |
According to Luke 24:15, two of them were going to Emmaus. They were talking about everything that had happened. Who came up and walked with them? 24:15 | Jesus |
The two disciples that Jesus walked with on the road to Emmaus asked Jesus to stay with them and He did. When He was at the table with them He took bread, gave thanks, broke it and gave it to them. What happened at this time? 24:31 | Their eyes were opened and they recognized Him and He disappeared from their sight |
After Jesus revealed Himself to the two disciples that had walked with Him on the road to Emmaus, what did they do? 24:33 | They got up and returned at once to Jerusalem |
When the disciples were talking about Jesus appearing to the men on the road to Emmaus, who suddenly stood among them? 24:36 | Jesus |
After Jesus had risen and appeared before the disciples in Jerusalem, who did they think He was? 24:37 | A ghost |
What did Jesus tell His disciples to do when He appeared among them after He had risen from the tomb? 24:39 | To touch Him |
After Jesus appeared to the disciples in Jerusalem, He said to them that He would still be with them. He said that everything must be fulfilled that is written about Him in what? 24:44 | The Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms |
Jesus said that everything must be fulfilled that is written about Him. What did He then do so the disciples could understand the scriptures? 24:45 | He opened their minds |
After Jesus had opened the disciples' minds so they could understand the scriptures, He told them that this is what is written; that the Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on what day? 24:46 | Third |
When Jesus had led His disciples out to the vicinity of Bethany, what did He do? 24:50 | He lifted up HIs hands and blessed them |
According to Luke 24:50-51, Jesus lifted up His hands and blessed His disciples. While He was blessing them, what happened? | He left them and was taken up into heaven |
In Luke 24:52, after Jesus ascended into heaven, what did His disciples do? | They worshipped Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy |
After Jesus had ascended into heaven, what did His disciples do? 24:33 | They stayed continually at the temple, praising God |