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Stack #183937

Formulas for Calming the Spirit

Suan Zao Ren Tang (sour jujube decoction) action nourish blood & calm shen, clear heat & ease irritability
Suan Zao Ren Tang (sour jujube decoction) indication irritability & insomnia d/t LR blood xu can't nourish Heart spirit
Suan Zao Ren Tang (sour jujube decoction) ingredients suan zao ren(c)15-18g, fu ling(may sub w/fu shen), chuan xiong, zhi mu, gan cao
Ding Zhi Wan (settle the emotions pill) AF of Suan Zao Ren - action opens orifice, expel phlegm, communication between HT & KI - for HT Qi Xu causing easily frightened, palpitations, insomnia.
Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan (emperor of heaven's special pill to tonify HT) - action & indication nourish Yin & clear heat, tonify blood & calm spirit; empty fire - more Yin xu than Blood Xu
Tian Wang Bu Xin Dan (emperor of heaven's special pill to tonify HT) chief herb sheng di huang - nourish yin, tonify blood, clear heat
Gan Mai Da Zao Tang (licorice wheat & jujube decoction) indication Zang Zao=restless organ disorder (multiple organ deficiency) caused by HT & LR Yin blood Xu
Gan Mai Da Zao Tang (licorice wheat & jujube decoction) action nourish MJ to nourish all Zang Fu; mild effect > combine w/other formulas
Gan Mai Da Zao Tang (licorice wheat & jujube decoction) ingredients xiao mai(c) - nourish HT & LR, calms spirit, gan cao & da zao
Zhu Sha An Shen Wan (cinnabar pill to calm the spirit)- ingredients zhu sha(c), huang lian, sheng di huang, dang gui, gan cao
Alternate chief of Zhu Sha An Shen Wan(cinnabar pill to calm the spirit) and why? zhu sha is toxic. Alternate chief = huang lian or long gu&mu li; shi jue ming; zhen zhu mu.
Zhu Sha An Shen Wan cinnabar pill to calm the spirit) - indication Blazing HT firew/Yin & Blood deficiency - irritability, insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, palpitations.
Sheng Tie Luo Yin (iron filings decoction) chiefs & indication sheng tie luo & zhu sha; manic behavior d/t phlegm fire agitating HT - acute onset, restless agitation, extreme emotional instability.
Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang (bupleurum + dragon bone & oyster shell)action; classical & modern useage harmonize Shaoyang, purge heat, sedate & calm spirit; classical - all 3 Yang stage diseases; modern - manic behavior (energy raising up)
Created by: lgood
Popular Acupuncture sets




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