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Computer History


Inventor Invention
Blaise Pascal Invented a mechanical calculating device called Pascaline 2 sisters, born: June 19, 1623
Gottfried Babbage 1792-1871 Created an invention called Analytical Engine-calculating machine tgat used punched cards to store some information in 1842. Created in 1842.
Herman Hollerith 1860-1929 Invented the tabulating machine in 1890. Used electricity instead of gears to perform calculations. He dies from a heart attack in November 17, 1929
John Atanasoff 1903-1995 Clifford Berry 1918-1963 (ABC)(1939) used binary number system used in computers today. Contains 100's of vacuum tubes.
Mark 1-1944 Over 51 feet long and weighed over 5 tons, ASCC (automatic sequence controlled calculator) the first large scale automcatic digital computer
John Mauchly 1907-1980 J. Presper Eckert 1919-1995 both worked in ENIAC (electrical numerical integration and calculator) in 1946. solves mathematical faster:John Mauchly Originally a military project that was "top secret": J. Presper Eckert
Alan Turing 1912-1954 Developed idea of a universal machine in the late 30's and 40's. Called the Turing Machine. The "Enigma" he was proud ot be and wanted to defend his rights. committed suicide, he was a distant runner, Born: December 28,1903
Jon von Neumann 1903-1957 Could dide numbers in his mind at the age f 6. built the EDVAC with Mauchly & Eckert in 1947. Inspired the construction of EDSAC in 1949.
Transistor (adapter) invented in 1947 by William Shockley, John bardeen and Walter Britain. one transistor replaced many tubes making computers smaller, less expensive and reliable.
Grace Murray Hopper 1906-1992 received 47 honorary awards designed COBOL, a programming language. 1st programmer for mark 1.
Jack Kilby 1923-2005 developed the 1st integrated circuit in 1958. invented the 1st hand held calculator. studied electrical engineering.
William Gates III October 28, 1951 sounder of Microsoft Corporation Owner of Portland Trail Balzers
Thomas Knoll John Knoll Software engineers. creators of Adobe Photoshop 1988.
Charles Babbage 1792-1871 analytical egine-calculating machine that used punches cards to store information in 1842. chief collaborator was Ada Bryon 1815-1852
Paul Allen Jan. 21, 1951 Co-founder of Microsoft corporation Owner of Portland Trail Blazers
AR Panet 1951 got his PH.D in chicago established: 1969 during cold war purpose: flow into millitary installations, developed top secrets systems and weapon during cold war
Created by: _rfmorgan13
Popular Computers sets




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