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Science Firsts

Notes from Science Firsts textbook.

ScientistKnown For
Thales (c.624 B.C.--c.547 B.C) Thought all things came from water. Brought geometry and astronomy to Greece.
Anaximander (c.610 B.C--c.546 B.C.) First to depict inhabited Earth on a chart. Evolutionary theory: all land animals evolved from fish-like ancestors. Earth floats freely; cylindrical.
Pythagoras (c.570 B.C.--c.490 B.C.) Thought numbers were divine; all things made up of numbers. Central Fire.
Leucippus Discovered the atom.
Aristotle (384 B.C.--322 B.C.) First to attempt classification and understanding of living things; biology.
Aristarchus (c.310 B.C.--c.230 B.C.) Made first mathematically sound attempt at measuring the cosmos. Geocentric model. Bowl-shaped sundial; skaphe.
Archimedes (287 B.C.--212 B.C.) Invented war devices; catapult. Discoveries in math and geometry.
ibn al-Haitham (c.965--c.1040) Islamic mathematician, theorist, experimenter. Claimed objects emanated light.
Copernicus (1473--1543) Heliocentric model. Circular orbits.
Galileo Galilei (1564--1642) First to observe sunspots, rotation of Sun, mountains and depressions on moon, Jupiter's moons. Proved heliocentric model. Designed thermometer, geometric and military compass. Founded scientific study of motion and gravity.
Johannes Kepler (1571--1630) Laws of planetary motion. Elliptical orbits.
Antony van Leeuwenhoek (1632--1723) First to see one-celled plants and animals, bacteria, blood cells, spermatozoa; animalcules. Observed circulation. Improved microscopes.
Isaac Newton (1642--1727) Differential calculus. Three laws of motion. Theory of universal gravitation.
Joseph Priestley (1733--1804) Contributions to language, history, theology, education, natural philosophy. Had one of the best-equipped chemical labs in the world. Generated air; "dephlogisticated air." Discovered photosynthesis.
Humphry Davy (1778--1829) Discovered six chemical elements. Developed anesthetic; nitrous oxide ("laughing gas"). Discovered elements cannot be decomposed by chemical reactions. Invented miner's safety lamp.
Charles Babbage (1792--1852) Difference Engine (failed). Analytical Engine (incomplete). Worked with Ada Lovelace.
Ada Byron Lovelace (1815--1852) Created first program. Worked with Charles Babbage.
Charles Darwin (1809--1882) Theory of evolution; natural selection.
Gregor Mendel (1822--1884) Laws of heredity.
Dmitri Mendeleev (1834--1907) Periodic law; periodic table of the elements. Economic development of Russia.
Marie Curie (1867--1934) Discovered the elements polonium and radium. First woman to win a Nobel Prize.
Max Planck (1858--1947) Discovered quantum physics.
Guglielmo Marconi (1874--1937) Wireless communication; telegraphy. First to send wireless signals across the Atlantic. Used long-wave, then short wavelengths.
Created by: UtauxIkuto
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