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PBHS 20C Afrcan Ldrs

20th Century African Leaders

took power in coup in UGANDA in 1971 while PM Milton Obote was out of the country? Idi Amin
Death squads--Public Safety Unit and State Research Bureau. Idi Amin
Allowed Palestinian hijackers to land captured Air France plane at ENTEBBE Airport in 1976 Idid Amin
Fled to Saudi Arabia in the 1979 invasion by Tanzania Idi Amin
Little Green Book, a collection of his ideas and pan-Arabist ideology Gaddafi
Leader of Libya, 1969-2011 Gaddafi
"Free Officers Movement" overthrew King Idris I in 1969 putting him in power Gaddafi
Blamed for Pan Am Flight 103 down over Scotland killing 270 people Gaddafi
Leader of the Kikuyu fought for control of Kenya IN Mau Mau rebellion in the 1950s Kenyatta
1964, Kenya' first president Kenyatta
His slogan was "harambee"--Swahili for "all pull together" Kenyatta
Came to power during the "Congo Crisis--led to plane crash death of UN gen. secretary Dag Hammerskjold Mobutu Sese Seko
Changed country's name from Congo to Zaire Mobutu Sese Seko
Gaddafi "governed" this country Libya
Idi Amin was President of Uganda
Where was the Mau Mau Rebellion? Kenya
First democratically elected President of SA Mandela
Mandela shared a Nobel Peace Prize with (F.W.) de Klerk
Emperor of Ethiopia 1930 - 1974 Haile Selassie
The military government that replaced Selassie was the Derg (He was overthrown after a severe famine)
He was exiled to England by Italian fascist forces Selassie
Selassie is considered a sacred and messianic figure in this movement Rastafarian
Leader of Egypt, 1954-1970; nationalized the Suez Canal Nasser
President of United Arab Republic, short-lived federation of Egypt and Syria Nasser
Last president of S.A. under apartheid de Klerk
Created by: gkarlish
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