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You Gotta Know These Scales

Kelvin Scale Temperature Scale based on the triple point of water
triple point Water's solid, liquid, and gaseous phases can co-exist in equilibrium at this point
Celsius Scale Swedish Scientist developed this scale based on the freezing and boiling temperature of water at a pressure of 1 atm
Mach number The ratio of the speed of an object to the speed of sound in the same medium
Mach 2 Moving at 2 times the speed of sound in dry air
Decibel Measure of the intensity of sound waves on a logarithmic scale. 1/10 of a bel (named for Alexander Graham Bell)
pH scale Power of Hydrogen scale developed by Sorensen. IT =-log(sub)10[H+]. Greater concentrations of protons respond to lower values.
Richter scale Logarithmic scale measuring earthquake intensity (shaking intensity) or the energy released. It has been superseded by the moment magnitude scale
Beaufort Scale Zero to 12 scale measuring wind speed. 0 - less than 1 knot = calm winds; 2 - 6 = breezes; 7 - 10 = gales; 11 = storm (violent storm) 12 = hurricane force winds
Fujita-Pearson or Enhanced Fujita scales (EF) Scale measuring tornado strength. EF5 winds begin at 200 mi/h
Mohs scale Scale measuring minerals' abilities to scratch one another (hardness). Diamond (10) is about 1600 times harder than talc (1)
Pauling scale Scale measuring electronegativity. Fluorine has the highest at 4.0 and Francium is the lowest at 0.7
Electronegativity Attraction of atoms for electrons in chemical bonds. Noble Gases have no assigned values.
Mercalli or Modified Mercalli Scale Seismic scale that measures or describes an earthquakes intensity by its effects on the earth's surface
anemometer instrument measuring wind speed
hygrometer instrument measuring relative humidity (a psychrometer is a type)
barometer instrument measuring atmospheric pressure
electron affinity The amount of ENERGY released when an electron attaches to an atom (when an atom gains an electron)
element with the greatest electronegativity fluorine
element with the least electronegativity francium
Created by: gkarlish
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